Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Lisa and Skippy Sitting in a Tree...

... K-I-S-S-I-N-G!

Well, okay, maybe not quite kissing, but you can be sure that these two political peas are VERY close these days.  Why?  Because Trustee Lisa Manzella is the latest target of a recall by an angry township resident upset with Manzella's conduct in office.

Immediately after learning that she was the target of recalls, Manzella told newspapers that she would have no comment, and then proceeded to comment (in a written statement) that she has hired "legal counsel" - at least that she what she wants us to believe.

What probably REALLY happened in this scenario is that Manzella, nervous about being kicked out of office, called her good friend and political mentor Skip Maccarone (who is an attorney) seeking assistance.  And of course Skip, being the kind and generous person we all know that he is (tongue firmly planted in cheek) offered to help poor old Lisa.

If there is anyone on the Board of Trustees who deserves to be recalled from office, it is definitely Lisa Manzella.  She has been running around the township spreading lies and malicious rumors about people for quite some time now.  Recently, she has been bragging that she is the only township official without a recall "issue" to contend with.

Well guess what?  Seems as though this particular recall has hit a sore point.  On November 30, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. Manzella took to her Facebook page (her social media of choice for spreading lies and misinformation) and declared "the gloves are off."

Um ... hey Lisa ... is the threat of taking off your gloves supposed to scare us?

Beyond the recall situation, the much larger issue is Trustee Lisa Manzella's double-dealings with township residents.  We say "double dealings" because while she tells her handful of Facebook friends and the press that she cares about what we say, in practice Manzella has demonstrated that she really doesn't give a damn about the people - except when it advances her politics or boosts her ego.  While some call Manzella's antics "politics as usual" others see her actions as the worst kind of politician: one who uses people for their own selfish purposes.

Manzella's reluctance to listen to the people is well known.  In fact, some people have said just the thought of public input nauseates Manzella to no end.  Given her actions and statements as Trustee, we tend to agree.  Lisa Manzella could really care less about what the people think, because she is of the mindset that she is right, and everyone else is "misinformed."

Hmmm...where have we heard this before?  Oh yes, when Skip Maccarone was the tyrant of Shelby.

When Skip was running the township his way, Manzella was a loyal servant and cheerleader.

• When Skip Maccarone wanted to spend $20 million for a police/court building, Manzella offered to chair the committee to build that over-priced "justice center."

• When Skip unveiled his plan (in February of 2005) to spend $30 million more for his "campus" of new buildings (that our township could not afford) - including a new recreation center, library, township pool, parks and recreation building, new cable television studio, and a township-run radio station (among other things) - Manzella was the first township official to publicly support it.

• When Skip decided to force this massive spending plan down our throats without a public vote, Manzella jumped on the "no public vote" for bonds bandwagon.

• When Skip told us not to worry, that he could spend $50 million (or more) for things without having any impact on the township, Lisa Manzella bought that BS hook, line and sinker.

Can you imagine what our township's financial condition would be today if Skip's dream (nightmare) was built?  Can you say "massive tax hike?"

Why was Lisa Manzella so beholden to Maccarone and his grand spending plan?  More on that later...

Recently, Manzella (in an obvious attempt to rewrite history) has been trying to make us believe that she supports the people.  She talks a good game, just like those liberals in Congress who always say they are on our side, until they have to choose a side.  Then, their true colors emerge.

Since taking office, Supervisor Rick Stathakis has made it a point of inviting residents into "priority meetings" to help guide township programs and activities.  The Supervisor said the point of these meetings is to gain greater insights, ideas and advice for the township.  The priority meetings serve as a way for residents to interact with their elected officials and have a greater voice in township decisions.  So far, these meetings have worked well and set realistic priorities which the Board of Trustees has addressed.  It is worth noting that Shelby Township is one of the very few communities in Michigan (indeed across the country) which involves residents in one-on-one sessions like this.

You would think that, given the public's concern about government, all elected officials would welcome these meetings and embrace the opportunity to engage with people on priorities for our township.  Thankfully, most Shelby Trustees agree - and we salute those who see the value in public meetings like this.

However, by contrast, Shelby Trustee Lisa Manzella spits on public input.  She has declared that she will not attend these meetings, because she has other more important commitments.  As Lisa Manzella sees it, when it comes time to listen to the people she has better things to do.

What shocked us is that Manzella actually used her Facebook page to announce that she will not attend these annual priority meetings.  It is one thing to have an excuse for not attending, but quite another to be so brazen in her condemnation of these meetings.

Here is what Manzella wrote on her Facebook page about these meetings in an exchange with another township resident.   We apologize for the typos in this exchange, but unfortunately some people don't take the time to spell check their rants before clicking "send".

Barbara Kiel  Question: saw little blurb in Free press that shelby was holding public meeting on wed( no date) in municipal board room to discuss Twp priorities for 2011. The second meeting will be at Cherry Creek on wed Dec 7(?) 7pm. I checked twp website for more info and could not find it. Do you have more info about this? I will email Rick as well.  
November 26 at 2:24pm

Lisa Manzella  yes, email rick. its his "annual proirity meeting" dog and pony show. I will not be going, fortunately I have other commitments those nites. He sounded a little desperate to get people to attend at the last Board meeting!
November 26 at 2:49pm

As you can see, Manzella never misses an opportunity for a snide or backhanded comment, even to a simple request from a resident seeking information about public meetings.  

What is Lisa Manzella's problem?  Does anyone know?  Surely there must be a psychlogical disorder to explain this?  Perhaps the bitterness from the last election (when Shelby Township voters wisely kicked her spending buddy Skip Maccarone out of office by a historic 70%-to-30% margin) still lingers?

We applaud Supervisor Stathakis for wanting to hear from the people.  It is just too bad that politicians like Lisa Mazella are so jaded that they see evil in everything.  It has gotten so bad that making an announcement urging residents to show up and make their voices heard is deemed by Manzella as "desperate."  She also sees this as the Supervisor's priority meeting?  Well, all we can say is that Lisa Manzella truly has a warped view of her duties and priorities as a public official.
Hopefully, the 2011 priority meetings will be well attended.  It would be great for democracy if the rooms were packed.  This way, instead of just complaining when politicians make the "wrong" decisions, residents can actually be part of the discussion about the "right" priorities for our township.

We are facing some very tough times right now.  This is why it is crucial that Shelby Township residents make their voices heard and attend these meetings.  While Trustee Lisa Manzella may frown on public priority meetings as a "desperate" tactic, we see things differently.  We appreciate being given the opportunity to have a say in what our township should be doing.   After all, we are paying the bills.

Given Manzella's hatred for public input, we're glad that she has opted not to attend.  In light of her attitude, it is highly doubtful she would add anything positive to these meetings anyway.  

Until next time...

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Pretenders Beware - We Are the REAL Voice of Shelby Township!

Free speech is a fantastic right we enjoy as Americans.  Republicans, Democrats and Independents all enjoy the right to say what we want (within reason) without fear of retaliation.

In our democracy, you are free to be as informed and educated as necessary on the topics and issues you speak about.  You are also free to be as ill-informed and ignorant as you want.  Being a moron has as much protection under the U.S. Constitution as does being Nobel Prize recipient.

One way of circulating ideas, thoughts, opinions, criticisms and gripes in the 21st Century is via the Internet.  And today, thanks to the awesome power of the Internet, a valuable tool of choice for those of us who are passionate about the freedom of speech is the use of web logs like this.  More commonly known as BLOGS.

Rest assured that the writers who coordinate the ideas and insights for The Inside Out live throughout our township.  We are long-time residents, and new residents.  We all share a common ideal: standing up for Shelby Township.  We oppose those seeking to destroy people or tear down our township for the sake of political aspirations.  We reject big spending politicians who will bankrupt our township or force higher taxes on the people.  We also believe, unlike some in our township, that the Board of Trustees is doing a very good job.  Remember, the times in which we live and the conditions that are being imposed on us are a result of poor leadership at the state level.  Shelby Township, when compared to other communities, is far ahead of any in terms of economic health and financial security.

Despite all the steps that Supervisor Rick Stathakis and the Board of Trustees have taken over the last two years to scale back township spending, does this mean Shelby Township is out of the woods?  No, and most people in our township recognize this.  The number of foreclosures combined with falling incomes poses serious challenges to families and to our township.

Yet some people, still fuming over being thrown out of power two years ago, have decided to throw stones and mud.  They have decided that the best way to advance their agenda is through innuendo, smears and lies.  Their antics remind us a lot of out-of-control children who act up out of frustration because they don't know what else to do.  They throw tantrums just to get attention.

One group has even launched a gripe-session they like to call a blog.  These people falsely claim to be the Voice of Shelby.  Oh sure anyone can claim that they speak for the majority of residents, much like a used car salesman can claim that 15-year-old junker “runs like new.”  The reality, however, is that these people do NOT speak for the majority of people in our township.  They speak for a small, politically-motivated clan full of hubris and hungry for power.

So who is actually behind this allegedly "anonymous" blog calling itself the Voice of Shelby.  Some ordinary township residents???  Far from it.  Once we were alerted to this blog we did a little research and discovered some interesting facts.

First, we did a Google search of "The Voice of Shelby."  Interestingly enough what popped up among the many results was a website with the title: Theresa Toia is the Voice of Shelby.  This was a site she created for her 2010 County Commission race.  Theresa Toia ... the Voice of Shelby?  No, it can't be that easy can it?

We did a little more poking around on the Internet and found the smoking gun.  There, on our computer screen right before our eyes was a Facebook page which told the whole story.  Click on the first link to make it larger so you can see for yourself.  

On Theresa Toia's County Commission Facebook page was a posting at the top, dated August 17th, 2010 which exposed everything.  It was a message to Toia’s followers (written after her defeat for County Commissioner) and it said:  “Thanks for your support.  We have transformed the website, come check out our new digs!”  Then, right below that was a link to the Voice of Shelby blog.


Just to have a little fun, we had one of our writers log onto the Voice of Shelby and leave a comment exposing Theresa Toia as the author of the blog.  A short while later that comment had been deleted and our writer was blocked from posting there again.

There was also this posting on Theresa Toia's website for her County Commissioner race, posted on July 7, 2010 at 11:02 p.m:
Theresa Toia for Macomb County Commissioner (District 6) “Hi Friends! When you have a moment, check out my website!”

When you click on the link provided, you are directed to....drum roll please...the Voice of Shelby.

Coincidence?  The Toia group wants you to think so.  But thinking people everywhere can clearly see the direct connection.

Hey Theresa - WE GOT YOU!

While professing to welcome all viewpoints, any opinions that run counter to theirs, or which threaten to expose the real games these people are playing, are unwelcome additions to their site.  As Toia and her clique seek it, democracy is great just as long as everyone agrees with their view of life.

Just for the fun of it we clicked the link and went to their blog.  We were interested to see what Toia's group had to say.  No much, really.  The blog reads like the rantings of a bitter politician who has been rejected by the people.  Given that Mrs. Toia is a two-time loser for County Commissioner, her bitterness toward other elected officials makes sense.  The site is little more than an hate site aimed at Supervisor Stathakis and other Board members.  However, this "Voice" is silent on any criticism of Clerk Terri Kowal or Trustee Lisa Manzella. Why?  Because Kowal and Manzella are friends, and campaign supporters, of Theresa Toia?

We have included a graphic of the Voice of Shelby blog.  What we find interesting is a Facebook comment posted on this site from Clerk Terri Kowal.  Right there, in black and white, is an entry from her dated September 28, 2010.  That was a Tuesday (a working day) and the time of her notation to the "Voice" was 3:28 p.m.  Hmm....doesn't Mrs. Kowal work on Tuesdays at 3:28 p.m.?  Township taxpayers are paying her salary and yet she has time to spend on politically-motivated sites like this?  Is this what Mrs. Kowal gets paid for?  Since Mrs. Kowal obviously enjoys surfing the internet during township time, taxpayers wonder what other websites she visits on our dime?

So what is really going on here?  It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out.

Theresa Toia, and her friends like Lisa Manzella, Skip Maccarone and others, are already engaged in a campaign of deception.  Why?  Because they need a job - and more to their point they desire POWER.  These people are really all about power.  They will say anything to try and convince the people that they want what is best for us.  But is that really the case?

If Theresa Toia and her kind really believe in what is good for Shelby Township residents:
• They would support the current Board that has cut spending dramatically compared to the last Supervisor.  But they will not.
• They would understand how smaller township government, especially during these times, is better for all of us.  But they do not.
• They would recognize how the Board has saved hundreds of thousands of dollars at a time when people in our township are hurting.  But they constantly do not.
• They would recognize that forcing people to pay millions and millions for a “campus” without a public vote was disgraceful.  But they do not.
• They would realize that a majority of Shelby residents are satisfied with the our elected township officials.  But that will NEVER do that. 

Instead, their die hard refusal to accept the will of the people in 2008 lingers like a fart in an elevator.  They have even backed repeated recall attempts to create chaos and lead people to think that the Board that we elected, and that is working for US, is bad.  Their tricks aren't working, because the people see through it all and understand the political dynamics at play here.

So we have a two-time loser for County Commissioner, Theresa Toia, reacting in a way she hopes will connect with people.  There is little doubt that she will connect with like-minded people in her little circle, but her ability to connect with the rest of us is doubtful.  Remember, she couldn't connect as a candidate for County Commissioner - and she had two opportunities to try it.

Probably what is really happening is that Theresa Toia has her eyes set on yet another campaign.  Perennial candidates like her just keep on going.  Perhaps a race for Shelby Township Supervisor?  This might explain why, shortly after losing her County Commissioner race, Mrs. Toia transformed her “new digs” into a website which aims her hate and anger toward Shelby’s Board of Trustees.  Or, at least those Trustees who are not her Facebook buddies.

This could explain why the Toia clan is incessantly attacking Supervisor Rick Stathakis.  These people love to bitch about “negative campaigning” but they are always the first to resort to nasty attacks and negative nonsense to advance their own hate-filled agenda.  Their blog claims that they are an “independent voice for our community” but given her obvious political connections, Mrs. Toia is NOT independent.  She is but one of a group of politically-motivated, self-obsessed people eager to take power back from the people.

Imagine if you will (Twilight Zone music playing) ... if Theresa Toia does get herself elected Supervisor, she could reappoint her husband to the Planning Commission (he resigned from the commission last year).  She could appoint her friends and political supporters to other positions of influence.  And (the kicker) she could hire her close, personal friend and political adviser, Skip Maccarone, as the Shelby Township attorney.

Talk about the ultimate nightmare.  God help Shelby Township if this scenario comes to fruition!

Until next time...

Friday, October 15, 2010

What’s Really Behind All These Ridiculous Recalls?

DEMOCRACY IS FANTASTIC!  It give each of us the freedom and opportunity to participate and vote for people we believe have our best interests at heart.  It also gives people the power to remove elected officials who have forgotten that they work for us.

Shelby Township voters kicked out Skip Maccarone and his big-spending "vision" for our township back in 2008.  We did so for good reason.  Skip's ideas would have dumped $50 million in new spending on the backs of taxpayers, at a time when median family income in the township was falling by 26%.  That figure comes from a Detroit News report that we have covered previously.

Maccarone's plan would most certainly have bankrupted our township — or at the very least forced huge tax increases on residents who have already seen their personal incomes fall and foreclosures skyrocket.  In Skip's world, just go ahead and spend and spend and spend - and we'll figure out how to pay for it later.  The people said no and told Skip he should go!

Residents were stunned that Maccarone (backed by Trustee Lisa Manzella) would take an insane position that the people have no right to vote on whether we should be forced to pay back $50 million in bonds for new spending.  As they saw it, the politicians know best and the flock should just trust them to do what is right for us.  Yeah, right!  This political overreach and arrogance is what finally sealed Skip's fate.

Today, some ill-informed people are going around complaining that Maccarone was defeated by a campaign of lies.  To some extent these people are correct.  It was a series of lies that ultimately led to Skip's political downfall:
 • Skip's LIE that Shelby Township was not facing any financial difficulties, even though forecasts showed a financial storm brewing.
• Skip's LIE that the people's voice doesn't matter when it comes to spending money, because we are all just members of a "peanut gallery" anyway.
• Skip's LIE that we could easily spend $50 million for a "campus" without new taxes.
• Skip's LIE that a $20 million justice center is required to maintain order and protect residents from all the evil criminals running rampant on our streets.

So those people who are sobbing about Maccarone being defeated by "lies" are right in one respect.  However, the lies that beat Skip came directly from his own lips.

Since losing their grasp on power, the losers from 2008 have been working nearly around the clock to get back into power.  They are spreading lies and rumors.  They have started a blog to boost their ego and try to keep their handful of followers connected -  one that claims to be the so-called Voice of Shelby Township.  Finally, in a clear act of desperation these people have even pulled the "recall threat" out of their bag of dirty tricksEditor's note: We've done our research about this so-called Voice of Shelby blog and will expose the person behind this in a future column.  

Are we suggesting that nasty revenge politics and petty personal agendas are what is driving the recall madness in our township?   If we did, would that surprise you?

Think about it.  Politics is the only thing that seems to make sense.  Elected officials vote and those who disagree with their vote are lashing out.  They pack the Board meeting hall to try and muscle their way and intimidate township officials.  When they lose, they lash out again and race to file recall petitions, all the while receiving aid, comfort and behind-the-scenes assistance from the very people who lost in 2008.  It all makes sense.  In fact, it's the ONLY thing that does make sense.

What these recall advocates don't realize is that they are falling into a trap.  These ordinary "residents" are plucked from obscurity and instructed to send recall petitions to the Macomb County Election Commission.  Don't bother reading them, just send them in.  Why?  So the newspapers will write about the recalls to try and strike fear into the hearts and minds of our elected officials.

As long-time Shelby Township residents, we applaud those Board members who have been the targets of this ridiculous routine for standing their ground and not caving into these attacks.  The antics of a few misinformed people carrying the water for political hacks with a vendetta are bothersome, but in the long run these people are nothing more than a political nuisance.

Whenever stories about recalls appear in print, we appreciate how reporters make it a point to say that the Election Commission doesn't consider the validity, or truthfulness, of the petitions.  Their only job is to make sure the wording on these petitions is clear.  Are words spelled correctly?  Does the sentence make sense?  Is the punctuation right?  As long as this criteria is met, nothing else matters.

Okay, so think about it like this.
• Some resident, at the behest of someone else, could file a petition seeking to recall a township Board member for masquerading as a human when in fact he or she is a reptile from an alien planet (yes, much like the TV show "V").  As long as the language is clear and understandable to the average person, it would be approved.
• A petition could seek to recall a township official for voting to increase taxes even though taxes actually decreased.   Just as long as people could read it and understand it, the petition would be approved.
• Someone, acting on the advice of a shadow politician, could seek to recall a Board member for believing the world is flat, or the sky is pink, and as long as the petition is readable and clear, the Election Commission would give their thumbs up.

Just imagine being forced to spend money on such outlandish schemes because someone wanted to try and score some political points.  What would you think about forcing us to pay tens of thousands of our tax dollars for a recall election based on blatantly false statements?  Yet that is what some people are trying to do.

Democracy is one thing.  But making a mockery out of the democratic process, as these people are doing with their persistent chants of recall, is quite another.

Last year, when the first ridiculous recalls reared their ugly head, we came across a definition of RECALL that we found both humorous and interesting:

Effort to
Anomosity by

Some resident, wise to what is really going on in our township, used this acronym to accurately characterize how he or she felt about the weirdness making waves across the township.

Previous recall drives against Shelby township officials have failed.  Why?  Was it because the people put up as the face of the recall movement didn't believe in what they were told to believe in by someone else?  Could it be that their anger did not connect with ordinary taxpayers who see the many good things our township elected officials are doing?  Or could it be that the recall was little more than a publicity stunt?  What do you think?

So what do these recall raiders really believe in?  What is their true motive?  Do they even know what they are doing?

The newest recall champion, resident Tom DeLies, has admitted that not only does he not know the township officials he is trying to recall, but moreover that he really doesn't care to know who our township officials are.

"I don't even know these guys," DeLies told the Macomb Daily in its September 28, 2010 edition.  Does DeLies not realize that Trustee Paula Filar, a woman, is one of the "guys" he is talking about?  Perhaps DeLies doesn't care about the facts of gender difference either.  Clearly, DeLies is the lead stand-up comedian in this newest sitcom.  DeLies and people like him are so blinded by the personal publicity that their recall frenzy is creating that they ignore the truth.  Perhaps it is because, as Jack Nicholson said in A Few Good Men, “You can't handle the truth!”

As we expected, DeLies’ recall petitions were rejected.  Surprise!  DeLies filed 19 petitions to try and kick five Board members out of office.  At the clarity hearing DeLies was slapped down by the Election Commission.  After being shown the door he said that he won't give up.  Instead, DeLies said he will try to figure out what the Commission wants.   Oh really?  He actually wants the Election Commission to tell him what he needs to do to get his stupid petitions approved?  Good luck dude!

Hey Tom, here's a suggestion...what about the truth?  Will that work?  What about a real reason for the recall, not some trumped up political attack?  Given his attitude, DeLies has demonstrated that he is a amateur stand-up comic - and his jokes stink!

Tom DeLies, like all residents, is fully entitled to his opinion.  He is free to hate anyone he wishes.  However, DeLies and his ilk are NOT entitled to their own set of facts.

Sorry...but DeLies will never trump De-Truth!

Yes, recalls are part of the democratic process.  They are genuinely American.  Nowhere else in the world can you find a process where a small minority of people, upset with someone for whatever reason, can file a petition (even one based on false information) to try and get rid of a duly-elected government official.  Shelby Township is not unique when it comes to recalls.  Disgruntled people everywhere have tried to push their view of "democracy" by attempting to kick people out of office.  More often than not the people pushing the recall button are those who lost an election and who are still stinging from that defeat.

Is that what is happening in Shelby Township today?  What do you think?

Finally, we leave you with this poem.  It tries to crawl inside the mind of a person bent on political recalls for the sake of recalls.  We hope you enjoy it, but more importantly we hope this sheds a little light into what is really going on.  Some people just don't get it - and probably never will.

Recalls and Revenge Politics

Recalls, recalls everywhere.
The only thing, they're just hot air.
Crazy people acting out,
Ranting and raving, with a baby pout.
Those who lost power just won't admit,
The people have spoken, so get over it.

Skippy and Lisa and their minions too,
Scheming and scamming, spiteful and blue.
All geeked up and ready to strike,
Against anyone and everyone they just don't like.

I hate your car.  I don't like your cat.
I despise your opinion.  I think you're fat.
I think you're a jerk.  I feel that you're wrong,
I'll keep this dumb recall thing going all day long.

If I don't have a reason, then I'll make something up,
Recalls are a great way to fill my blood cup.
I don't care about facts or even the truth,
To me those are like an abscessed tooth.

Whatever the reason, no matter how small,
I love to create chaos, so I'll start a recall.
Then the politicians will shudder, they'll shake and they'll quake,
From the vengeance and venom that spews from a snake.

Until next time...

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Lisa Manzella: Her Track Record in Her Own Words

Shelby Township Trustee Lisa Manzella likes to think of herself as THE "voice of the people."

No...really...she does.   We're not kidding!!

Really..........she has said that more than once (if you tell a lie often enough people might start to believe it).

Okay ... now that you have finished laughing hysterically at the outlandish notion of Manzella speaking for the majority of people in our township, let's move on!

Actually, to be fair, Lisa Manzella DOES have a voice - in fact, several contradictory voices depending on whom she talks to (or about) and what particular issue tickles her fancy at the moment.  However, there is one indisputable fact:  Lisa Manzella is more concerned with her personal agenda than with the interests of the people who pay her Trustee's salary.

One of our writers (a long-time township political observer) came up with this short poem which, as she said, accurately describes Manzella's tenure as Shelby Trustee:

Lisa Manzella talks as if she cares what we say, but then she turns her back on us and arrogantly walks away.  
She loves to spend our money and always follows the pack,
And when residents come forth to speak out, Manzella stands up and screams "HIJACK!"

Editor's note:  We will explain Manzella's hijack comment in a future post.  Then, you will see how this exposes her true feelings about residents who opt to exercise their First Amendment rights at Board of Trustees meetings.  Suffice it to say it was the most condescending statement made by a township elected official since the “peanut gallery” remark a decade ago.

Manzella tried to make a name for herself during the discussion a few years ago on the "justice center" proposed for the municipal grounds.  You remember ... that $20 million project that Supervisor Maccarone wanted to ram down our throats.  That misguided plan where he wanted to borrow millions of dollars from us through new bonds without any public involvement or a public vote.  That building that was just one part of a much larger $50 million campus project.

Lisa Manzella was Maccarone's number one cheerleader, not just for the "justice center" but for the entire $50 million campus.  As reported at the time, that campus included the justice center as well as a new library, new recreation center (which was rejected by the people at the ballot box), new cable television building, new parks and recreation building, a brand new township radio station (WRSM), a township pool and any other luxury item Maccarone could dream up.  You see, when the taxpayers are footing the bill, there is no end to what the politicians will spend.

When this project first came up, none of Manzella's cadre raised a voice in protest.  Why?  They were more than happy to let politicians borrow millions to build a shrine to themselves.  Why didn't these people rise up and complain about this massive spending?  Because they didn't want to rock Manzella's boat?  Because they didn't want to give Maccarone any bad publicity?  Or (like the closet liberals they really are) because they really wanted to get our township on the hook for millions in new spending, and the higher taxes that most surely would have followed?  Or were they blind to reality?

Now, in a vain attempt to try and reinvent herself, Manzella is talking like a fiscal "conservative."  She is telling people that she is the ONLY true conservative on the Board.

Nice try Lisa, but township residents outside Manzella's political circle aren't buying her snake oil.  Manzella talks about her concerns with spending, but that's all it is -- TALK.  Talk is cheap, and it is obvious that Lisa Manzella is a political cheapskate.

The real leader in cutting township spending has come from Supervisor Rick Stathakis.  At a time when Maccarone wanted to pile millions and millions of dollars in new spending on our backs, Mr. Stathakis pledged to cutting spending, improve township operations and make no cuts to vital public services.  Mr. Stathakis also pledged not to raise taxes, something that you NEVER heard from the other guy.  Strange isn't it?  Ever wonder why?

Supervisor Stathakis has kept his pledge to cut spending.  He has cut spending more in two years than the last guy did in eight years!  Mr. Stathakis has also protected vital township public services like police, fire and emergency medical response, and he is continuously working to make our township government more efficient.  Doing more with less - a financial mandate during these weak economic times - is not just talk for Supervisor Stathakis:  it is what he does when he goes to work for us everyday.  As he said, doing more with less is the "new norm" in our lives these days.

Supervisor Stathakis is a true conservative Republican, no question about it.  Anyone who says anything different doesn't know what he or she is talking about.

However, as we see it, Trustee Lisa Manzella is NOT a conservative.  No matter what she tries to convince people of today, by her past votes and actions she has proven that she is NOT a conservative.  Some residents even question whether Manzella is a true Republican or a 'geographical Republican."  What exactly is a geographical Republican?   A politician who uses the Republican label because it is a convenient way to get elected.  These people don't truly adhere to the Republican philosophy, except as a convenient crutch to get a taxpayer-funded job. 

Below are excerpts from what Trustee Manzella told newspaper reports about the 41-A District Court and her $20 million “Justice Center."   Is Lisa Manzella a liar?  That's not for us to judge.  We'll just give you the facts and let you decide.  Lisa Manzella

Macomb Daily - April 23, 2006
Sierawski and Chief Judge Maceroni to increase fines for traffic tickets an additional $5 per ticket.  That money then would go into the Court's building fund.

Trustee Lisa Manzella said she would have preferred a 100% increase above what the judges recommended.

"I thought $5 was a little light," Manzella said. “If we get to June and make some plans to break ground, maybe we can think about $10."


Macomb Daily - March 26, 2010
Shelby Township Trustee Lisa Manzella, who lobbied for construction of the justice center, predicted her township will feel the loss of the court for years, both in the decline of spillover business as well as the loss of prestige as court host.

"It's going to be devastating to Shelby in the long run," she said.


Macomb Daily - May 9, 2009
Trustee Lisa Manzella chaired the committee that studied the need for a new police station/district court building and made the original proposal for one structure to serve both functions.

Manzella said she favors sticking close to the original plan.

"We have to keep in mind that a building will eventually be paid off and be an asset to the township" she said.


The Source - August 24, 2008
At a June 17 meeting of the Shelby Township Board of Trustees, a panel of experts was invited to speak about the financial status of the township and whether the facility could be constructed using funds from the police and court departments. Discussion, however, was tabled in order to deal with a report that projected a deficit in the township general fund whether or not the center was build.

"It was said at that meeting that we would still be facing a deficit whether we built that building or not," said Manzella.

"Part of my job requires me to go to these government offices throughout Macomb County. When someone goes into Clinton Township or somewhere to pay their taxes, they see what they tax money is being used for. When they go into Shelby township to pay taxes, they don't see that," she said. "People in Shelby township deserve to have nice things."


Macomb Daily - December 20, 2007
Trustee Lisa Manzella, who headed a committee that studied the feasibility of the building, pointed out that three teams of experts reviewed the operation of the departments and concluded the planned building is of appropriate size and scope.

Manzella said that both interest rates and construction costs are low as companies compete for work.

"This is a great time for us to construct a building," Manzella said. "Some of the greatest buildings (in the nation) were built during the Depression. They put people to work."

Remember, Lisa was in charge of the Committee for a "justice center."  This explains why she remains passionate about supporting her own recommendation for an over-sized and over-priced building.

Macomb Daily, July 7, 2009
Initial plans called for a combined police/court building, at a cost of about $20 million. That plan is dead, but officials might consider a streamlined proposal for a court building.

Several board members, including Stathakis, campaigned on a promise to put the question to voters. That's the question the Board of Trustees is expected to address tonight.

"There is still a consensus the need is there," said 41A District Judge Douglas Shepherd. "But I wonder if it would pass on a vote. It seems to me that it would be difficult."

Several years ago, township voters turned thumbs down on a proposed millage to fund road improvements. In 2006, a ballot proposal to fund a recreation center also was turned down.

Following the defeat of those proposals, township elected officials haven't seriously discussed those issues again.

Trustee Lisa Manzella, who supports construction of a criminal justice center, fears the same fate for the court building if voters turn down the question.

"It will just die," she said.

Manzella also said elected officials should make the decision on the future of a court building.

"We were elected to do a job," she said. "We have to stand on our own two feet."


What Manzella

Macomb Daily, February 21, 2009

Nearly three years have passed since Shelby Township Trustee Lisa Manzella told her elected colleagues that construction of a new police station/district court building was a "necessity" for the township.

The first shovelful of dirt has yet to be turned, but Manzella hasn't changed her mind.

"I still believe and know we need this building," said Manzella, who headed a committee that studied the issue in 2005-2006.

"We did our homework," Manzella said. "We have (plans for) a building that's going to serve the community over the next 15 to 20 years."

And while everybody concedes the police department will have no trouble paying its share, questions continue as to whether the district court can meet its financial obligation.

Others wonder if the original ($20 million) plan might be too ambitious.

"Perhaps cutting back on extras and size will be a solution," [Clerk Terri] Kowal suggested.

For now, elected officials will focus on several intermediate steps before reaching a decision.

As far as Manzella is concerned, the answer is as clear today as it was three years ago.

"It's the right thing to do for the township," she said. "I don't think stalling the project is an option."


Macomb Daily -- July 8, 2007

A committee that included police and court officials and township Trustee Lisa Manzella recently reviewed a plan proposed by French and Associates, the firm hired by the township to design the building.

"We're pleased with what French and Associates did," said Manzella, who has pushed for construction of a building to house the police department as well as the 41A District Court.

While the board has acknowledged the need for construction of a new facility, critical questions remain unanswered. Those questions include the exact cost of the facility and when construction will begin. Previous estimates on the cost ranged from $20 million to $24 million.

Township elected officials have met several times over the past three years to discuss the building, but as of yet have made no firm commitments.

During a presentation she made in March 2006, Manzella urged her colleagues to move quickly to approve the structure.


Macomb Daily -- March 6, 2006
Construction of a new police station/district court complex is a "necessity and Shelby Township officials must commit to such a project promptly, a trustee who studied the issue said.

First-term Trustee Lisa Manzella, charged with investigating the police and court facilities, presented her findings and came up with a recommendation for her fellow board members at a special meeting.

Manzella's conclusion: Built it, and build it now.

"I firmly believe that this facility is a necessity," Manzella said.

Manzella enlisted CDPA Architects, a Southfield firm experienced in the construction of police and court facilities and Omega Development of Warren. She also visited several court and police buildings.

Together, Manzella's "team" came up with a recommendation to build a two-story, 89,000 square foot "justice center" to house both police and court operations at a cost of about $23 million.

Manzella pointed out that township officials discussed building a police and court building as far back as 1991, and "inaction over the years has been very expensive."

Maccarone has said repeatedly all of the construction could be funded through bond sales. "If the price tag is under $50 million, I still think we can do it without a tax increase," he said.

But some board members are skeptical and don't believe they should spend that much money without voter approval.


Lisa "the Liberal" Manzella has a rather strange way of looking at the world. As she sees things:
• Not forcing residents to pay $20 million for her "justice center" is more expensive than spending $20 million for a building that we couldn't afford?
• Not giving taxpayers a voice on bonding for millions of dollars is better for democracy than giving the people a voice?
• Building a police building that would bankrupt our township or force significantly higher taxes on everyone is more financially-sound that building a new police station we can afford and using money saved up in the bank to pay for it.

After all this, Lisa Manzella still has the audacity to call herself a servant of the people?

Public officials, by their nature, are open to public criticism. As President Truman once said, "if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen." Well, Manzella doesn't like the heat but wants to stand in the middle of the kitchen and give the orders.  Her newest complaint is that taxpayers who have never met her personally have no right to criticize her actions.  Well, since we are paying her salary then we have a democratic right to criticize.

Sorry Lisa. You are absolutely INCORRECT. We  have never personally met President Barack Obama, but since we pay his salary we are free to criticize his actions and decisions.  We have never met Governor Jennifer Granholm, but feel comfortable pointing out the faults in her miserable eight-year record in office.  If we apply Manzella's demented logic to the real world, then whenever politicians do something that we don't like, like maybe raise taxes, unless we have taken the time to sit down to a quiet dinner with them, or enjoy a cup of coffee, then we should just keep our mouths shut.

Is that a sane position for a township elected official, or any elected official for that matter, to take?

How can a public official, who loves to see herself quoted in the newspapers and on television, complain when taxpayers criticize her public comments, public actions and public votes?

Lisa Manzella's position is indefensible (and just plain stupid) and illustrates just how far out of the mainstream she truly is.  A voice of the people?  Not as far as we're concerned.

In conclusion, although there are other township blogs which claim to be the "voice" of Shelby Township, we have been, and will always remain, the REAL voice of Shelby Township.  All others are just pretenders...we are the real deal!

Until next time...

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Township Officials Make Real Progress In Breaking Shelby’s “Spending Circle”

The Tuesday, October 5th Shelby Board of Trustees meeting was a rather typical (and boring) meeting.  The agenda was short and non-controversial.  We called it boring because there were no angry mobs trying to force their will on others and no boos or loud heckles from the audience.  In fact, it wasn't until we got to the comments from the Board members that anything of real substance happened.  That's when our ears perked up as things started to get good!

During this part of the meeting, Shelby Township Treasurer Paul Viar made a very informational speech about the tough times in Shelby Township.  Mr. Viar noted that for eight years under the last Supervisor (Skip Maccarone) he was an outspoken critic of higher spending.  That point is indisputable.  Treasurer Viar fought Maccarone's spending tooth and nail.  As he did, he consistently pointed out the long-term impact this spending would have on the township and, more importantly, on taxpayers.

At the October 5th meeting, Mr. Viar began his remarks by noting how the township, right now, has $177,343 in delinquent water, lighting and dredging special assessment bills.  These delinquencies are but one snapshot of the larger financial problem facing Shelby Township - and communities across Macomb County and throughout the entire State of Michigan.

The main point of Mr. Viar's comments focused on a Detroit News article showcasing how bad times are right now for several communities.  The Detroit News reported that Shelby Township ranked #13 of the worst communities in economic performance between 2000 and 2009.  We have included the box in this article and if you want to enlarge it for easier viewing, just click on it.  This report was a sad and sobering reminder that elected officials MUST continue working to cut spending, or we will all suffer the fate of higher taxes. 

Below is a transcript of what Treasurer Paul Viar said at the October 5th Board of Trustees meeting.  We typed as fast as we could while Mr. Viar spoke, and so we hope this is a true reflection of his viewpoint.  If not, please let us know and we will make any corrections necessary.  We want all Shelby Township residents, as well as those who read our blog from across the country,  to hear what is really going on and why changing old spending habits is more than a recommendation - it is a requirement.

Treasurer Paul Viar responds to Detroit News article highlighting tough times in Shelby Township

I’m sure many of the residents are tired of hearing about the budgets and how our resources are continuing to decline.  I will add that I cannot remember this subject being talked about, or brought before the taxpayers like this in the last eight years.

It sometimes amazes me how some people on this Board seem to be out of touch with the economic realities we face today. Some say the bad economic times are pure speculation.  I believe that was referred to on two occasions at the last Board meeting.

For the last decade I have spoken about spending and the need to cut township costs.  I have repeatedly been told that I was either misinformed or mistaken about the facts.

Time and conditions have proven that I was not misinformed or mistaken and I choose to quote some of the facts that were in the September 29th (2010) edition of the Detroit News.

From 2000 to 2009:
• Shelby Township median household income declined by a shocking 26.8 percent.
• During those nine years, the number of people living below the poverty line increased from 6.5 percent to 10.2 percent.
• Throughout the Midwest, Shelby Township ranked #13 among the cities and townships with the worst economic performance.
• Shelby Township's income decline was, on percentage, worse than Flint, Pontiac, Warren, and Cleveland, Ohio.
• Sterling Heights ranked #1 as the worst city studied as median household income fell by 33.8 percent.

Shelby Township families, like families everywhere are hurting.  The taxpayers see it, but it is obvious that sometimes some members on this Board believe it is only speculation.

This is why, I believe, this Board must continue to try and bring the facts about spending to the taxpayer and make the difficult choices about spending.

When we heard the clerk say the best way to solve the pending financial crisis in the police department is by spending the reserve in order to balance the budget, to me this is nonsense.

Spending the surplus to prevent projected shortages makes no sense at all.  Talk to the Macomb County officials about spending the surplus.  They tried that for the last 10 years (Commissioners Jim Carabelli and Ed Szczepanski opposed this spending) they used the surplus until there was no surplus to spend, and then they promptly raised taxes on every citizen of this county by nine percent.

I hope this is not what Mrs. Kowal would hope to duplicate. 

I believe, over the protests of some, this Board has taken some very positive steps in the last two years. We have cut spending and made changes in the way things operate.  This is still a project in the making and I hope it proves fruitful for the sake of the taxpayer. 

The looming pension and health care crises in the fire and police departments is very serious.  Anyone up here who chooses to brush them aside as "speculation" is not thinking straight.  A problem becomes a crisis through inaction. That is why I believe the Supervisor proposed a one-year contract to the Chief of Police to help address the looming financial problem. The longer we wait for solutions, the less viable solutions there will be.

We have all heard the phrase about how old habits are hard to break.  In this township I have seen firsthand how difficult it is to break the spending circle of taxpayer money.  Money comes in and we go ahead and spend it.  No worries, because all concerns about the future problems are just speculation.

I don’t believe we can speculate about the future.  We have begun to break the prior spending habits but we have not done enough.  We will take some heat from some for this kind of action.  However, the financial realities we face trump any speculation or concerns anyone could raise.



We have to hand it to Treasurer Viar.  Sure, he doesn't speak out at every meeting, but when he does speak he make some very valid points.  By contract those who come to speak at nearly ever Board meeting just to see themselves on television (including Mr. Viar's 2008 opponent and rumored 2012 candidate for Treasurer) show their true colors.  Face time on television at these meetings seems to be more important to these people than making a rational (and understandable) argument.  Ain't free speech great!

We are reminded of something Mark Twain once said: Better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.

Some people will do anything to advance their agenda, no matter how wrong or dangerous that agenda actually is.  So here's the bottom line:
• Are there a couple Board members and a handful township residents who oppose spending cuts and support tax/fee increases?  You betcha!  These people will do anything to keep things they way they have always been.
• Are there a couple of Board members who oppose efforts to reform township government just because their guy lost the last election?  Yup!
• Are there supporters of these same Board members who are trying to muscle their way to stop progress and maintain the status quo? Obviously!  Why?  That is a good question.

As to Mrs. Kowal's rebuttal statement that she was misquoted by Mr. Viar, here is what Clerk Terri Kowal actually told the Shelby Utica News.  It was in the story written about the Police Chief's new one-year contract, which she opposed.  Here is her quote taken directly from the newspaper:

"It looks like the chief (Leman) is going to have to spend into his rainy-day fund...and it's pouring outside," Kowal continued.

Was Mrs. Kowal, as she said, misquoted, or is she trying to run and hide from what she actually said?

It is easy to keep spending.   It is tough to make cuts.  The current Board is seeing what happens when tiny, yet boisterous, mobs of people (including those who lost in the 2008 election) decide to play revenge politics.

The fact is that in just two years in office, Supervisor Rick Stathakis and the current Board of Trustees have done more to cut spending and improve township services than Mr. Maccarone and his Board did in eight years.

Just imagine how bad our township would be right now if that "campus" idea was built.  Think of how much more spending we would be forced to pay for with higher taxes/bonds/fees because of Maccarone's $50 million proposal.  Consider what a $20 million "justice center" would have done to our township at a time when people's incomes were falling by 26 percent.

Those who hate Mr. Stathakis (the 30% who supported the loser in 2008) may not want to hear the truth, but the truth is that Shelby Township is better off today than it was just two years ago.  Our township is spending less, our taxes are not going up, and our essential services are being protected without cuts.  When you look at what is happening to other cities and townships, that is a remarkable achievement by Supervisor Stathakis and the Board in just a short period of time.  Everyone knows the work is not over, but at least the light we see at the end of the tunnel is not a freight train.

Times are indeed tough for all of us, but at least we have a township Supervisor and Board majority that is committed to working for the taxpayers - not just talking the talk.

Finally, although we are certainly no fans of Governor Granholm, one of her spokeswoman recent said: "A sustainable recovery will require a radical change in the state's economy.”

The same can (and must) be said about Shelby Township.

A sustainable township budget will require structural changes in the way our officials budget and spend money.  The "same old same old" is a formula for disaster.  Thankfully, some people on the Board of Trustees -- Supervisor Rick Stathakis, Treasurer Paul Viar and Trustees Mike Flynn, Paula Filar and Doug Wozniak -- understand this.  We may disagree with either (or all) of them from time to time on particular issues, but at least these five officials recognize the challenges Shelby Township faces and are working to bring costs down to protect the pockets of taxpayers.

Until next time...

Thursday, September 30, 2010

We’re Back...and We Mean Business!

It's hard to believe that more than two years have passed since our last post. Time sure does fly!

Truthfully, we figured that once Madman Maccarone was kicked to the curb by a 70% to 30% margin in 2008 (unheard of for a self-proclaimed “unbeatable” incumbent) things would improve.

Today, for the most part, things are better in our township. The interests of taxpayers are, once again, front and center in the minds of MOST Trustees.

How has our township improved?
• Our township's spending has been reduced significantly - and more cost-cutting measures are coming.
• Restructuring proposals in the Fire Department, Parks and Recreation Department and DPW have already saved our township MILLIONS - with more savings to come. There will be additional savings in other Departments as the Board continues to demand greater efficiencies township-wide.
• The stupid "campus" idea - which would have most certainly bankrupted our township - is dead.
• The arrogance of the last Supervisor has been replaced by a Township Supervisor who actually uses the ears that God gave him to listen to people. Supervisor Rick Stathakis spends his time trying to assist residents with concerns or problems.
• Our township is committed to no reductions in essential services and a minimal use of township reserves. While other municipalities are facing job cuts and program eliminations, Shelby is not - thanks to the conservative spending priorities of the Supevisor and (most) Board members.

That's the good news.

The bad news is that although Shelby Township residents managed to get rid of the "Big" Maccarone in the 2008 election, the "Little" Maccarone is still running around the township trying to create political mischief. We are referring to Trustee Lisa Manzella.

Over the last several months, Manzella and her tiny band of supporters have been burning the candle at both ends plotting to stop change, block progress, and paint everyone on the Board (except Manzella) as bad for our township. Ironically, these people have gone out of their way to spread lies and smears while simultaneously ranting against negative campaigning.

Manzella's crowd will say anything to try and obstruct positive change. They support status quo spending, even raising township taxes. That's right, you heard correctly! At a time when personal incomes are falling, the poverty rate in Shelby is rising, and home foreclosures and bankruptcies are at an all-time high, some misguided residents are suggesting higher taxes.

Resident Tim Orbacki, who often speaks at Board of Trustees meetings, recently sent around an e-mail in which he clearly stated his position on spending and taxes:

"The budget is the board's problem to raise taxes if needed."

Very interesting! Instead of focusing on spending cuts, Orbacki is generously giving the Board his permission to go ahead and raises taxes. Thanks, but no thanks, Tim!

Raising taxes to support higher spending is wrong during healthy economic times, and it would be the seal of death today. Why should the township ask residents, who are earning less and spending more for gasoline, food, medical and dental bills, school supplies, clothes, and other essentials of life, to pay more taxes? Perhaps Mr. Orbacki has plenty of unused money lying around that he can use to pay for his proposed higher taxes - but most Shelby Township residents do not.

The next time you see Mr. Orbacki around the township, go up and ask him about his support for higher taxes.  Ask him how much more he is willing to pay?  Then send us a note to let us know what his answer is. We are VERY interested in hearing his response. We are also eager to see just how close Orbacki is to Manzella. Birds of a feather?  We'll do some research to connect these dots and then we'll make sure to let you know.

Orbacki's attitude taxes the patience of residents who can see what is going on and appreciate what our Board has done to reign in spending.

Perhaps the most vivid example of this is how the Board solved the police building issue. Remember, the last supervisor (and Trustee Manzella) wanted to spend $20 million plus on a combined police-court "justice center." Also remember, they wanted to raise the money with new bonds (taxes) paid for by township residents, and they were steadfast that there would be no public vote on the bonds to build the justice center because, in their view, the Board had the authority to approve the bonds.

Manzella restated her position, a position that she voiced during the previous discussion about the "justice center", to the Macomb Daily on July 7, 2009. Manzella said township elected officials should make the decision on the future of a court building. "We were elected to do a job," she said. "We have to stand on our own two feet."

Residents and some Board members raised concerns that the "justice center" was too big, too expensive and would place too heavy a burden on taxpayers. Manzella and Maccarone said forecasts of bad times in Shelby were incorrect - and Maccarone even once bragged about having his own forecasts which were more optimistic and which he was using to plan his budgeting and spending priorities.

Furthermore, we objected strongly to the arrogant argument by Manzella and Maccarone that politicians know best and the people would have no say on the bonds.

Well, today the Manzella-Maccarone viewpoint has been discredited. Thankfully, their dream for our township - a dream that would have been a financial nightmare for taxpayers - lost the day township voters kicked Skip out of office.

The new Board, under the guidance of Supervisor Rick Stathakis, has taken a much different approach to spending our money. Gone are the days of spending just to spend. Today, our township spends money necessary to improve efficiencies, enhance services and maintain vital public safety protection.

For example, take the discussion about the township police station. The current Board implemented a realistic vision to address needs in the police department. Their plan calls for a scaled-back police station that will meet the department's needs for the next 20 years. The price of this new building is $4 million and it will be paid for using money in the police department's building fund (money saved for such building expenses). What is most important, there will be no new bonds required since the building is being paid for with cash in the bank! As a result, taxpayers will not be asked to pay higher taxes/bonds for this building.

This is what happens when our township officials stop discussing how much money to spend, and start talking seriously about how much money they can save.

Supervisor Stathakis has kept his word. He stood by his promise not to seek bonds without a public vote. Also, while he agreed that there was a need to replace the cramped police department with modern facility, he believed the plan for a massive justice center was more than what our township needed. Mr. Stathakis has been proven correct, and our township has been saved from a massive tax increase.

Politics or Public Interest? In Lisa Manzella's world, the former trumps the latter. Trustee Manzella should never underestimate the power of the people. In the months to come we will expose Manzella's record so the people can judge for themselves whether she is duty-bound to serve.

Finally, if Lisa Manzella thinks we are just a few people, then she is gravely mistaken. We have eyes and ears in nearly every neighborhood across Shelby Township. Our supporters will not run from a fight.  Instead, when confronted with a challenge like one posed by Lisa Manzella, we will fight back with even greater force to get the true facts out - and WIN!

Until next time.....