Truthfully, we figured that once Madman Maccarone was kicked to the curb by a 70% to 30% margin in 2008 (unheard of for a self-proclaimed “unbeatable” incumbent) things would improve.
Today, for the most part, things are better in our township. The interests of taxpayers are, once again, front and center in the minds of MOST Trustees.
How has our township improved?
• Our township's spending has been reduced significantly - and more cost-cutting measures are coming.
• Restructuring proposals in the Fire Department, Parks and Recreation Department and DPW have already saved our township MILLIONS - with more savings to come. There will be additional savings in other Departments as the Board continues to demand greater efficiencies township-wide.
• The stupid "campus" idea - which would have most certainly bankrupted our township - is dead.
• The arrogance of the last Supervisor has been replaced by a Township Supervisor who actually uses the ears that God gave him to listen to people. Supervisor Rick Stathakis spends his time trying to assist residents with concerns or problems.
• Our township is committed to no reductions in essential services and a minimal use of township reserves. While other municipalities are facing job cuts and program eliminations, Shelby is not - thanks to the conservative spending priorities of the Supevisor and (most) Board members.
That's the good news.
The bad news is that although Shelby Township residents managed to get rid of the "Big" Maccarone in the 2008 election, the "Little" Maccarone is still running around the township trying to create political mischief. We are referring to Trustee Lisa Manzella.
Over the last several months, Manzella and her tiny band of supporters have been burning the candle at both ends plotting to stop change, block progress, and paint everyone on the Board (except Manzella) as bad for our township. Ironically, these people have gone out of their way to spread lies and smears while simultaneously ranting against negative campaigning.
Manzella's crowd will say anything to try and obstruct positive change. They support status quo spending, even raising township taxes. That's right, you heard correctly! At a time when personal incomes are falling, the poverty rate in Shelby is rising, and home foreclosures and bankruptcies are at an all-time high, some misguided residents are suggesting higher taxes.
Resident Tim Orbacki, who often speaks at Board of Trustees meetings, recently sent around an e-mail in which he clearly stated his position on spending and taxes:
"The budget is the board's problem to raise taxes if needed."
Very interesting! Instead of focusing on spending cuts, Orbacki is generously giving the Board his permission to go ahead and raises taxes. Thanks, but no thanks, Tim!
Raising taxes to support higher spending is wrong during healthy economic times, and it would be the seal of death today. Why should the township ask residents, who are earning less and spending more for gasoline, food, medical and dental bills, school supplies, clothes, and other essentials of life, to pay more taxes? Perhaps Mr. Orbacki has plenty of unused money lying around that he can use to pay for his proposed higher taxes - but most Shelby Township residents do not.
The next time you see Mr. Orbacki around the township, go up and ask him about his support for higher taxes. Ask him how much more he is willing to pay? Then send us a note to let us know what his answer is. We are VERY interested in hearing his response. We are also eager to see just how close Orbacki is to Manzella. Birds of a feather? We'll do some research to connect these dots and then we'll make sure to let you know.
Orbacki's attitude taxes the patience of residents who can see what is going on and appreciate what our Board has done to reign in spending.
Perhaps the most vivid example of this is how the Board solved the police building issue. Remember, the last supervisor (and Trustee Manzella) wanted to spend $20 million plus on a combined police-court "justice center." Also remember, they wanted to raise the money with new bonds (taxes) paid for by township residents, and they were steadfast that there would be no public vote on the bonds to build the justice center because, in their view, the Board had the authority to approve the bonds.
Manzella restated her position, a position that she voiced during the previous discussion about the "justice center", to the Macomb Daily on July 7, 2009. Manzella said township elected officials should make the decision on the future of a court building. "We were elected to do a job," she said. "We have to stand on our own two feet."
Residents and some Board members raised concerns that the "justice center" was too big, too expensive and would place too heavy a burden on taxpayers. Manzella and Maccarone said forecasts of bad times in Shelby were incorrect - and Maccarone even once bragged about having his own forecasts which were more optimistic and which he was using to plan his budgeting and spending priorities.
Furthermore, we objected strongly to the arrogant argument by Manzella and Maccarone that politicians know best and the people would have no say on the bonds.
Well, today the Manzella-Maccarone viewpoint has been discredited. Thankfully, their dream for our township - a dream that would have been a financial nightmare for taxpayers - lost the day township voters kicked Skip out of office.
The new Board, under the guidance of Supervisor Rick Stathakis, has taken a much different approach to spending our money. Gone are the days of spending just to spend. Today, our township spends money necessary to improve efficiencies, enhance services and maintain vital public safety protection.
For example, take the discussion about the township police station. The current Board implemented a realistic vision to address needs in the police department. Their plan calls for a scaled-back police station that will meet the department's needs for the next 20 years. The price of this new building is $4 million and it will be paid for using money in the police department's building fund (money saved for such building expenses). What is most important, there will be no new bonds required since the building is being paid for with cash in the bank! As a result, taxpayers will not be asked to pay higher taxes/bonds for this building.
This is what happens when our township officials stop discussing how much money to spend, and start talking seriously about how much money they can save.
Supervisor Stathakis has kept his word. He stood by his promise not to seek bonds without a public vote. Also, while he agreed that there was a need to replace the cramped police department with modern facility, he believed the plan for a massive justice center was more than what our township needed. Mr. Stathakis has been proven correct, and our township has been saved from a massive tax increase.
Politics or Public Interest? In Lisa Manzella's world, the former trumps the latter. Trustee Manzella should never underestimate the power of the people. In the months to come we will expose Manzella's record so the people can judge for themselves whether she is duty-bound to serve.
Finally, if Lisa Manzella thinks we are just a few people, then she is gravely mistaken. We have eyes and ears in nearly every neighborhood across Shelby Township. Our supporters will not run from a fight. Instead, when confronted with a challenge like one posed by Lisa Manzella, we will fight back with even greater force to get the true facts out - and WIN!
Until next time.....