Saturday, November 10, 2007

Notes From Our E-Mail File...

We must be doing something right, because Shelby Township residents are taking notice and sending us comments. Most of the e-mails we have received so far have been complimentary, and for that we say "thanks." Our intent with this blog is to inform...and entertain.

As you might expect, $kip has encouraged his small and declining band of supporters to send us a few nasty notes now and then. Free speech gives these "Maccaronites" the right to complain. However, we give those letters to NOBS ... and boy does he have fun tearing them up!

Here are a few thoughts and comments from our Inside Out readers..........

(1) "Come one, nobody ever called Maccarone a 'Super Supervisor' you're making that up."
We told you our intent is to expose the "truth" about Shelby Township. In the September, 2003 issue of Business Matters Magazine, the publication by the Sterling Heights Area Chamber of Commerce, Lillian Adams used that phrase to describe $kip Maccarone. If you don't believe us, feel free to call (586) 731-5400 and ask for a copy and you will see for yourself. We wonder if Adams (or anyone else at the Chamber) feels the same about $kip today? We hear that opinions have changed dramatically.

(2) "Where did you get the information outlining Skip's thoughts about political teamwork? Very interesting."
That information came directly from $kip's political website in 2000. It is documented. After $kip got elected, the website quickly vanished. Why? Could it be that $kip didn't want people like us to keep track of him? Sorry $kip, but we printed the pages of the website before you cut it. SO WE HAVE THE PROOF!

(3) "I wish you would shut up. What would it take for you to stop?"
Three simple words: DEFEAT $KIP MACCARONE! Help us do that, and we will all be happy.

(4) "You people are crazy! Mr. Maccarone is the best person I have seen in a while for this job. We need him working for us. The problem on the Board is with the other Trustees, not Mr. Maccarone. I believe him and have full faith in him."
We really don't need to comment, we just wanted you to see what some of $kip friends are saying. They seem blind to reality. It is truly sad some people just never learn.

(5) "I don't remember a meeting, as you describe, where Maccarone outlined his campus plan without other Board members being there. When was that?"
That meeting was held at the Township Hall in February of 2005. It was taped and shown over and over on Shelby Cable. At the meeting, $kip spoke like an expert on EVERYTHING from development to planning; from taxes to financing his campus. The camera was on $kip the whole time, and no other viewpoints were heard or considered. Sorry, but we find it impossible to believe that any elected official has all the answers, as $kip portrayed himself at that meeting.

(6) "I love your mascot NOBS. How can we get these made into buttons and t-shirts?"
Good question. Unfortunately, we don't have the capabilities to do that. But feel free to print the mascot and make your own button. What a better way to show your support for our campaign to Stop Skip in 2008! You can bet that if NOBS started showing up all over the township, somebody would take notice. Who knows, $kip might even try to pass a new ordinance banning NOBS in the township!

(7) "What do you mean the 24 and Van Dyke development isn't progressing. Isn't that $kip's campus plan."
For clarification, the Shelby Center Design Plan was passed BEFORE $kip became Supervisor. It would be privately developed, not paid for by taxpayers. It was a plan which included development proposals for all four corners of 24 Mile and Van Dyke. It included residential, commercial and special uses and would bring tax revenue into our township. This plan was selected for the 1999 Outstanding Planning Project Award by the Michigan Chapter of the American Planning Association (MAPA) and the Michigan Society of Planning Officials (MSPO). This was discussed in the Source newspaper in 1999.

Despite all the planning that went into this project, when he first ran for Township Supervisor $kip Maccarone vehemently opposed it. Why? Because it was not his idea? Whatever the reason, $kip made it clear that under his administration the Shelby Center Design Plan was dead.

However, when he realized there was public support for this concept, and that the City of Warren and Macomb Township were developing their own downtown projects, complete with recreation centers, Maccarone got project envy. He then flip-flopped in support of the plan. However, three years had gone by since $kip's flip-flop, and his reborn "support" of the Shelby Center Design Plan was too little, too late.

In the May 30, 2003 Detroit News story titled "Downtowns come to life" Maccarone tried to take credit for this plan. The reporter wrote: Ralph Maccarone, Shelby Township supervisor, said the downtown he envisions will be a mix of "modern materials and old-world charm."

Given how the reporter wrote this article, since $kip had a vision it sounds like he was actively involved in planning the project, doesn't it? However, when this plan was being written in 1999, $kip was nowhere to be found. He did not attend any of the public "vision" meetings with residents and businesses to discuss the plan. While trying to paint the perception in the Detroit News that he was one of the architects of this plan, $kip did NOTHING and had no interest in this plan at all, except to trash it at election time and then try to claim some credit for it in the newspapers later on. If you want a copy of the Shelby Center Design Plan, call the Township's Planning Department at (586) 726-7243.

By comparison, $kip's $50 million campus plan would be paid for by Shelby taxpayers. It will take money away from taxpayers' pockets. $kip supports this campus plan 100 percent, and is actively pushing it.

Why did $kip oppose one plan (which won a planning award) and embrace the other (which has been criticized by taxpayers and elected officials)? That is a good question. Could it be that the Shelby Center Design Plan was not $kip's plan, while the "campus" plan is? Is this a situation where $kip is concerned about who gets credit and publicity?

(8) "How do you have all this information on Mr. Maccarone?"
$kip once said that he keeps dossiers on people in the township. After hearing that, and seeing it as the threat it was intended, we figured -- why not do our own dossier on $kip Maccarone. Could be fun! So we started keeping track of his actions and words. We have piles of old newspapers, Board meeting tapes, and other pieces of information. Rest assured that if $kip said it, did it, or thought about it, we have it in our $kippy dossier.

If you would like to see a larger copy of $kip's internet home page from 2000, click on the photo above.

(9) "Are you Shelby Township residents?"
Absolutely. Why else would we care so much about what $kip Maccarone is doing? Yes, we are proud Shelby Township taxpayers who love our township, but dislike our Supervisor. Come on, you know that we can do better!

(10) “Great blog site and very well done I might add. I would have never thought of spelling $kip the way you did with the dollar sign. I like it!"
Thanks. We wish we could say that the dollar sign for $kip came about after very intensive debates and focus groups. But actually, it was a simple idea from one of our writers who felt it symbolized Maccarone's penchant for spending tax money. Sometimes it is the simple things in life which make the greatest impact.

(11) "You mentioned a Macomb Daily article about Mr. Maccarone's statement about taking the campus to a vote of the people. He says he never made such a statement. So how do I know you didn't make that up. Maybe there never was such an article?"
Would we lie to you? As we have said, our intent is to inform...and tell the truth. Here is the link to the article from the Macomb Daily. Read for yourself.

(12) "I find your site very informative. Who are you?"
We are disgrunted Shelby Township taxpayers fed up with $kip Maccarone. That's the best way to describe us.

These are just a dozen of the many e-mails we have received. If you have something to share with us, or just want to tell us what's on your mind, send your e-mail to


  1. YOu have done it again! Thanks for the useful information. Certainly Skip Maccarone has to go!

  2. I would like to see more entries and updates. The Shelby government is aware of this site, use this oppertunity to voice your opinion strongly.

  3. Dear Metro...Thanks for the note. Bear in mind that we are working as fast as we can. Our mission is to expose Skip Maccarone for what he is. This way, voters can make informed choices in 2008. As for the comments, we can't force people to comment. More people are reading than leaving comments. Probably because township residents are afraid of facing the Maccarone wrath. We know it is nothing but BS, and we are working to expose it.

  4. Unless you work at the Township, you have no idea what the man is really like. And the people at The Truth About Shelby site have him pegged... perfectly. He is a mean-spirited, vicious man... putting on a show twice a month for the meetings broadcast on TV. Ask anyone who used to work at the Township, but have left during his terms of office and maybe they'll tell you... they have nothing to lose. But those of us still under the same roof, we keep quiet... in fear of the wrath he may bring on our heads. We've seen what happens to those who speak up. People have been fired, suspended and publicly humiliated since he's been there. Remember the previous Human Resource Director? He was fired by the Township Board... basically for doing $kip's bidding. He didn't make a move unless the "little" big man told him to. And there's no hope for you if you're a woman... he's a woman- hater, to the core. Especially if you're smart, or professional... or simply hired by the previous Supervisor. She no longer works in his department... or at the Township. Leaving shortly after filing the harrassment charges against him for his potty mouth, and nothing coming of it. You should see him (or should I say hear him) the morning after a board meeting when someone called him to the carpet on an issue... and he didn't know it was coming. It's infantile, it's pathetic, it's uncalled for, and it's unprofessional... period!

    Come on, voters of Shelby Township! Isn't 8 years enough? Give the township employees a break, and make your vote count in the Primary Election... VOTE SKIP OUT!
