If there is one thing we dislike more than overspending and overbearing politicians, it is politicians who don't tell it to us straight. They spin facts. They conveniently leave out parts of the story. They talk around an issue. Or they simply refuse to answer a question.
Whenever politicians do this, our ears ache. What about you?
For eight long years, Shelby Township taxpayers have listened to Skip Maccarone's lengthy diatribes on everything -- and we mean EVERYTHING. Ask a simple question, and you will get a lengthy answer. Nothing is simple or matter-of-fact in Skip's World (sounds like the making of another political parody - stay tuned!)
Ask around, and Shelby residents will be nearly unanimous in their opinion. Skip talks way too much ... listens too infrequently ... spends way too much ... doesn't welcome public input or ideas ... talks down to his fellow elected officials ... and (most importantly) feels that everyone must share his opinions. People who disagree with Skip, or who have a difference of opinion, are belittled as "misinformed", "grossly uninformed", "misunderstanding the process", "misrepresenting facts" ... or some other scholarly way for Skip Maccarone to tell us that we are just too dumb to understand.
Oh well - so it goes in Skip's world.
Shelby Township taxpayers have suffered for far too long - but don't fret because help is on the way.

Thanks to the Skip Maccarone Bullshit Deflectors, township taxpayers can now watch the Board of Trustees meetings in the safety and security of their home, without enduring the agony of listening to Skip's constant and nagging BS.
An INSIDE OUT reader tipped us off to these wonderful devices after finding this website: www.wiseass.org/bullshit.
These remarkable ear protection devices work like this:
Whenever you see that Skip Maccarone is about to start talking, take your trusty BS deflectors and place them directly over your ears. The sleek, 21st century design will effectively silence Skip's political BS.
The picture at right shows how these BS deflectors work. Here we see a military veteran protecting his ears during a political campaign speech.

Wouldn't it be great if Shelby Township taxpayers came to the Board meetings wearing these wonderful inventions? What a powerful message that would send. However, if you don't have time to make it to the township hall to watch the Board meetings, independent research firms have proven that the BS deflectors work equally as well at home.
To get your own personal Skip Maccarone BS deflectors, just click on the image above and save it to your desktop. Then, simply print them out, cut them out, and put them on. These BS deflectors can be printed in any size, to accommodate any size ear. So now both you and your children can be properly and fully protected from Skip's political BS.
These BS deflectors are not only effective in silencing unwanted BS while worn correctly (please follow directions to guarantee proper performance), but since they are printed on 100 percent paper (or cardboard, whichever you decide), they are biodegradable and friendly to our environment - and everyone appreciates that.
For extra impact, you might want to print the out on BRIGHT YELLOW paper to let others know you are not going to tolerate Skip's BS any longer!
Taxpayers who have worn these are amazed at the response. When your neighbors see these ear protection devices, and hear for themselves how they reduce (or eliminate) the political white noise from Skip Maccarone, they will definitely want a pair of their own.
In addition, when worn correctly, at at the proper angle of sound displacement, these deflectors will bounce the BS back to Skip - giving him the chance to hear his BS for himself.
This public service announcement is just another way that we at the INSIDE OUT are working to protect your health, safety and welfare.
If you have an idea like this and would like to share it with us, drop us an e-mail at stopskip08@aol.com.
DISCLAIMER: If worn incorrectly, these deflectors may still permit unwanted Skip BS into your ear canal - causing a nagging headache, nausea and ringing of the ears. If these symptoms persist for more than two hours, or worsen over time, consult your physician immediately.
Thank you for your concern for the tax payers of Shelby township, who until now, were absolutely helpless in protecting themselves from a huge hazard - Skippy’s rhetoric. Your safety protection seems easy, safe and seems to offer quick relief. THANKS AGAIN for looking out for us!