Residents who regularly watch the Board of Trustees meetings are witness to this fact. She condemns her fellow elected officials for their (in her view) lack professionalism and lack of respect for residents. Mrs. Manzella has brainwashed herself into believing that she is the Lone Ranger of truth on the Board of Trustees. She has even managed to convince a few others to buy into her fantasy. But who really is that masked woman?
EDITOR'S NOTE (June 2, 2011): Responding to a request by one of our loyal readers, we are including a link to one of our previous INSIDE OUT posts to give you a larger perspective on Manzella’s track record.
While actions speak louder than words, words do have a unique way of exposing the real person behind the facade. Remember the “peanut gallery” attack on residents by Skip Maccarone? That showed all of us how this guy actually feels about residents. What Mrs. Manzella says when the television cameras are turned on, or when a reporter is taking notes, is diametrically opposed to what she brags to others in the community when she doesn’t think people are watching or taking notes. These candid comments give us a glimpse into the mindset of Manzella — how she works, how she really views others, and what she really thinks about the people she serves with as a Trustee.
Given its millions of worldwide fans, Facebook is truly a remarkable achievement. This social network gives people a chance to reconnect with lost friends, interact with co-workers and even launch outlandish political attacks and recalls without leaving the security of their computer.
Unfortunately, as we have seen here in Shelby Township recently, Facebook has been used by Trustee Manzella (and others we shall expose later) to defame, smear, discredit and attack people. It has also been used as a form for spreading false statements as fact. As Trustee Manzella has demonstrated by her malicious Facebook attacks, whenever she talks about a lack of respect for residents and a lack of professionalism in politics, she must be looking in a mirror and talking to herself. One Inside Out reader brought up a very good point when he said “Liberal Lisa’s vile hatred for Supervisor Stathakis resembles the vitriol from other liberals toward conservative Republican: Sarah Palin.”
Below we have reprinted some of Manzella’s most bizarre and inflammatory Facebook posts to give you an idea about how she spends time trying to tear down the people, and the township, she claims to want to “save.” When you read these Facebook entries remember that the typos and poor grammar are the responsibility of the Facebook writer him/herself, not the authors of the Inside Out. We have also included some italicized EDITOR’S NOTES periodically to give you a flavor of just how ridiculous these postings really are, and to help put things in perspective.

OK time to dispel some rumours, or lies. THE RECALL PETITIONS WERE FILED ON TIME! Because the due date was Sat. May 21, the signatures did not have to be turned in until the following Mon., as long as the signatures were obtained before May 21 - on Stathasskis, Viar's needed to be turned in on the 26th because they started getting s...ignatures on Feb 26. Both his and my petitions actually expire in June, have not heard how mine are coming along, so I'll be biting my nails until then. I have a feeling an incompetant attorney started this panic. Not to worry EVERYTHING the recall effort did was in compliance of the law, I gues folks that break the law, think everyone breaks laws.
May 27 at 10:08pm
EDITOR’S NOTE: Boy does Manzella hate Supervisor Stathakis. She just can’t get over the fact that he won the 2008 election. This explains why she is so involved in the recall. She complains about lack of respect, and blames it all on Supervisor Stathakis. However, Manzella then calls our Supervisor “Stathasskis” and lies about him breaking the law? Sorry, but the only ASS on the Board of Trustees is Manzella herself. The rest of her diatribe was acidic vitriol disguised as information.
Lisa Manzella
I heard that Paul Viar is giving an inground pool to anyone who gives him the petitions instead of filing them? Is that true? Is that why Pauls haven't been turned in yet? Pools are too much work, I'll take the boat. May 25
EDITOR’S NOTE: Obviously Lisa had too much time on her hands when she posted this one. By the way, this post has since been deleted, probably because Manzella herself realized just how stupid this comment is. Manzella deleted it, but we copied it for all to see!
Lisa Manzella
Where were all the SAVE SHELBY peeps at the Board meeting tonght? I sat thru 4 hours of lies and misinformation. Just because you have nearly all the signatures, you need to stay on top of them.May 18 at 2:23am
Nightingale Towing likes this.
EDITOR’S NOTE: As you can see, Manzella and Nightingale Towing are working hand-in-and trying to rally the radicals to attack our Trustees.

Its a boldface lie to say the police are getting paid for collecting signatures. The signatures were obtained by many volunteers, not all police officers, and a company whos business is circulating recall petitions. Its absurd to even think that, who would have the money to pay for all the signatures, thhere is no superfunded PAC.
May 12 at 7:14am
EDITOR’S NOTE: We long suspected that Manzella’s Save Shelby gang spent money to hire outsiders to circulate petitions, and this proves it! In addition, we never said the police were getting paid to collect signatures. We said, very clearly, in our May 10th INSIDE OUT post, that we believed the Save Shelby groupies likely paid people to collect signatures, which Trustee Manzella has confirmed. We said that the sudden appearance of a new police union PAC (organized by two Shelby cops that don’t live in Shelby and sponsored by the Shelby Township police union) was a little weird. Does one have to do with the other? Time will tell.
Below is another interesting Facebook exchange. This one involves the Inside Out. Obviously the Save Shelby gang doesn’t like being held accountable by us (and others) for their actions. This discussion was prompted by outspoken recall fanatic Val Alspaugh. However, as you will see, her good friend Manzella couldn’t help but add her two cents to the discussion.
Val Alspaugh
So, I just thought I would share; the person that runs the "Inside Out" blog at only approves comments on his blogs that are in agreement with his opinions. He has spent considerable time bashing the recall effort with claims of "one sided issues"....
March 31 at 10:42am
• Val Alspaugh yet, it is his blog that only publishes comments that are in agreement with him. I must say this, at least on the "Save Shelby" recall pages, both sides of issues are represented!! I guess when a person is insecure in their ability to provide factual support of their opinions, they hide from opposing comments!!
March 31 at 10:12am

• Thomas Delise I have noticed that about the comments never seen one of mine posted yet!
March 31 at 7:50pm
• Val Alspaugh Yeah, just an update: I just checked again, three comments posted since 6pm this evening. All of them are in agreement with his blog! I know I posted one that has never shown up, therefore it is clear that he is screening the comments and refusing to post any opposing ones!
April 1 at 2:38am
• Lisa Manzella I think I know the guy, big fat ass, wears, maui jim shirts in MI, who knew they came in 4XXXX, never liked me, I think its because I'm over 12. If I can confirm its the same guy, I have a few stories to share.
April 1 at 4:15am
EDITOR’S NOTE: Is this how township officials should talk about citizens? Call them a “big fat ass?”
• Val Alspaugh LOL, I think the person responsible for the "Inside Out" blog is Stuart Jason. But I think I know about the guy you described, and to be honest, I am really surprised that he hasn't been more vocal in all of this!
April 1 at 9:44am
The Facebook dialogue below involves Shelby Township resident Joanne Brazel-Wheatcroft. Joanne went to the Save Shelby Facebook site and found the recall to be a politically-motivated personal attack. To her credit, Jonne engaged the Save Shelby crew on this, and her courage resulted in her being kicked off the site and most of her comments deleted. Hey, what happened to Alspaugh’s BS about “both sides of issues are represented” on the Facebook page?????
The Inside Out salutes Joanne Brazel-Wheatcroft for seeing this recall for what it is and challenging those seeking a power grab upon township democracy. Keep spreading the word Joanne!
When you read the entries below, they are as they originally appeared before the Save Shelby crew decided to delete Joanne’s comments. The graphics at the right are as the entries appear today. As you can see, they don’t read properly because some posts have been removed.
Lisa Manzella
You must be a registered voter in Shelby to sign the recall petition. If you are not registered - its simple - go to Shelby Township Clerks office and register to vote, its free and quick, the next day you can sign the petition!
March 23 at 4:42pm
Kathy Manzo Cusenza likes this

March 27 at 11:46am
• Thomas Delise All cities and townships are on the verge of bankruptcy so nothing new here with cutbacks.Speaking of pocketbooks why did Mr. Stahakis leave in the middle of a meeting with a builder and when they returned Mr.Stathakis voted YES on the matter. ( just saying ) BTW have you painted your garage yet?
March 27 at 10:48pm
EDITOR’S NOTE: Doesn’t Tom Delise’s question about Joanne painting her garage sound a bit creepy?
• Thomas Delise PS I don't think you have all the facts yet,you left out all the things the citizens do NOT agree with,and the way Stathikis and Viar treat most of the citizens.
March 27 at 10:52pm
• Lisa Manzella The Boards, for the past 8-10 years have had a conservative approach to spending and hiring, that is why notjhing was built, no money spent. Only a short sighted fool would think that any Board, or member, myself included, actually intende...d on building every single building in the "long range, future master plan, as all well run municipalities and business' have. We were to have a long range idea of where we wanted to see the Twp in 5, 10-20 years, as Macomb and CLinton Twps have done. No one imagined or believed that we would even consider spending 50 mil, just another blatant lie by the Supervisor. Obviously the gullable believe the Supervisors claim that that the 4 million dollar Police station, saved 16 million. He forgot that the new building does not have a court and has continually lied about the cost. The the low bid was 12 million, not the 20 he continually talks about, the new inadequate, building is more costly per sq foot than the original plan. This man lied to get in office, and is lying to stay in office, Geete your head out of the sand or wherever else it is see for yourself what is going on instead of believing a pathalogical liar.
March 27 at 11:55pm
EDITOR’S NOTE: As you can see, Trustee Manzella hates residents who disagree with her. She then goes off on one of her classic rambling rants. She claims the new police building is “inadequate” yet she voted for it. Why not vote against it and stand by your principles?
Her associate Skip Maccarone was definitely NOT a conservative Supervisor and he did NOT espouse conservative spending. He nearly bankrupted our township with his spending schemes and if his policies were in place today, our township would be broke and forced to raise taxes.
As to Manzella’s rant that it was never the intent to do the entire $50 million campus and that people are lying about the campus project, we include this from the August 16, 2004 Macomb Daily:
Township Supervisor Ralph Maccarone said construction of a police and court building, and maybe even a library and recreation center, could be among the first issues a new Board of Trustees faces after November's election.
"Whatever we do, I'd like to commit to the whole," Maccarone said. "All of this is sort of a mosaic."
Okay, so what were you saying now Lisa????
• Joanne Brazel-Wheatcroft Have another drink!
March 28
• Lisa Manzella Your a real comedian,those nasty,vile men have tried to devastate me and my family, they have their lap dogs do their dirty work, and defame me. By the way, I'm training for a kayak/cycle biatholin event and drink nothing more than 1.5 gal of h2o a day. If it were any of your small minded business, is Matt the pedophile your friend as well as tricky Dick?
March 28 at 1:45pm via email
• Lisa Manzella You made the nasty comment about me, if I ever run for office again in shelby, which is not likely, I certainly don’t want your vote I have no reason to be nice to someone who is not nice to me. Rick is evil, and he seems to have fooled you.... The man belongs in jail. I happen to be a very nice and kind person, to those deserving.
March 28 at 1:45pm via email
EDITOR’S NOTE: Our life experience has shown that if you are a good person, people know it. However, if you feel a need to tell people you are nice and kind, chances are you are NOT. Those who are kind show it through actions and words and don’t feel a necessity to convince others. Also, calling a resident “small minded” and saying that you don’t want his or her vote is not a very bright way to campaign. Just saying!!!!!
By the way Lisa, evil is as evil does!
Trustee Manzella has a political agenda all her own — an agenda totally different than most taxpayers. Her agenda includes fulfilling her personal goals, to the expense of others. She supports spending $30,000 for a recall election, at a time when our township is trying to save money. She claims to support residents, but actually only supports those people who are supporting the recall. She is siding with a towing company, the police union, and outsiders in a scheme to take power away from the people and give it to special interests. Ask yourself if this agenda is good for taxpayers, or only for Lisa Manzella?
We welcome the debate and scrutiny that a potential recall campaign will bring. Let’s all ask questions and demand some answers. Rest assured that we will be doing our part to spread the message about who is behind it, what the real purpose is, and what the end result for Shelby Township will be.
Until next time...
WOW! Manzella is a freak. She really needs a reality check. I can't believe the things she says about other trustees and Shelby residents. Shame on her.
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell???? Lisa manzella is nuts. She has contempt for the people she serves. If anyone deserves to be recalled it is her. BOYCOTT NIGHTINGALE STANDARD SERVICE at 23 and Van Dyke. Let's send these clowns a stern message.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't agree more.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe what I am reading. She has the nerve to actually write this down? If Lisa Manzella ever writes a book, she could modify a title by Barack Obama and call it "The Audacity of a Dope!”
ReplyDeleteLOL...."The Audacity of a Dope.” We will borrow that if you don't mind! Well done!!!!!
ReplyDeleteIT is so obvious what Manzella and her recall posse are trying to do. They managed to fool some of the people with their petition trickery, but they won't be able to fool all the people on recall election day. The fools then will be the Manzella/Nightingale gang.
ReplyDeleteI am the resident that Lisa talked to so bad on facebook, I am a liberal democrat and even I can see how very wrong she and the Nightengale family are, I support our supervisor, I voted republican for the 1st time in my life to get him in and the last clown OUT!!! He will get my vote again!!!!
ReplyDeleteThe March 28th, 2:15PM post includes the statement "is Matt the pedophile your friend" given by Mrs. Manzella. Is Matt a convicted pedophile, because if he isn"t Mrs. Mandella is guilty of slander. Should the authorities look into that statment?