Some politicians (and political wannabees) prefer to attack rather than stand on their own record. These people are more comfortable tearing down an opponent, often by any means necessary, than standing up and explaining their own record.
This is especially true when you are a closet liberal in a township comprised of conservative Republicans. The closet liberal we speak of is Trustee Lisa Manzella.
Schooled in Maccarone-style politics (much like Chicago-style politics), Manzella repeatedly attacks those with whom she disagrees, often with nasty personal comments. It doesn’t matter if you are a resident or a fellow elected official. Anyone she doesn’t like (for whatever reason) becomes her prey.
Everyone knows now much Trustee Manzella loves using Facebook to smear our township. We have published many of her more colorful comments in previous Inside Out posts. We also know how Mrs. Manzella goes on Facebook during township Board meetings to express her hatred for other officials. We discussed this in our June 29, 2011 Inside Out. Her favorite attack target has been, and remains, Shelby Supervisor Rick Stathakis.
At the July 5, 2011 Board meeting, resident Bob Vavro came to the podium to confront Manzella about her Facebook fanaticism. Specifically, Mr. Vavro was speaking about a post, published on the Inside Out, which clearly shows how Mrs. Manzella influenced resident Tom Delise to refile recall petitions after the previous recall flopped. At first, Mr. Delise said he would keep the issue alive until the next election, which he said was 17 months away. However, after being prodded by Manzella in a written post, Delise said he was “all for it” and went ahead and refiled the Save Shelby recall petitions.
When she was confronted with this information at the July 5th Board meeting, Mrs. Manzella LIED. She said “that is not a direct quote from me” as Mr. Vavro read the Facebook post. Manzella even went so far as to say she never wrote about 200 volunteers. Really?
Below we are reprinting the Facebook discussion that Mr. Vavro was referencing. Read it yourself:
Based on what you see above, did Lisa Manzella write this Facebook post or not? Did she talk about 200 volunteers or not? Did she encourage Mr. Delise to refile recall petitions or not?
If, as Manzella said at the July 5, 2011 meeting, she didn’t write it, then somebody hacked into her Facebook account. However, if she did write it and then denied doing so, wouldn’t that be considered lying?
You will note, based upon the Facebook date and time stamp, that Manzella’s puke talk was posted at 7:56 p.m. on June 21st. There was a televised Board meeting that night, the Board was discussing a $50,000 fence for the police building parking lot and township resident Dub Hearon was speaking about this topic. This was a serious discussion, and yet Manzella felt she just had to go on Facebook at this time to complain about her upset stomach. Instead of listening to the people, Manzella decided that she had more important things to do.
Given past exposure about her Facebook rants, you would think that Mrs. Manzella would demonstrate some educated restraint. Can you imagine what would happen if Supervisor Stathakis or Treasurer Viar went on Facebook during a public meeting? It would likely be front page in the Macomb Daily. Remember, Manzella is using a computer (paid for by taxpayers), to go on Facebook during a public meeting (paid for by taxpayers) and getting a Trustee salary (paid for by taxpayers). Is this appropriate and professional conduct for an elected official?
Public debate in a democracy is healthy. However, using a word like Nazi to describe fellow residents is, in our view, too extreme for public discourse. Sadly, it seems the “N” word is not too extreme for Lisa Manzella to use in her dialogue. After getting home from the July 5th meeting (at least she waited until the meeting was over this time) Manzella went on Facebook and posted the following on the Save Shelby recall Facebook page:
What did Manzella just write? We had to read it again to make sure!
“Oh no she didn’t,” was our initial reaction.
Oh yes she did!
Trustee Lisa Manzella, in a Facebook post on Tuesday, July 5th, actually tried to draw a parallel between two “leaders”: Supervisor Rick Stathakis, the leader of Shelby Township, and Germany’s Adolf Hitler, the leader of the Nazi regime. Since Mr. Stathakis accurately called Save Shelby’s failed recall a “distraction” at a time when there are so many other pressing issues facing our township, she used this word as the basis for what she called “parallels”?
WTF!!!!!!! Trustee Manzella doesn’t care what anyone thinks about what she does or says? She must feel that she has the right to do anything at any time, and say anything about anyone without being held accountable. This Facebook post should prove that Manzella has lost all sense of decency.
Adolf Hitler was the most evil man to ever walk the Earth. Hitler murdered millions of men, women and children simply because they were of Jewish faith. Adolf Hitler wanted to create a uniform race under his control by any means necessary. How can Manzella possibly imply parallels between Hitler and his death camps and Supervisor Stathakis?
Perhaps Mrs. Manzella should have walked on one of the death marches from Nazi concentration camps, where prisoners, including young children, were forced to walk half-naked over long distances – with the certainty of death staring them in the face.
Manzella may want to travel in the shoes of people who were just like us – living their lives, laughing, enjoying, paying bills, kissing and loving, playing with our children — who began their days as regular citizens and ended their days as lampshades or piles of hair and gold teeth.
Manzella should walk the fields where Jews were starved to death, stripped naked in front of their fathers, mothers, friends and neighbors, humiliated and ridiculed, their heads shaved and forced to run around for Nazi entertainment before being shot to death and dumped into mass graves.
Manzella should walk the terrifying road where Jews trembled with fear as they were pushed into buildings where they entered as mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers and children — and exited as ash piles.
We may have gotten used to Lisa Manzella’s nasty political attacks. However, this time it is our assessment that she has gone WAY TOO FAR.
Her obscene and insensitive Hitler comparison is much more worrisome than calling Mr. Stathakis corrupt. This comparison is bigger than saying Mr. Stathakis is out of touch and doesn’t represent the residents. This is more callous than calling Mr. Stathakis evil.
Manzella claims to love Shelby, and yet seems to enjoy throwing excrement at our township.
Let’s be very clear. All elected officials, regardless of political party, do dumb things once in a while (as evidenced by Manzella’s Facebook rants). All politicians get lame ideas from time to time. Elected officials are not perfect.
However, unless Supervisor Stathakis kills 6 million people for having “inferior genes” (and we all know that will never happen) it would be smart for Trustee Lisa Manzella to choose her words, and her historical comparisons, more carefully.
Until next time...
Can we start calling Mrs. Manzella "Loony Lisa"? Or perhaps "Mental Manzella"?
ReplyDeleteWhat's with her, I don't get it, and she continually goes after the person instead of the ideals.
Hitler's politics were "supreme race theology". We assume he was cruel by his political and public persona. It was his “ideals” people fought a war against. The actions he took were because of his ideals.
The ideals of Viar, Flynn and Stathakis are for saving Shelby Township from raising taxes excessively, keeping property from foreclosure and generally trying to keep Shelby out of debt.
The decisions they have made might be seen as wrong to some but they are in keeping with the “core principle ideals” of what we elected them for.
Lisa Manzella was elected, and as such needs to treat all citizens equal, even Mr. Turner as equal to Mr. Delise, their concerns are equally important to themselves. As an elected official you do not get to choose a favorite person, you only get to make decisions based on the ideals you were elected for.
The only consistent “IDEAL” I see of Lisa Manzella is in her trash talking citizens that don’t support her, she does not have one solid “Ideal” or “principle” to stand for, she panders to special interest and “friends” forsaking all others who pay taxes in this township.
I believe the section 30 flood issues and the 300,000 dollar plus DPW work is more of a developer bailout then the rezoning of 22 and M-53. I see the caving in to the Nightingale Towing and awarding the contract, as a move against the "ideals" we elected these people for.
I see people like Clearance Cook and Lisa Manzella as having no solid ideals or platform to stand on, arguing both sides of the same issue of “saving taxpayers money” based only on what their “friends” want to hear. Although Clearance Cook has no integrity whatsoever at least “loony” Lisa Manzella is consistently against all taxpayers that are not her Facebook buddies equally.
In my recent acquisition of the old televised meetings and “meet the candidates for trustee in 2008” I noticed Lisa Manzella said her biggest accomplishment in office was the two pedestrian bridges over M-53 that cost the taxpayers over a million dollars out of the reserve funds of the township that year.
How many taxpayers was Mrs. Manzella looking out for in this “greatest accomplishment”? Why are some taxpayers concerns more relevant to her than all others? Lisa basically admits that she sees nothing wrong with raising taxes and spending taxpayer’s money to accommodate her “friends” desires within Shelby Township.
Mr. Delise said at the last meeting that he sees nothing wrong with spending taxpayers money for “his cause” even going so far as to mention using money saved on the police station fencing for a special election.
That money saved belongs to “ALL TAXPAYERS” Mr. Delise, not to you for your idiotic causes or to Lisa Manzella to support her “friends want list” that vote for her.
Sorry for the long comment, I just finally watched the last meeting, got a bit fired up and needed to vent. Feel free to edit me if you wish.
Shelby Citizen (ShelbyCitizen.com)
No need to edit. Very well put and a nice addition to what we already wrote. Lisa Manzella only cares about those who support her issues. All others be damned. Says volumes about her integrity and character as Trustee.
ReplyDeleteMaybe we should work on getting Ms. Manzella recalled! If nothing else it would make for some good reading on her FB pages when she finds out that she is now a target of a recall.
ReplyDeleteIf there is anyone who truly deserves to be kicked out of office it is Mrs. Manzella. Then maybe she can go work for the Nightingales pumping gas - afterall, Manzella is FULL OF GAS (and full of something else!)
ReplyDeleteUm.....hey nonsense. We certainly understand your misguided love for Lisa Manzella, but did you bother to read our post? Guess not! Too bad for you.
ReplyDeletePlease tell me I'm not the only person who has noticed two Specific things Nick Nightmaregale has stated, one on each occasion at the last two Board Meetings. The first was about the Re-Call with Nick asking am I in trouble or something? Because I went out of my way to make sure I did everything on the level. The Second was at the last Board Meeting when Nick asked about the Police Study and when it will be completed. Nick was clearly using that in a attempt to make what he really wanted to know less obvious. That was that he had heard that Thousands of Dollars have been spent going back through all the Towing Charges and Practices. Please put these two questions together. Nick is Clearly Worried. Nick, soon I just have this Great Guess that we EDUCATED PEOPLE that went to Fancy Schools will know that what I am guessing will be front page documented news with SOLID PROOF on showing how much your Family really cares about anyone. It's not going to be pretty and if my guess is correct there will not be any story's you can make up that will cover Documented and State Investigated Facts. I hope you didn't fool yourself and actually think any investigation would be done by anyone in Shelby Twp or Macomb County. Don't worry yourself and take any time away from working on getting your re-call signatures. This is just a Guess from a very concerned Shelby Twp. resident. Being I have done undercover work for the F.D.A. has nothing to do with my personal right to bet and make guesses on things.
ReplyDeleteGoing into Terry Kowal. Mrs. Kowal, while still being threatened with Re-Call at the time. Downed Nightmaregale Towing, condemning the disrespectful way they and their supporter's acted during the meetings about the Towing Bids and Contract along with downing how they do not take care of their property. I'm not guessing on these statements. I have the E Mails to prove them. I was shocked to see Mrs. Kowal do such a 360 on what she had stated in the E Mails. The position change was like at the same time all of a sudden she was not being re-called anymore. No Integrity in Mrs. Kowal. For her to allow her family members or anyone else she may call friends to get involved in a re-call against fellow Board Members. When people still had morals this would have been Political Suicide. Now Lisa M.. Please tell me you know how wrong it is for Mrs. M. to not know when you Run or get Elected to Public Service your Past and Your entire Life is OPEN Game. Please tell me someone knows how wrong it is for a Public servant to sue any resident. Please tell me you know what a sick thing it is to do for that resident to just happen to have devoted his life to raising money for several charities. Please tell me you know how wrong it is for Mrs. M. a Elected Public Servant to read a Tax Paying Residents entire criminal history at a Twp. Board Meeting. Tell me it's right for Mrs. M. to continue this even deeper by having her supporters continue on speaking at the meetings continue to call the resident a FELON. That resident paid for his crimes. That resident is a free man today. I always say how much I hate people that sue. I say we are paying a dollar and much more for even a pack of Gum because someone choked on a piece and sued. First time in my Life I wish there was someone who would stand up and sue Mrs. M. for attacking a resident as she has and continues to do. Remember Mrs. M. is one of the top people crying with statements like our supervisor and treasurer will destroy you if you don't say or do what they want. Isn't this exactly what Mrs. M. is doing to any non supporter's of her's? The answer is Yes. Please watch closely and see the truth about who is really looking out for the Tax Payer's in Shelby Twp. This is so clear.
Going into Terry Kowal. Mrs. Kowal, while still being threatened with Re-Call at the time. Downed Nightmaregale Towing, condemning the disrespectful way they and their supporter's acted during the meetings about the Towing Bids and Contract along with downing how they do not take care of their property. I'm not guessing on these statements. I have the E Mails to prove them. I was shocked to see Mrs. Kowal do such a 360 on what she had stated in the E Mails. The position change was like at the same time all of a sudden she was not being re-called anymore. No Integrity in Mrs. Kowal. For her to allow her family members or anyone else she may call friends to get involved in a re-call against fellow Board Members. When people still had morals this would have been Political Suicide. Now Lisa M.. Please tell me you know how wrong it is for Mrs. M. to not know when you Run or get Elected to Public Service your Past and Your entire Life is OPEN Game. Please tell me someone knows how wrong it is for a Public servant to sue any resident. Please tell me you know what a sick thing it is to do for that resident to just happen to have devoted his life to raising money for several charities. Please tell me you know how wrong it is for Mrs. M. a Elected Public Servant to read a Tax Paying Residents entire criminal history at a Twp. Board Meeting. Tell me it's right for Mrs. M. to continue this even deeper by having her supporters continue on speaking at the meetings continue to call the resident a FELON. That resident paid for his crimes. That resident is a free man today. I always say how much I hate people that sue. I say we are paying a dollar and much more for even a pack of Gum because someone choked on a piece and sued. First time in my Life I wish there was someone who would stand up and sue Mrs. M. for attacking a resident as she has and continues to do. Remember Mrs. M. is one of the top people crying with statements like our supervisor and treasurer will destroy you if you don't say or do what they want. Isn't this exactly what Mrs. M. is doing to any non supporter's of her's? The answer is Yes. Please watch closely and see the truth about who is really looking out for the Tax Payer's in Shelby Twp. This is so clear. It is not Mrs. Kowal who is set for life all at our expense.It's to late to do anything about all her lifetime taxpayer expense benefits. But with GOD's Blessings we can vote her to the curb. Mrs. Kowal's at least one family member we know about, that was attempted to be hidden but failed. (Her Daughter) Has benefited greatly by getting such a Big Promotion. Remember that line before the vote? Saying it's a relative is such a HUGE Difference then saying it's your Daughter. Please tell me you see through this. The bottom line is I Love Shelby Twp and I fought hard for years to buy a home here. And because of just two board members and the towing trouble maker gang. I am seriously thinking about leaving this once Fine, Respectable, Proud Twp. If I don't see more people that see the Truth. I'm gone
ReplyDeleteI was and am appalled at the level of self entitlement expressed by Ken Underwood the retired Shelby Police officer that got up to speak at the last board meeting.
ReplyDeleteWhat a whiny looser he is. He gets up to try and explain why he is entitled to over 100,000 dollars a year of Shelby taxpayers money. It sounded like a street hold up where the crook tried to explain how he deserves my money more than I do. We paid him very well to do a job but he feels entitled to dip his hand into my taxpaying pocket for life. He held such contempt for his benefactors that I wish we could just cut him off right now and teach him who he is dealing with.
Mr. Ken Underwood, you did your job, you got paid. How about you stop sucking us dry for the rest of your life? I would be willing to come out to the parking lot and “discuss” this with you as you asked taxpayers to do but you wouldn’t be happy when I call you a tax sucking leach to your face.
Kiss my ass you ungrateful swine.
You would think we could get some retired employees who were at least a tiny bit grateful for the blood and sweat they are sucking out of taxpayers today.
Nonsense obviously did not read the article, typical of that side! We need to recall Lisa Manzella, give her a taste of her own medicine!!! How could she sit there and lie about her facebook comments and think she would get away with it, the proof is there, what a dummy!!!!