Let’s unite for our future and cut their strings this year!
Pictured above are Mr. BOBLEMAN (Save Shelby’s string-master); Brent Freeman (Save Shelby Treasurer candidate); Nick “the loudmouth” Nightingale; Lisa Manzella (Save Shelby Clerk candidate); John “mind your own business” Nightingale; Richard Batchelder (Save Shelby recall spokesman); and Ralph “Skip” Maccarone (BOBLEMAN’S choice for township attorney?).____________________
Shelby Township taxpayers who watched the Tuesday, January 17th Board of Trustees meeting were, to say the least, shocked at the total lack of respect shown by a small group of politically-motivated malcontents. At the forefront of these latest angry outbursts were none other than the Nightingale family.
Once again, as has become a clear pattern over the last three years, ever since the concept for competitive bids for towing services was introduced, the Nightingale/Save Shelby clan has used the occasion of a televised township meeting to try and push their political agenda. And what is that agenda? Smear the township; trash elected officials; press their special interest priorities; seize control of the Board meetings by unruly means; and show a complete and utter lack of respect for township elected officials, the taxpayers in general, and our township overall.
Readers who may have missed the meeting, here is a brief clip, taken by a reporter for the Shelby-Utica Patch, which illustrates, in very clear terms, what our township is forced to endure on a bi-weekly basis.
WARNING: What you are about to see is true. Rude and disrespectful conduct like this, from disgruntled residents, directed at our township officials is dangerous to the values we cherish in our democracy!
WARNING: What you are about to see is true. Rude and disrespectful conduct like this, from disgruntled residents, directed at our township officials is dangerous to the values we cherish in our democracy!
Shelby Township Board meeting — Tuesday, January 17, 2012
That was a very telling display of disrespect by the Nightingale/Save Shelby gang. By the way, did you hear the threat made by John Nightingale against Supervisor Rick Stathakis? As Mr. Stathakis was seeking to get the meeting under control, asking the Nightingale loudmouths to calm down, Mr. Nightingale can be heard yelling, in a hostile manner: “Mind your own business. I ain’t gonna tell you twice!” He was then approached by a township police officer and asked to show civility.
Mind your own business? Who in the world does John Nightingale think he is! King John the First?
As the video begins, Nick “the loudmouth” Nightingale is seen screaming at the Board and then walking away from the podium. A true class act! As you can also see, while Supervisor Stathakis is trying to conduct the people’s business during a Board of Trustees meeting, the Nightingale/Save Shelby mob keeps interrupting with their constant outbursts. Following her husband’s and son’s lead, Marsha Nightingale also stood up and began screaming at the Board. When she was asked to leave the Board room you can plainly hear her tell the police officer who was trying to restore order: “No! No!” She then refused to leave the room.
What is even worse than what is visible in this video, is the fact that the malcontent mob that is deliberately creating chaos at Board of Trustees meetings (a mob that refuses to follow proper rules of conduct) is the exact same mob that wants to run the entire township.
Imagine, if you will, what Shelby Township would look like if his malcontent mob took power. It would be an utter disaster. This small but boisterous bunch, known today as “Team Leman” but formerly called “Save Shelby”, will run our township into the ground. They tried to take our township by force with their recall scam - and failed miserably. Their political power grab flopped due to a lack of public interest and, in the words of one political analyst, because the effort was ripe with fraud.
Thankfully, for our democracy, a majority of taxpayers saw this recall for what it really was: a POWER TRIP by a minority special interest group. Now, this same gang hopes to try and trick voters into giving them power in this year’s election? Sorry, but we ain’t that stupid!
This group, the “BOBLEMAN BUNCH”, will spend all of our hard-earned tax money on their big spending schemes. They will give unions everything they demand at the bargaining table, in order to avoid the threat of recalls. They will bow to the whims and threats of special interest groups, again out of fear of angering them into a recall. And, here is the clincher, they will end up raising OUR taxes/millages to pay for their big spending agenda once they have spent all the money, drained the township’s reserves but need money to balance their big-spending budget.
Shelby Township has come too far under the wise, prudent and conservative leadership of Supervisor Rick Stathakis to risk this progress on a mob that wants to take us back to the “good old days.” Back to the days of growing budget deficits, shrinking reserve funds, expanded special interest control, threatened cuts in police, fire and other township services, and tax/millage increases.
How can we trust the “BOBLEMAN BUNCH” to run our township? We can’t because...
- They have no respect for proper conduct at Board meetings, as demonstrated by their consistent rude and disorderly conduct.
- They have no respect for taxpayers, as evidenced by their plans to increase spending and raise our taxes.
- They push their agenda through intimidation and threats - not discussion and diplomacy. You will do things their way - or else!
- They despise democracy and shout down anyone who disagrees with their vision for higher spending and special interest paybacks. Their election will chill democracy in our township.
- They feel entitled to certain taxpayer-funded benefits, including life-time, no-bid contracts.
- They seek to run the township THEIR way — and everyone else, in the words of John Nightingale as stated publicly on January 17th to Supervisor Stathakis (see the video above) should “mind your own business. I ain’t gonna tell you twice!”
- They have no respect for proper conduct at Board meetings, as demonstrated by their consistent rude and disorderly conduct.
- They have no respect for taxpayers, as evidenced by their plans to increase spending and raise our taxes.
- They push their agenda through intimidation and threats - not discussion and diplomacy. You will do things their way - or else!
- They despise democracy and shout down anyone who disagrees with their vision for higher spending and special interest paybacks. Their election will chill democracy in our township.
- They feel entitled to certain taxpayer-funded benefits, including life-time, no-bid contracts.
- They seek to run the township THEIR way — and everyone else, in the words of John Nightingale as stated publicly on January 17th to Supervisor Stathakis (see the video above) should “mind your own business. I ain’t gonna tell you twice!”
This gang’s disorderly, disrespectful and disgraceful behavior is being encouraged by none other than string-master Mr. BOBLEMAN himself. This guy sits shoulder-to-shoulder with the Nightingale mob at Board meetings to let everyone know whose side he is on. If the “BOBLEMAN BUNCH” gets their way, Shelby Township, and the concerns and interest of taxpayers, will be doomed to a future of higher spending, higher taxes and out-of-control special interests demands. The 2012 election is that important!
When you watch the Board meetings, you can clearly see what this group’s agenda is (although they deny any agenda).
- This mob yawns and shows no interest at all whenever Supervisor Stathakis describes about how the Board of Trustees has worked to cut the costs of government, save taxpayers money, and enhance and improve essential services — fire, EMS and police.
- This mob brushes off evidence of how conservative values of Supervisor Stathakis and the Board replaced projected budget deficits (and higher taxes) of the previous Supervisor (Maccarone) with four consecutive years of budget surpluses.
- This mob attacks the Board of Trustees as not in line with the concerns of taxpayers.
- This mob distorts facts, takes information out of context, and blatantly lies to try and convince people that their way is right — and everyone else is wrong.
Why? Saving money is just not that important to the “BOBLEMAN BUNCH”. Spending all of our money is what they care about most! So they choose to ignore how strong Shelby Township finances are today, especially when compared to where they were when Supervisor Stathakis and the conservative majority were elected. Shelby’s success is remarkable, especially when you look at other communities that failed to curb spending and, as a result, are facing massive tax hikes, millage increases, employee layoffs, service cuts, police and fire reductions and, in the worst case scenario, a state-mandated takeover by an Emergency Financial Manager.
- This mob yawns and shows no interest at all whenever Supervisor Stathakis describes about how the Board of Trustees has worked to cut the costs of government, save taxpayers money, and enhance and improve essential services — fire, EMS and police.
- This mob brushes off evidence of how conservative values of Supervisor Stathakis and the Board replaced projected budget deficits (and higher taxes) of the previous Supervisor (Maccarone) with four consecutive years of budget surpluses.
- This mob attacks the Board of Trustees as not in line with the concerns of taxpayers.
- This mob distorts facts, takes information out of context, and blatantly lies to try and convince people that their way is right — and everyone else is wrong.
Why? Saving money is just not that important to the “BOBLEMAN BUNCH”. Spending all of our money is what they care about most! So they choose to ignore how strong Shelby Township finances are today, especially when compared to where they were when Supervisor Stathakis and the conservative majority were elected. Shelby’s success is remarkable, especially when you look at other communities that failed to curb spending and, as a result, are facing massive tax hikes, millage increases, employee layoffs, service cuts, police and fire reductions and, in the worst case scenario, a state-mandated takeover by an Emergency Financial Manager.
It appears to a majority of Shelby taxpayers, who have observed this group’s insulting outbursts at Board meetings, that the “BOBLEMAN BUNCH” must be living in an alternate universe. That’s the only explanation for their actions!
What is this alternate universe? In the “BOBLEMAN BUNCH” universe low taxes, spending reductions, conservative values, progress, and prudent financial planning are deemed unimportant. The only thing of importance to the “BOBLEMAN BUNCH” is spending our tax money, helping their special interest friends (those who shout and curse at Board meetings), caving into every union demand in contract negotiations, and passing on the bill for their plans to us in the form of higher taxes and fees.
Make no mistake ... this is the “BOBLEMAN BUNCH” agenda for Shelby Township.
What is this alternate universe? In the “BOBLEMAN BUNCH” universe low taxes, spending reductions, conservative values, progress, and prudent financial planning are deemed unimportant. The only thing of importance to the “BOBLEMAN BUNCH” is spending our tax money, helping their special interest friends (those who shout and curse at Board meetings), caving into every union demand in contract negotiations, and passing on the bill for their plans to us in the form of higher taxes and fees.
Make no mistake ... this is the “BOBLEMAN BUNCH” agenda for Shelby Township.
The irony in all this is that the string-master of the “BOBLEMAN BUNCH”, supervisor candidate (and former police chief who was let go by a 5-to-2 Board of Trustees vote due to a lack of leadership) Mr. BOBLEMAN, claims that he wants to restore “sensibility” to the township.
Sensibility???? WTF!!!! Ask yourself these questions:
Sensibility???? WTF!!!! Ask yourself these questions:
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The “BOBLEMAN BUNCH” will raise our taxes and bankrupt Shelby Township to advance their big-spending, high-taxing, special-interest goals. |
• What is “sensible” about increasing government spending beyond what our township can afford? We have been down this road before, and the result was near disaster for our township! Do we want to do it again?
• What is “sensible” about giving unions every demand they want, including budget-busting pensions, which jeopardize the future for all Shelby taxpayers?
• What is “sensible” about giving special interest groups, like the malcontent mob that is backing and funding the “BOBLEMAN BUNCH,” free reign to do whatever the hell they want - and taxpayers be damned!
• What is “sensible”about returning to the days of no-bid contracts for special interests as political payback for campaign support at election time?
• What is “sensible” about raising taxes/fees/millages on residents to build a “campus” of new buildings that will break the township’s budget? Make no mistake, the “BOBLEMAN BUNCH” will empty your wallet faster than big-spending liberals in Congress!
• What is “sensible” about repeatedly tearing Shelby Township down, as the “BOBLEMAN BUNCH” has done and continues doing, to promote their cause? The “BOBLEMAN BUNCH” loves spreading rumors as truth and lies as fact. Their chief irritant, Trustee Lisa Manzella, uses Facebook to smear our township. Her Internet conduct is adult cyberbullying!
• What is “sensible” about attacking conservative values, as this group has done recently at Board meetings? These people come up and smear our Board, compare them to the Detroit City Council and deface the accomplishments of Shelby’s Trustees — while simultaneously declaring proudly (as Democrat Clarence Cook did again at the January 17th Board meeting) that all Republicans are bad!
Save Shelby associate Tim Orbacki loves trashing the Board. He did so, once again, at the January 17th Board meeting. He has tried to defame Trustee Paul Filar, comparing her with disgraced Detroit City Councilwoman Monica Conyers. Shelby residents we have spoken to (and there are many) find Orbacki’s obsession with Detroit bizarre and ridiculously out of sync given the many successes of Shelby’s Board of Trustees. Orbacki said at the January 17th meeting that he has no agenda. Come on Tim! Your agenda is crystal clear: TEAR DOWN OUR BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Fess up — we all know it!
• Finally, what is “sensible” about trying to pawn yourself off as a Republican, when you are not. If you note in the Shelby-Utica News report about Mr. BOBLEMAN’s candidacy, he said that he will “run as a Republican.” Take notice that BOBLEMAN did not say emphatically that he is a Republican, only that he will RUN as a Republican. That is an enormous difference.
Sensibility? When you think about it, what is “sensible” about anything on the “BOBLEMAN BUNCH” political agenda? NOTHING!
Given his printed remark that he will “run as a Republican”, this proves that BOBLEMAN, despite what he says, is a Republican In Name Only — also called a RINO. He and his handlers have made a calculated decision to “run as a Republican”, not because he believes in conservative, Republican principles, but because this is the only way his gang thinks he can possibly stand a chance of winning.
Save Shelby associate Tim Orbacki loves trashing the Board. He did so, once again, at the January 17th Board meeting. He has tried to defame Trustee Paul Filar, comparing her with disgraced Detroit City Councilwoman Monica Conyers. Shelby residents we have spoken to (and there are many) find Orbacki’s obsession with Detroit bizarre and ridiculously out of sync given the many successes of Shelby’s Board of Trustees. Orbacki said at the January 17th meeting that he has no agenda. Come on Tim! Your agenda is crystal clear: TEAR DOWN OUR BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Fess up — we all know it!
• Finally, what is “sensible” about trying to pawn yourself off as a Republican, when you are not. If you note in the Shelby-Utica News report about Mr. BOBLEMAN’s candidacy, he said that he will “run as a Republican.” Take notice that BOBLEMAN did not say emphatically that he is a Republican, only that he will RUN as a Republican. That is an enormous difference.
Sensibility? When you think about it, what is “sensible” about anything on the “BOBLEMAN BUNCH” political agenda? NOTHING!
Given his printed remark that he will “run as a Republican”, this proves that BOBLEMAN, despite what he says, is a Republican In Name Only — also called a RINO. He and his handlers have made a calculated decision to “run as a Republican”, not because he believes in conservative, Republican principles, but because this is the only way his gang thinks he can possibly stand a chance of winning.
The “BOBLEMAN BUNCH” is a phony collection of puppets with one objective: POWER! Their string-puller, Mr. BOBLEMAN, is their hand-picked choice for supervisor. He is the only hope this gang has of taking POWER away from the people. So they will say anything to get it, and will do anything to anyone they want in order to keep it!
If you don’t believe us, tune in and watch the next televised Shelby Township Board of Trustees meeting and see for yourself how this malcontent mob acts. Document for yourself the unadulterated lack of respect they have for the people, and the process, of Shelby Township.
In the meantime, BEWARE of the “BOBLEMAN BUNCH”. They don’t give a damn about our township and they have utter contempt for taxpayers. Yet they want to run the show? God help us!!!
If you don’t believe us, tune in and watch the next televised Shelby Township Board of Trustees meeting and see for yourself how this malcontent mob acts. Document for yourself the unadulterated lack of respect they have for the people, and the process, of Shelby Township.
In the meantime, BEWARE of the “BOBLEMAN BUNCH”. They don’t give a damn about our township and they have utter contempt for taxpayers. Yet they want to run the show? God help us!!!
Until next time...
EDITOR’S NOTE: The “Truth Guys” thank our loyal readership for making this blog a success. Surpassing 40,000 views is remarkable. Word of mouth advertising, as well as some exposure by those who are outraged by our reports, has also helped spike readership. Look for more interesting Inside Out reports in the weeks and months ahead. If the “BOBLEMAN BUNCH” thinks we are going away, they are GRAVELY mistaken!!!!!!!!!!
EDITOR’S NOTE: The “Truth Guys” thank our loyal readership for making this blog a success. Surpassing 40,000 views is remarkable. Word of mouth advertising, as well as some exposure by those who are outraged by our reports, has also helped spike readership. Look for more interesting Inside Out reports in the weeks and months ahead. If the “BOBLEMAN BUNCH” thinks we are going away, they are GRAVELY mistaken!!!!!!!!!!
I have been reading your blog for two years. Great stuff! This one, about the BOBLEMAN BUNCH is a classic. Very appropriate, and very to the point. ThE BOBLEMAN BUNCH is bad business for Shelby. Cutting their strings is the only way to make these crazy crackpots go away.
ReplyDeleteWhere I grew up. Your parents either had the money for private school or you were forced to put your safety and life on the line in the Detroit School System. Because you were Caucasian. Everyone in my neighborhood except myself had to take the secondary route. In very short periods, all of them just stopped going to school for their own safety. Never lasting longer than first grade. It gets under my skin that these people who grew up here and had the PRIVILAGE. (Don't ever take that word lightly). These people who 100% self stated on camera at board meetings on to many occasions to keep track of. Continuously state they are lifetime residents or thirty-forty year residents. I am insulted at the level of Education 97% of the Anti-Majority Board Mob has... No Civility, No proper English, No respect, No common sense, And lastly, what's headed their way. (Solid Number, cannot be proven otherwise, it's all on camera). These people took what I and so many of my friends would have done anything to have been able to have. The opportunity for a Great Utica School System Education. Their open lack or Education is a slap in the face to themselves, and a slap in the face to all of those who lived here in Shelby their entire life. This is the greatest insult to someone like myself, who fought my way out to Shelby Twp. All so my children would not have to ever go through what I did. This Board minus Lisa Manzella is what we need. Every lie this Mob screams out against this great board. It is all EXACTLY what they themselves alone are doing. On Camera! I want to add... Look back at the first meetings when the Towing Contract was brought up. For the first time it was going out for bids. Look how crazy the Nightengales Family became. This is the only thing you need to ask yourself, as I did watching it. Something can't be right for people to be so threatening over a Towing Contract? Look how many people they have in their immediate family alone. Not one of them I know of has any job other than being a Nightengale Family Member or being married to one. My opinion is they were making a heck of a lot of money for a Long, Long, Long period of time. All unchecked. Now real employment is in most of their futures. These people will do Anything to attempt to stop that from happening. Pretty good Agenda I would say. Prop up, put on a pedestal and gather more useful idiots. Who also chose not to utilize Utica Schools, and you have a quorum.....Finally.... "If this is your first time here on Inside Out. I don't know who started or runs this site. I just post my opinion. I do know you will only get the real truth here. You have my word on that. My word means everything to me." I only look for the good in people. Sadly, I see not a stitch of good in any Lying, self serving, MOBS that have decided to show the public their Integrity Level live on Camera.
ReplyDeleteOutraged doesn't begin to describe it. The Nightingales are proud of what they are doing. It says a lot about them. Now that this guy Bob Lemon is running for supervisor, they are only getting worse. I can't believe that anyone, outside their little group, think what the Nightingales are doing is okay. Mrs. Nightingale accused our supervisor of sexual harassment on December 20th. She lied and we know it. She owes Mr. Stathakis an apology, but she won't do that. She hates him, and the Board, so much so will never admit she lied. But she did. The Nightingales overcharged residents, and basically screwed us to pad their own pockets. No wonder the Board took their contract away. They deceived it! Now, they are simply trying to irritate everyone. Thanks- because now we all see what this group is up to. Their guy Lemon stands no chance of winning.