Wednesday, October 17, 2007

A Shelby Halloween Horror Story...

In honor of Halloween, we feature the following short movie. This was sent to us by an e-mail reader, and we could not resist.

So sit back, get your popcorn, and enjoy this township horror story -- featuring some of your favorite township characters.


  1. Now THAT'S funny!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Thanks, I needed that today.

  2. This blog is soooo truthful

  3. We knew you would like this. Our intent is to inform, entertain, motivate and educate Shelby Township residents. Glad you enjoy reading and watching what we have to offer. Look for more good stuff in the months to come.

  4. I know I lack the elegance of most, but, as supervisor, this man has made my blood boil. I hate that I am paying Maccarone to do this job and I can not just fire him. This man is not a joke to me. He seriously thinks he knows better than taxpayers about how our money should be spent. GRRRRRR.

    [Edited by the "Truth Guys"]

  5. I always knew that Skip had a SPOOKY characteristic about him. Now I understand why! Thanks.
