"I have never seen someone more hard-working than Mr. Maccarone. Thank God he is on the Board or our township would really be in trouble."
What?? Okay, now that we have stopped laughing, let's get serious here. This e-mailer's adoration of Skip does not hide the facts of how miserably he has governed our township. In fact, it was not us who came up with the TYRANT label. It was another resident, who also sent this description to us....
The Tyrant
Tyrants are angry. The tyrant lashes out when cornered by the truth. Inflicting pain on others helps them feel less disempowered.
The tyrant, more often than not, is a nobody. Often he's a failure and a coward, and he needs others to march forward for him to fill the gap of his inadequacy. He places unreasonable demands on others, partly to dominate and control them, and partly in the vain attempt to bolster himself up to assist with his insecurities. Meanwhile, he causes trouble, dominating, manipulating, and controlling those around him with negative emotion and threats.
If you have to deal with tyrants, remember this: Even though they're desperately unhappy, they become arrogant and dogmatic through the exercise of their tyranny. You will rarely get a tyrant to see reason. They live in their own rabid empire.
A tyrant is like the schoolyard bully who won't back off until he gets a punch on the nose. So the way to serve and help the tyrant is to be firm and not allow him to get away with it. He won't change until he experiences a big setback. The power that tyrants exert is too intoxicating. So don't try to change them, and don't bother trying to keep them happy. It doesn't help. Just whack 'em in the head with the biggest psychological, emotional, or financial plank you've got. They'll respect you and cause less trouble.
We have all seen how Skip likes to dominate the Board of Trustees meetings. He spins information and tries to control the discussion. He confuses people who come up to speak from the floor with a bunch of legal mumbo-jumbo (obviously trying to show us how smart he thinks he is). The image he projects is someone who is trying to push his agenda on others, and he resents anyone who tries to push back with ideas of their own.

A few years ago we came came across this flyer entitled "Flip Flop Skip." The information is obviously taken from the 2000 election, when Skip made all kinds of promises to get himself elected. This flyer shows that while promises are one thing in politics, performance is quite another - and it is performance in office which matters most to taxpayers.
Politicians who say one thing, and do the opposite are the worst kind of people. They panhandle for votes and then conveniently forget who got them elected once they get into office.
Election 2008 is just over three weeks away. Remember, August 5th is THE day. The primary is all that counts in Shelby which is primarily Republican. There are no Democrats running for Supervisor, so whoever wins on August 5th will run our township for the next four years.
If you are like us and want to change the direction of our township, it begins by changing the Supervisor. This change will happen on AUGUST 5th. So if you are sick of Skip, don't wait until November to vote. AUGUST IS THE ELECTION WE MUST ALL TURNOUT FOR!
As the saying above points out, to counter a tyrant we need to whack him in the head with the biggest plank we have. That plank is the power of the ballot box.
Keep connected with what is going on inside our township. If you want to help us stop Skip this election year, send us a note to STOPSKIP08@AOL.COM.
Remember - VOTE on Election Day - Tuesday, August 5th.
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