Never before in Shelby Township history have we seen such a lousy, mishandled process for constructing a building and paying for it as we have with Skip Maccarone and his police and court "justice center."
As detailed in the January 27, 2008 issue of the
Source newspaper, this township justice center continues to raise questions and controversy. The fact that this building STILL raises such public and private concerns shows us, without question, that Skip Maccarone's handling of this has been a TOTAL FAILURE.
Instead of involving others, seeking public and elected official input, and coming to a consensus on what we need and what we can afford, Maccarone did this entire project on his own. Skip made the presentation for the police/court and "campus" in February, 2005; Skip ran to the newspapers bragging about his plans for a $50 million campus; and Skip's one-man act continues up to this day.
As discussed in the January 30, 2008 issue of the
Shelby Utica News, residents voiced their concerns about this building. Some said the timing of this project is not right, given our "one state recession." The design is going forward, despite nagging questions - questions that no one
(except Maccarone) seems to have complete answers to.
As discussed in the
Shelby Utica News, Skip Maccarone chided an effort by the Board of Trustees to take another, closer look at this project to make sure we could afford it. During one of his many rants at the January 22nd meeting, Skip said: "The level of redundancy [in the Board's effort to take another look at this building], I think, defies comprehension."
We believe that government should work slowly and diligently, especially when it comes to spending our tax money. Far too often in history, both here in our township, and at the state and federal levels, politicians have been so eager to spend our tax money, that they fail to examine all aspects of an issue. "Just spend the money" is their mantra. It is only afterwards that taxpayers hear our politicians say: "OOPS...we didn't think of that one!"
Is history repeating itself? It appears as though Skip wants to hurry up and build his "justice center", is not bothered by the cost, and he feels any questions or attempts to get insights or answers to questions about this building are unwarranted and redundant.
Since when did it become is redundant to stand up for the rights, and pocketbooks, of Shelby Township taxpayers?Hey arrogant statement like defies comprehension, especially from an elected official.
During the January 22nd Board of Trustees meeting, this building was discussed at length, and it was clear that the Board of Trustees is still is not completely comfortable with Skip Maccarone's plan, nor do they feel confident that this building will not place a huge additional tax/fee burden on township residents. It was also clear that residents are resentful about being left out of the loop as plans progress, as trees are cut down, and as questions remain about this justice center and the overall $50 million campus.
Skip Maccarone has said this entire project (including his $50 million campus) can be built without additional taxes/fees/assessments. Really? How? Want to bet your next tax bill?
Where will the money come from to fulfill Skip's dream (some call it a legacy nightmare)? We will note, for the record, that Skip has said the larger court building means that the court will be able to possibly "increase revenues." Increase revenues? Sounds like a tax/fee increase to us? Ask yourself who will pay these increased revenues?
Let us reiterate, for those people (including Skip Maccarone) who will automatically jump to conclusions......
...WE ARE NOT AGAINST PUBLIC SAFETY. PERIOD! Yes, our dynamic and outstanding law enforcement professionals deserve and need a new building. The size and cost of the building are legitimate concerns, and to date it does not seem like we (the taxpayers) have received straight answers from Skip Maccarone about the cost and how we (the taxpayers) will pay for it. What began around $19 million, went up to $20 million, and now could go as high as $23 to $25 million. Where does it end?
It appears to us that we have received half-truths, or politically-correct answers, to serious questions. It appears as though this is one person's vision, that will be paid by everyone. It appears as though the only public input there will be on this justice center is when we get the bill in the mail to pay for it. That is NOT leadership!
We were initially told by Skip that the cost of this facility would be split between the police and court. Roughly, 64% paid by police, and 36% paid by the court. Now, we learn that declining court revenues will mean that the police department will be forced to pay the entire cost for the building. What? That's right! Skip now admits that times have changed, and the court will have to borrow money from the police fund to pay its portion, and then we are told the court will pay this money back. Sounds like a shell game?
Ongoing skepticism about Maccarone's justice center and $50 million "campus" plan, combined with concerns from taxpayers, is why at the Tuesday, January 22nd Board of Trustees meeting Clerk Terri Kowal said the following: "I want to see where this money's going to come from. I don't think we should be building things we can't afford."
We must point out that the only member of the Board, besides Maccarone, who seemed to not care about the public's questions about cost and how to properly and fully pay for this is Trustee Lisa Manzella. Why? Is Manzella more interested in obtaining photo ops for this year's election than she is with protecting the pocketbooks of taxpayers?
Since Manzella served on Skip's hand-picked committee that looked into this police and court justice center, maybe she is too close to it to see the building's impact in its totality? Maybe Manzella has too much invested (personally and politically) to admit what others in our township know: there are still too many unanswered questions? Maybe she is too eager for a photo op of the building's groundbreaking ceremony (after all, this is an election year)?
We can see it now...Maccarone and Manzella, side-by-side, shovels in hand, with a big smile on their faces as they lower their shovels into the ground. Don't think this will happen? Don't think that a photograph like this will appear on someone's campaign literature? Then you don't know Skip Maccarone.
The truth is that Skip Maccarone put together this plan, and he has not wanted to bother looking at ways to trim costs. In fact, Maccarone was the
only Board member who voted against a proposal to put bond counsel for the township justice center out for competitive bid to see if the township could save money. Why in the world would Skip not want to see if the township could save money???????
Below is how the minutes of the May 16, 2007 Board of Trustees work session reads:
MOTION by Carabelli, supported by Viar, to go out for Requests for Interest for general bond work for legal and financial advisor.Motion carried (Kowal, Viar, Kady, Manzella, Carabelli, Filar)Mr. Maccarone voted “nay”==========================
Skip Maccarone did not want to "bother" seeing if the township could save money by putting this out for competitive bid? This is NOT the first time since his election that Skip has wanted to forego competitive bids for township services.
Here is a piece of advice for Skip Maccarone (not that he will care):
TELL US THE TRUTH! Better yet, why not let the residents vote on this? Isn't that what democracy is really all about?
We strongly disagree with the township resident who said during the January 22nd Board of Trustees meeting that Shelby Township voters are too disconnected to understand this "complex" issue. There is nothing complex about building a new facility for our police and court officials. There is nothing complex about finding a real-world formula to pay for it. There is nothing complex about giving us the facts and letting us have our say. There is NOTHING COMPLEX about the value of democracy.
People we have spoken to in our township don't like it when it is perceived that something is being hidden (deliberately?) from us, or that elected officials are not being straightforward. They don't like it when we are told that we need this building; that we need this size of building; that any questions are redundant; and that, like it or not, we will pay $23 million (or more) for it ... no questions asked!
Hey honest and tell us the truth, and the voters may just surprise you. Better yet, the voters will really surprise you this August, when we ship you back to private law practice.
Keep those e-mails coming: