The answer to that important question is very complex, but every answer goes to the heart of what it means to serve in public office.
Skip Maccarone has been Supervisor for more than seven long years now. However, from his very first Board meeting after taking office, he made it clear that he is the BIG DOG in the township. As a former Detroit cop (under Coleman Young) and a lawyer, Skip made it clear to everyone that HE — and he alone — will rule this township. Anyone who has seen Skip in action will agree that, more often than not, he acts more like a dictator than a public official in a democratic society.
As the BIG DOG, whenever Skip barks out an order, others are expected (some might say demanded) to listen! In Skip's world, refusal is just not an option.
If we don't listen to his lengthy explanations to simple questions, and agree with his assessment of a situation, or if we dare to have a difference of opinion on something... WATCH OUT! That's when Skip turns on the "I" thing. We've all seen and heard it:
-- His beady eyes get narrow;
-- His scowl gets more pronounced;
-- His face gets beet red;
-- The sweat beads on his forehead;
-- His nerves start twitching;
-- He stares you down with an evil "I dare you" glare;
and then...
-- The BIG DOG start spewing angry words from his mouth ... and when Skip starts talking...and talking...and talking... (blah, blah, blah) ... we wonder if he will ever shut up?
An angry Skip belittles taxpayers as the "Peanut Gallery." He claims we are "misinformed" or that we are "misrepresenting the facts." Skip treats taxpayers like we are Gilligan and he is the Professor who is going to teach us a lesson or two about life in HIS township. "Let me enlighten you on a few things just so we're clear on this" is what $kip tells residents all the time.
One fact Skip apparently forgot about -- or more accurately never really understood -- is that every penny of his salary comes directly from the pockets of taxpayers. He works for us -- we are the boss around here. As such, we have a right to speak our mind and tell our "employee" when we don't like something that he is doing.
The truth is that residents are scared for their lives to speak up, even when they have a legitimate beef, out of fear of facing the wrath of Skip. Watch the Board of Trustees meetings and see for yourself. Count the number of red chairs in the Township Board meeting room. Then count the number of residents who attend the meetings. Then count the number who actually come up to speak. What happened to our cherished democracy?

Shelby taxpayers don't come to voice their opinion at meetings because the end result is that Skip will tell us that our opinion is WRONG. Not only that, but he will try to intimidate and publicly scorn anyone who speaks against him or his so-called leadership.
Politicians like Skip Maccarone are dangerous -- to our township, to our democracy, and to our personal freedoms. This is why, just weeks after his election, Skip Maccarone earned the title “Czarpervisor” — for attempting to rule with with an iron tongue!
Skip loves to try and make people look stupid, especially at televised Board of Trustee meetings. He claims all the time that the people are wrong, we are misinformed, we are misrepresenting the facts, denies he said what he said, and on and on. Whenever Skip has done this, we have often wondered: How is Skip always right, and 72,000 plus residents are always wrong?
It can be summed up in one word: INTIMIDATION!
Or as taxpayers have come to know it: The "I" thing.
If you have something you would like to tell us about Skip Maccarone, send an e-mail to stopskip08@aol.com.
Let's keep the pressure on, because on Tuesday, August 5th 2008 we will elect a new Supervisor.
Shelby Township residents deserve it!
Love the dogs. A picture truly is worth a thousand words. With a single look, this conveys what we face everyday in Shelby Township.