Seems like people are outraged that Skippy, Tony and Bobby (the Three Township Stooges) have climbed aboard the County Executive bandwagon. This bothersome threesome has joined other prominent Democrats in pushing for a County Executive modeled after the one held by their political friend, Wayne County Executive Robert Ficano.
This time, we will be sharing with you some more e-mails we have received from INSIDE OUT readers. Our blog has prompted people around the County, and indeed around the country, to see the truth about Skip "The Liberal" Maccarone. While he talked like a conservative -- talk is cheap. The fact is that Maccarone spends money faster than taxpayers can pay it. His current and future spending jeopardizes the long-term financial health of our great township.
(1) "Hey Truth Guys. I love the Three Stooges. Who couldn't. Having Skip portrayed as the overbearing bully Moe fits him to a tee. Keep up the great work!"

We understand that this entry, and our blog in general, has ruffled a few feathers. If that is the case, GREAT! We want to keep our holier than thou Shelby Township Supervisor on his toes. Unchallenged, people like Skip tend to get to overconfident and arrogant. Some even think they are entitled to remain in office as long as THEY want. Sorry, but the decision about how long a politician remains in office is up to the VOTERS ... and your time is almost up Skippy!
(2) "I am a taxpayer in Harrison Township, and your Three Stooges idea was a big hit with people here. Our Supervisor Forlini is as bad as yours in Shelby. He, too, is an arrogant and overbearing jerk. Must take after his hero, Maccarone! Do you know of any similar blogs for Harrison that we might find useful in our bid to get rid of Curly Forlini this year?"
Sorry, but no we don't. But we will keep our eyes and ears open, and if we stumble across one we will pass it along. Also, we will be happy to provide any technical assistance to help others who want to hold politicians accountable for their actions.
(3) "Skip Maccarone has to go, that is a given. We need a change in the Supervisor's office. But do you know if anyone is going to run against this moron?"
We haven't heard of anyone running yet. But we can't believe that a screw up like Skip would run unopposed. Somebody has to come forward to accept the challenge to bring new ideas to our township. God help us all if Skip gets re-elected. If you think his arrogance and his overspending are bad now, just wait to see will happen in our township is Skip wins again. Worse yet, if Skip's handpicked candidates for Treasurer, Clerk and Trustees win as well (Maccarone is actively organizing a slate of "Pro-Skip" candidates right now) then all bets are off about how high spending will go...and how high taxes/millages/fees/assessments etc. will have to go up to support Skip's spending. Our township, our families, our businesses and our collective pocketbooks CANNOT afford four more years of Skip Maccarone.
EDITOR'S NOTE: We have since discovered, from a search of the Macomb County Clerk's Election Department records, that a man named Richard Stathakis is running for Shelby Township Supervisor. Thank GOD somebody has decided to take on Maccarone. We will have more about this in a future entry. Until then, we encourage all INSIDE OUT readers to find out more about Richard Stathakis and (more importantly) join up to help him win in 2008.
(4) "How can the township be spending so much money? Look around and you see vacant offices and buildings everywhere. Great Lakes Hobby and Train even moved out of Shelby and into Sterling Heights. Does anyone care?"
Supervisor Maccarone doesn't care. He just wants to keep on spending as if the economy is buzzing right along. Skip's budgets (and Maccarone prepares the budget) have grown every year. At the same time, taxes and fees paid by us have also grown. Is it a coincidence that at the same time that the fees/taxes/assessments paid by homeowners and business owners have risen, so has the township's budget? What would happen to the township if the money dried up? Where would Skip get the money to support his increased spending????
(5) "I can't believe the township stripped all the trees along Smiley Drive. My neighbors are furious. And yet, we still earn recognition and honors as a Tree City USA? Did anyone tell the group that gave us the award how the township stripped the trees? What a joke!"
The cutting down of the trees for Skip's "campus" was wrong. The township (aka Skip) didn't follow proper procedures. A site plan should have been approved first, and then the trees cut down. But here, the trees were cut down before a site plan was approved. THE PROCESS IS SCREWED UP. Skip is in such a hurry to get his $23 million (or probably more) police/court center built that, as he sees it: "damn the process, full speed ahead!"
If a private developer (us) tried to do what the township did in cutting down all these trees, we would be fined, or worse. Heck, Skip might even get one of his FBI buddies to open an investigation into what occurred. But the township cuts all the trees down, and gets away with it. In response to angry residents, Skip says that no trees were cut down that weren't supposed to be cut down. We seriously doubt that. Why else would Skip tell residents that he could move trees from one portion of the campus grounds to another. If trees were not illegally removed, why would Skip even mention playing a shell game with trees -- shifting them around from one area of the township grounds to another. Yah, like that's gonna' happen!
An interesting side note: Skip went on Shelby television complaining about how a private electrical contractor was clear-cutting trees near power lines. Yes, clear cutting of trees is bad for our township, but isn't there a bit of Skip hypocrisy (hereafter to be called Skipocrisy) here? The township clear cuts trees which abut residential homes and the response from Skip is that it needed to be done to build his campus. Then, a private developer clear cuts trees near power lines and Skip gets angrier than a hungry black bear in the spring. Go figure!
(6) "Thanks for taking the time to care about what is going on in Shelby Township. To me, Skip comes across as an angry politician. I remember when he made all kinds of promises about teamwork, cooperation and the like. Now, he just another lying, spending, and scheming politician."
What more can we say? That sums it up quite nicely, and is a perfect way to end this entry. Hey, are you interested in joining our INSIDE OUT blogger team?
These are but a few of the many e-mails we have received recently. As the 2008 campaign season heats up, rest assured that we will be watching, taking detailed notes, and expressing our views and opinions about Skip Maccarone.
If you have something you would like to share with us, especially as it relates to the township campaign to oust Skip Maccarone on August 5th, send us an e-mail to stopskip08@aol.com.
Unlike Skip Maccarone, we welcome your ideas and your insights for getting our township back on the right track. It will take some work, but we remain optimistic that VICTORY FOR THE PEOPLE is just a few months away.
(4) "How can the township be spending so much money? Look around and you see vacant offices and buildings everywhere. Great Lakes Hobby and Train even moved out of Shelby and into Sterling Heights. Does anyone care?"
Supervisor Maccarone doesn't care. He just wants to keep on spending as if the economy is buzzing right along. Skip's budgets (and Maccarone prepares the budget) have grown every year. At the same time, taxes and fees paid by us have also grown. Is it a coincidence that at the same time that the fees/taxes/assessments paid by homeowners and business owners have risen, so has the township's budget? What would happen to the township if the money dried up? Where would Skip get the money to support his increased spending????
(5) "I can't believe the township stripped all the trees along Smiley Drive. My neighbors are furious. And yet, we still earn recognition and honors as a Tree City USA? Did anyone tell the group that gave us the award how the township stripped the trees? What a joke!"
The cutting down of the trees for Skip's "campus" was wrong. The township (aka Skip) didn't follow proper procedures. A site plan should have been approved first, and then the trees cut down. But here, the trees were cut down before a site plan was approved. THE PROCESS IS SCREWED UP. Skip is in such a hurry to get his $23 million (or probably more) police/court center built that, as he sees it: "damn the process, full speed ahead!"
If a private developer (us) tried to do what the township did in cutting down all these trees, we would be fined, or worse. Heck, Skip might even get one of his FBI buddies to open an investigation into what occurred. But the township cuts all the trees down, and gets away with it. In response to angry residents, Skip says that no trees were cut down that weren't supposed to be cut down. We seriously doubt that. Why else would Skip tell residents that he could move trees from one portion of the campus grounds to another. If trees were not illegally removed, why would Skip even mention playing a shell game with trees -- shifting them around from one area of the township grounds to another. Yah, like that's gonna' happen!
An interesting side note: Skip went on Shelby television complaining about how a private electrical contractor was clear-cutting trees near power lines. Yes, clear cutting of trees is bad for our township, but isn't there a bit of Skip hypocrisy (hereafter to be called Skipocrisy) here? The township clear cuts trees which abut residential homes and the response from Skip is that it needed to be done to build his campus. Then, a private developer clear cuts trees near power lines and Skip gets angrier than a hungry black bear in the spring. Go figure!
(6) "Thanks for taking the time to care about what is going on in Shelby Township. To me, Skip comes across as an angry politician. I remember when he made all kinds of promises about teamwork, cooperation and the like. Now, he just another lying, spending, and scheming politician."
What more can we say? That sums it up quite nicely, and is a perfect way to end this entry. Hey, are you interested in joining our INSIDE OUT blogger team?
These are but a few of the many e-mails we have received recently. As the 2008 campaign season heats up, rest assured that we will be watching, taking detailed notes, and expressing our views and opinions about Skip Maccarone.
If you have something you would like to share with us, especially as it relates to the township campaign to oust Skip Maccarone on August 5th, send us an e-mail to stopskip08@aol.com.
Unlike Skip Maccarone, we welcome your ideas and your insights for getting our township back on the right track. It will take some work, but we remain optimistic that VICTORY FOR THE PEOPLE is just a few months away.
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