This is the day we have longed for since the Inside Out began publishing one year ago.
The candidates for the Shelby Township Board of Trustees have all had their say, and now it is OUR turn.
The decisions made this year will have a direct impact on our township, on our families, and our pocketbooks for decades to come. This is why we urge all voters to take time to get to the polls and cast your vote.
The polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. We are all eagerly awaiting the results of this year's election when we will, hopefully, get to put an end to eight years of Skip Maccarone's reign of terror.
If you think your vote doesn’t count, today’s the day it does. Today’s the day you get to vote on township officials who affect our daily life (and taxes!)
Shelby Township is a great place. Our goal in this election is to elect Township Board members who will watch our money, reduce township spending, and work to make Shelby Township even better.
MAKE SURE YOU VOTE TODAY. We'll talk again after the election, when hopefully our township's future will look much brighter without Skip Maccarone!
Hooray...Skip is a goner! The little man suffered a major humiliating defeat. Couldn't happen to a more deserving man. Goodbye Skip, and don't let the door hit you in the behind when you leave. Adios!