The people in this group may pump themselves up as some kind of saviors, but they are far from it. In fact, most township residents have questioned whether this recall is a power grab upon democracy by one towing family and their circle of friends in order to keep their gravy train rolling.
Is this how they plan to Save Shelby? Save it for their selfish needs?
Predictably, the Nightingale family will deny any public involvement in the recall. Sure, they come up and constantly spew their rubbish at Board meetings. But they try to distance themselves from the actual recall. As if residents are unable to connect the dots?????
For some reason, this clan doesn’t understand that in the computer age anything (and everything) can be found and verified/copied/distributed with the click of a mouse button. Google is a fantastic research tool!
Case in point, the Nightingales and their Save Shelby scheme have a formal Facebook page. We have written about this in a prior post. On that page they display a list of “friends” — people who believe so strongly in their recall that they want the whole world to know where they stand. Some of these “friends” don’t live in Shelby Township, while others are relative unknowns. Some people who were “friends” had their name removed after being exposed. The rest of their “friends” are people who, one could successfully argue, have a calculated political goal.
We are listing the names of the key figures in the Nightingale recall campaign. As you can see, it is rather simple to connect the dots and see why they is trying to take revenge on others.
Linda DeRocher Maccarone — Wife of former Supervisor Skip Maccarone. Maccarone has a personal grudge against Supervisor Rick Stathakis who trounced her husband in the 2008 Supervisor’s race by an unprecedented margin of 70%-to-30%. Especially remarkable given how Maccarone believed he was invincible and unbeatable.
Linda Maccarone, who works as administrator at St. Therese of Lisieux Parish in Shelby Township, considers herself a devoted Christian. She was quoted in the January 11, 2008 issue of the Michigan Catholic (a publication of the Archdiocese of Detroit) as proclaiming: “I think people need to be reminded that through our baptism, we’re called to serve God in some way.” Does Maccarone think badmouthing Shelby Township officials (especially the man who defeated her husband) and helping distribute misleading information for a recall is serving God’s will?
Lisa Manzella — Current Shelby Township Trustee. Manzella has said that she has no involvement with the recall, but facts (and her statements) tell a different story! Her hatred for Supervisor Stathakis is well documented - both in newspaper stories and e-mails. We will expose those later.
Joe Manzella — Husband of Trustee Manzella.
Vito Manzella — Another member of the Manzella Bunch.
Terri Kowal – Current Shelby Township Clerk. Mrs. Kowal had her name proudly linked as a “friend” on the Save Shelby Facebook site until she got CAUGHT. When confronted about this she denied any knowledge or involvement. However, her name then vanished from the site quicker than an airplane at a David Copperfield magic show. Coincidence?
By the way, Kowal has perfected the Friends and Family Plan of governing. Kowal hands out township jobs to family members as if it were part of her official duties. Her sister, her daughter and her grandson. We will expose the Kowal Family Plan in a future post.
Nightingale Towing — We are amazed that the Nightingales actually have their company Facebook page linked to the recall. They encourage customers to check out the Save Shelby website for disinformation about their recall. Since the Nightingale family apparently wants to control all future towing work, could this be why they are drooling at the idea of kicking out certain township officials?
Marsha Nightingale — Nightingale towing family member.
Tiffany Nightingale — Another Nightingale towing family member.
Christina Nightingale — Yet another Nightingale towing family member.
Robert Newell – Another member of the Nightingale gang. On his Facebook page, Newell describes himself as
Val Alspaugh — Previously known as Valarie Short. She has also used the alias MommaVee. She is married to Bradley Alspaugh and is a close associate of the Nightingales. As you remember, Mr. Alspaugh filed of two sets of recall petitions against Supervisor Stathakis back in 2009 after the towing vote. Its pretty obvious whose side Mrs. Alspaugh/Short/MommaVee is on — and what her agenda is.
Tom Delies — Mr Delies filed petitions against Stathakis over a zoning issue. He is a close friend of the Nightingales and an associate of Trustee Lisa Manzella.
Angela Marasco Freeman — Wife of 2008 Shelby Township Treasurer candidate Brent Freeman. Although Mr. Freeman lost, we understand he plans to run again. Both Mrs. Freeman and her husband are supporters of the Nightingales. Could Mr. Freeman see the Nightingales as potential source of campaign cash if/when he runs for a future political office?
Jill Bleeda – She is a close friend of the Nightingales who spoke on their behalf (and verbally condemned Trustees) at the televised meeting when the Board voted unanimously to put towing services out to competitive bid. She also came before the Board this year to urge residents to support the current Nightingale recall.
Cathy Morris — Friend of Jill Bleeda. Morris and Bleeda are listed as employees of the Morris Insurance Group in Clinton Township. They also list an office in Rochester. Morris is also a personal friend of the Nightingales.
Debbie Z. Zalewski — A Shelby Township real estate agent and associate of the Maccarones. Zalewski is currently President of the Women’s Council of Realtors, Rochester Chapter.
Zalewski’s group is hosting a forum on April 14, 2011 in downtown Rochester entitled “Art of Negotiating” and her guest speaker is (SURPRISE!) Ralph “Skip” Maccarone. At that meeting, Maccarone will be giving advice for how to get the edge over your competition. Apparently, one way Zalewski, Maccarone and the Save Shelby gang want to get a power edge in Shelby is through a recall.
Richard Bottcher — You remember this guy. He is a former Shelby Supervisor. The joke around Shelby when he was in office was that he BOTCHED up everything (and anything) he touched. He was an utter failure. Is he, perhaps, looking for a political comeback? We will expose more about his failed four years as Supervisor at a later date.
Finally, there is Noel Nightingale. Good old boy Noel may not be listed as a “friend” on the Save Shelby Facebook page, but that doesn’t matter. Noel’s home in SW Shelby is “home base” for his family’s recall and the center of their effort to collect money.
Back in October 2009, Noel launched the recall madness by filing petitions against Supervisor Stathakis after the township Board voted unanimously (7-0) to put towing services out for competitive bid. The Nightingales verbally protested this vote, and began their witch hunt against some township elected officials. Since Mrs. Kowal and Mrs. Manzella are “friends”, this explains why they are untouchable to the Nightingales. The Nightingales were given a three-year towing contract after the first company was disqualified for failing to meet township specifications. The vote to award them the contract was 6-to-1, with Trustee Mike Flynn dissenting. Even though the Nightingales have their coveted towing contract, they continue their recall threats and attacks.
As you can see, this crew is certainly no ordinary family. They are a politically-motivated gang with a axe to grind. They are engaging in a campaign of deception and disinformation to try and kick out our township officials. They want to turn Shelby Township into the Nightingale Republic of Shelby. We can’t let them succeed.
Ask yourself if these people are being honest about their recall intentions? Are these just concerned citizens, or people concerned about their personal interests? Are people like this, who are trying to hide the real reasons for the recall, qualified to lecture anyone about “transparency”?
If you are approached by someone pushing or encouraging you to sign a petition, speak up. Decline to sign, and remember you do not have to provide these people with any explanation. If they persist, tell them to leave or you will call the police. If you can get the discussion on video, even better. Send it to us and let us do the rest.
Finally, keep in mind the REAL meaning of the word RECALL:
R = Ridiculous
E = Effort to
C = Create
A = Acrimony by
L = Ludicrous
L = Loudmouths
Until next time...
Very well done! This recall thing is like a big puzzle and this article puts the pieces of the puzzle together. I am printing this out and circulating it to everyone in my neighborhood. The Nightingales may have no shame for what they are doing, but residents say "shame on their family."
ReplyDeleteI agree, everyone should print this out and pass it around to our friends and neighbors! What the Nightingales are doing to this community makes me sick to my stomach, I compared them to Kwame Kilpatrick and his cronies on their saveshelby facebook page and got kicked off really fast, lol!!! These people are crazy and just plain greedy and Lisa Manzella is with them all the way! Shame on them! They are even asking for donations, which go to a vacated home on Huling St (which is one street over from me) and owned by a Nightingale! They tell me they have the signatures required, we shall see! How about we get our own petition going against the Nightingales and their team! Skip was run out of here in a landslide election, he lost, he's gone, give it up!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the great work very interesting and informative. Equally interesting was the connection of the dots, if you will, and how closely everyone of the SAVE SHELBY people are linked. What we really neeed to do is to SAVE SHELBY from them. Lastly, it would be really awesome if STPD would spend a little more time trying to find this freak on the street trying to pick up kids near schools, instead of getting involved in Township government. But we all know they are really overworked...REALLY????
ReplyDeleteThe Nightingale family needs to go. I hope that NO FUTURE BOARD bends to their knees to worship these losers. Their recall will fail, and when it does we need to rally against them. We need to unite against those who use a bully pulpit to push their personal agenda. This also goes for Board members (yes you L. Manzella) who are enabling these nuts. The fight goes on...and the residents will prevail over greedy grunts!
ReplyDeleteA guy came to my house yesterday and my wife took charge. She told the guy NO, very forcefully I might add. She took your advise and declined to sign their ridiculou7s petition. At first the guy didn't want to leave, but my wife has a way of giving you a look and then you get the idea. This whole recall thing is a grudge match for one family. Shelby people need to stand up and tell these people NO, NO, NO.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe how the Nightingale family has been acting. When the towing vote came up, they acted like bullies. Now they are acting like babies that have had their pacifiers taken away. I can't wait until the recall flops and when we can all give them one large township RASPBERRY to their face. I will never shop at their store on 23 and Van Dyke again. A 12-year customer gone. I encouraage other residents to join me!!!!!!!!!