We were surprised to see Rick Bottcher and Skip Maccarone join hands in a so-called “joint” editorial in the March 26th issue of the Source newspaper. Strange bedfellows indeed!
We are led to believe that this letter was penned after a “chance” meeting between the two former Supervisors. That claim is highly doubtful. If there is one thing we have learned about Skip Maccarone, it is that NOTHING in Skip’s world occurs by “chance.” Everything Maccarone does is a calculated move designed to help one person: Skip Maccarone.
In their letter to the editor, these two publicly support the current Nightingale recall seeking to oust Supervisor Rick Stathakis. Everyone in Shelby Township knows the author of this letter, and everyone knows it was NOT Bottcher.
When you stop and think about it, their joint attack makes perfect sense (at least to them). Maccarone lost to Stathakis by an unprecedented 70%-to-30% margin and is itching to get revenge. As for Bottcher, he is looking for a job and appears to be positioning himself for another run for township office. God help our township!
Both men have their reasons for despising Supervisor Stathakis, and neither is altruistic. These two men are trying to force themselves upon us at a time when Shelby Township voters have already told both of them we have had enough and “please go away!” Either both are deaf to reality or don’t care what people think. In the wake of their attack, these two are being labeled the Laurel and Hardy of Shelby Township and, just like old black and white movies, they are funny to watch but their time has long past.
Since Bottcher wants to re-enter the political discussion after getting kicked out a decade ago, we feel obliged to showcase just how messed up things were on Bottcher’s watch. Bottcher is obviously placing his political future in the hands of residents who may have forgotten what things were like when he was running the show, and new residents who have moved in since Bottcher was kicked to the curb by Maccarone.
Winston Churchill once said “those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” Given Bottcher’s numerous documented failures, taxpayers just can’t afford to have history repeat itself here in Shelby Township.
So, let’s all take a trip down memory lane and recall the worst of Rick Bottcher’s bungles and blunders as Shelby Supervisor.

His political insecurity (and paper-thin skin) meant that Rick Bottcher had to be right all the time. ALL THE TIME! Residents got sick of his attitude and anointed him King of the “Bickering Board.
Bottcher’s lack of professionalism was a hallmark of his administration. Bottcher was, without question, the most unprofessional and lackluster leader Shelby has ever had. This trait was a carryover from his years as a Trustee. As Trustee, Bottcher loved being the lone wolf. He thrived on the attention it got him. He was known as “Shelby’s Pandering Trustee” as he constantly played to the audience for applause and/or approval. While his island mentality may have furthered his political goal as a Trustee, the luster faded real fast as Supervisor.
Township residents gasped when Bottcher accepted an all-expenses-paid trip to Florida with a local developer. At the time of this trip, Bottcher’s developer buddy had received rezoning approval for a Wal-Mart on 23 Mile Road and another rezoning plan at the southwest corner of 24 and Van Dyke. This politician/developer junket had everyone asking why Bottcher would take such a trip?We all watched as this subject came up during a televised Board meeting. As you will see from the Macomb Daily article at right, this Florida trip was unprecedented for a township Supervisor (click on the graphic for a larger view). It was also unprecedented the way that Clerk Terri Kowal’s husband took Bottcher to task about the Florida trip during a televised meeting. This was a scandal of unprecedented proportions, and showcased Bottcher’s lack of judgment and common sense.
Bottcher admitted to the trip, but never came up with a plausible explanation of why he took it. He became agitated by the barrage of questions. Now that he wants to push himself back into the public eye by openly criticizing Supervisor Rick Stathakis, we all need to recall just how cozy Rick Bottcher was with certain developers.
Instead of including the names of veterans killed in service to our nation, Bottcher decided that the only names to be inscribed on the monument would be the members of the Veterans Committee – of course with his name appearing at the top of that list. When this was brought to his attention as a bad decision, Bottcher brushed it off. “We did the work, we deserve the credit,” is what he said.
This blunder was an embarssment to our township. It was discussed on local talk radio, covered in newspapers and TV reports, and even earned a public rebuke on CSPAN. “Memorial remembers politicians, not vets,” is how the Associated Press reported the story. “Memorial prompts uproar” is what the Saginaw News said.
Meanwhile, here is how the Macomb Daily covered the story:
“Veterans memorial draws fire in Shelby Township.”
Frank DeFrank - Macomb Daily Staff Writer, June 04, 2000
Shelby Township's new veterans memorial has turned into a battleground.
Some residents and officials are upset that the monument does not list township veterans who died in service to the United States, but does include the names of seven members of the Veterans Memorial Committee, including four who are candidates for township offices.
Supervisor Richard Bottcher, who organized the committee, called the criticism “petty politics” that “tarnishes” the efforts of the group.
“Where are the veterans?” said township resident W.C. “Dub” Hearon. “All these guys are running for office.”
Phil Randazzo won a Purple Heart during his service in Vietnam in 1967-68 and survived the Tet Offensive. He attended Sunday’s dedicated and was offended at both the absence of veterans names and the inclusion of committee members.
“These people don't belong on there,” Randazzo said. “I don’t even belong on there. I didn’t die. That’s for the dead.”
Ralph Maccarone, a candidate for Shelby Township supervisor, also joined the fray.
“It’s outrageous,” Maccarone said. “This isn’t a memorial. This is a political poster.”
The Shelby-Utica News also got into the action. Their front page story “Shelby’s Veteran’s Monument brews controversy” kicked the discussion up a notch. Here is some of what the newspaper wrote about this Bottcher blunder:
A few days after Shelby residents gathered on May 28 at the dedication of the new Veteran’s Monument, the memorial, meant to honor those who fought for American freedom, has become an item mired in political controversy and overflowing with emotion.
In the days following the unveiling of the monument, several Shelby residents and officials have come forward to question why no individual veterans’ names appear on the monument. They also question why the names of the Veterans Memorial Committee, who raised $50,000 to erect the monument, are displayed on the back.
The solemn subject matter, combined with the politics of an election year, has generated a hot debate.
Ralph Maccarone, candidate for Shelby Township Supervisor, has also voiced opposition to the monument.
“As soon as practical after taking office I shall form a committee to raise the money to properly inscribe the names deserving inscription on this monument,” Maccarone said in a press release.
Bottcher said if Maccarone is concerned about the monument, he should have gotten involved with it.
“It’s unfortunate when people want to make something like this political,” Bottcher said.
The unfortunate aspect of this Veterans’ Monument mess was that Rick Bottcher refused to see the ridicule that his stupid decision would bring to our township. All he could see was his name at the top of the monument — something most residents (and all veterans) found appalling!
Reacting to the negative publicity, and trying to cover his political behind, Bottcher ordered a plaque be installed on the monument to cover the committee members’ names. Nice try, but by then the damage to our township, and to Bottcher’s reputation, had been done.
Talk about unprecedented! It was unprecedented when Bottcher used taxpayer equipment to help his friends with a recreational request. We are talking about Rick Bottcher’s demand that a township fire truck be enlisted to construct an ice rink.On December 23, 1999, Rick Bottcher ordered two on-duty Shelby firefighters from Station #4 to go to a friend’s house for a favor. What was Bottcher’s favor? The firefighters would be used to pump water onto a privately-owned vacant lot to build a neighborhood ice rink! This was simply poor judgment, made even dumber by using on-duty firefighters.
Instead of being ready to answer calls from residents in need, these two firefighters were busy answering a call to help build an ice rink? We support recreation for our children, but this decision by Bottcher was a complete and utter misuse of firefighter resources.
However, that wasn’t the end of the story. In the process of flooding the land for this ice rink, a water pump on the fire truck broke. Fixing this pump cost taxpayers hundreds of dollars. Then, what made this the ultimate act of stupidity, a few days after Bottcher’s “ice rink” was constructed, the weather warmed up and the ice melted, creating a mud hole/sink hole. Rick Bottcher “botched” it again!

During his failed re-election campaign in 2000, Bottcher paid for an ad in the Source newspaper. The ad mislead residents into believing that the Shelby Patrol Officers Association was endorsing Bottcher’s re-election. In response, the Shelby police association published an ad in the August 8, 2000 Macomb Daily to set the record straight. Click the ad on the right to see a larger version and judge for yourself. Should we believe anything Rick Bottcher says or does?
Mr. Bottcher didn’t care about facts. His only concern was nit-picking and engaging in unnecessary political battles to try and make himself look good. Despite his best efforts, Bottcher’s blunders always made headlines, and usually for the wrong reasons.
When Skip Maccarone began his first day on the job as Supervisor, he immediately noticed something was wrong. His office was empty. No files. No books. Nothing! “Where oh where had the township files gone? Oh where or where could they be!”This was yet another UNPRECEDENTED Bottcher blunder. Here are some excerpts from the Source newspaper dated December 11, 2000:
Officials search for files
Source Staff Writer
Like a page out of Old Mother Hubbard, newly elected Supervisor Ralph Maccarone had a problem when he moved into his office.
When he got there, the desk was bare.
Following the departure of Rick Bottcher as supervisor, a routine inventory of the office revealed the contents of several files were missing, Maccarone said.
“On several issues of township business, we were unable to find a paper trail,” he said. “Those papers were to have been deposited in the offices of the supervisor. I found the desk drawers completely empty.”
At least nine folders were reportedly left without their contents, including folders involving negotiations, departmental goals, River Bends and other Shelby Township parks, personnel issues, interoffice memos, papers related to the proposed Shelby Center development at 24 Mile and Van Dyke and paperwork on township dealings with the Ford Motor Land Development Corp. the current owners of the historic Packard Proving Grounds.
“When I look at the volume of paperwork that is going through the office on a daily basis it is unbelievable that I could come in and find no citizen correspondence or interdepartmental correspondence or correspondence for in-progress projects. Not one paper on the desk,” Maccarone said.
Not having files has created some operational difficulties, he said.
Bottcher said said any files dealing with negotiations, contracts or lawsuits, were kept by his administrative secretary, parks information by the parks and rec department, assessing information with the assessor and planning issues like the Shelby Center, with planning.
Bottcher said some materials were thrown away, but those were files that he believed were four to five years old and obsolete.
According to police Capt. Glenn Socia, when the files were discovered missing just prior to Maccarone’s swearing-in Nov. 20, the supervisor’s office notified the clerk who then requested the door be taped off with police crime scene tape as a precaution until officials could decide how to handle the situation.
Just months before the 2000 election, Rick Bottcher was slapped with a sexual harassment lawsuit by a female township employee. As a result, it was reported that Shelby Township taxpayers had to pay upwards of $17,000 to settle this unprecedented, and shameful, lawsuit.This lawsuit was the nail in Bottcher’s political coffin.
These are but a few of Rick Bottcher’s unprecedented and memorable blunders. Now, despite all this, Bottcher wants us to trust him? He wants us to believe what he says? He wants us to think that he understands the issues of our township? He wants us to think he knows better?
Beware Shelby taxpayers: Rick Bottcher is back and is looking for a job!
Let’s not reward his past failures by giving him another taxpayer-funded position on the Board of Trustees. Shelby Township residents deserve better than this.
Until next time...
Rick bottcher-oh my gosh! He has joined the recall effort. typical attention grab by someone whose ego is bigger than his intelligence. He and Skip were and are mortal enemies. Yet, now RB and SM have come together for a recall.That should send a clear warning sign to all residents to stay away from the recall. Good going Bottcher, no go away for good PLEASE!