Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Who Should Decide Shelby Township’s Future: Taxpayers or Special Interests and Outsiders?

Republicans, from the national level down to the state and local governments, are talking “fiscal responsibility.”  Elected leaders, and those who aspire to political office (at least in the Grand Old Party), are talking about bud rides, taxes, cutting spending and reforming government operations.  Republicans are sending a message that they oppose higher spending and want to get a firm grip on the nation’s deficit dilemma. 

Congresswoman Candice Miller, featured on a recent issue of Shelby This Week, talked about the national deficit and debt.  State Senator Jack Brandenburg did likewise as he discussed the financial situation facing the State of Michigan.  Senator Brandenburg gave our Governor Rick Snyder a B+ for the way he has tried to get Michigan‘s economy back on track and reverse Granholm’s miserable economic and fiscal policies.  These are tough times, and they require tough decisions which are (sometimes) unpopular.

While conservative lawmakers across the country are being lauded for their attention to detail on taxes and spending, and for their determination to cut the size of government and reduce costs to taxpayers, unbelievably here in Shelby Township our elected leaders are being ignored for how they are working to address township financial concerns.

Even though the Board of Trustees has balanced the budget, created two years of reserves (totaling more than $1 million in savings to taxpayers), produced millions of dollars in cost savings in the fire department, DPW and parks and recreation, protected vital services (Fire, EMS and Police) and not raised taxes, some misguided township residents want us to ignore these factors.  “Saving money is realy no big deal,” these people contend.  These are all positive benefits for all taxpayers.  Yet some people (primarily those fueling the recall rage) are so bent on the politics of personal destruction that they brush off the truth about what people elsewhere are concerned about: FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY.

As we all know, Supervisor Rick Stathakis has been the primary target of this political wrath.  A local towing company (Nightingale), the police union, and some fringe Republicans (backed by Skip and Linda Maccarone) have launched personal attacks on Mr. Stathakis to try and draw attention away from the real issues.  Their attacks may be making headlines in a few local newspapers, but they are certainly not making headway in the minds of a majority of residents who recognize the positive developments Supervisor Stathakis has brought to Shelby.

There is little doubt that when politicians go beyond the talk and make concrete changes, they can pay a political price.  Some people, especially those special interests who love the status quo, will stand up and make lots of noise.  Governor Snyder is seeing this on the state level, where he is the target of a recall for doing the job he was elected to do.  Those behind the Snyder recall most likely didn’t vote for him in the first place, and are angry that he won.  So now they are trying to kick him out of office with an attempted recall.

The same situation is confronting Shelby Township Supervisor Rick Stathakis.  Mr. Stathakis is the target of a recall by the Shelby police union and a township towing contractor, both of which are very angry at him.  Remember, Stathakis has taken action to cut spending, restructure and reform government operations, and introduce competitive bids into all township services, including towing.  He has demanded the employee unions (including the police union) accept concessions during tough times.  Here again, we can see that when politicians make changes, they can pay a political price.

When you listen carefully to what the recall addicts say, it is clear that they don’t care about finances or fiscal statistics.  Beyond the talking points of the recall, you get the feeling that they really don’t care about anything. They only care about the recall as it relates to THEM.  The Nightingales are concerned about the costs of competitive towing bids and the police union are concerned about what the costs of government reforms will mean to their lifetime pensions and health care benefits.  Both are suffering from entitlement envy.  Neither has the interests of the township at heart as they try to protect their benefits and personal interests from any talk (or the mere thought) of reform.

These two special interests groups, along with hired workers from OUTSIDE of our township, have engaged in a recall campaign of deception.  They claim to care about the township.  Really?  Ask yourself why people from Clinton Township, Sterling Heights, Troy, Detroit, Flint, East Lansing, Metamora, Rochester, Warren, Garden City, New Haven, Lenox Township, Macomb Township, Washington Township and other communities care about a zoning issue (or anything else for that matter) in Shelby Township?  Why would they care about the township so much that they would circulate recall petitions?  The answer is they don’t. So what is their true interest in backing the ouster of our conservative, Republican Board?

As concerned taxpayers it troubles us that these people are attempting to shove their agendas down our collective throats.  This goes beyond partisan politics and cuts to the core of the foundation of our democracy.  The minority trying to subvert the will of the majority — plain and simple.  Those who didn’t support Supervisor Stathakis are trying to play tricks to kick him out of office.  It is one thing to support a recall on principle, but quite another to support it for selfish reasons, or financial gain.

If special interests groups can subvert the democratic election process by submitting recall language over a contrived issue, hiring outsiders to circulate them, and then getting “their” hand-picked candidates elected to office, what will this mean for Shelby Township?  What will it mean to the competitive bid process if a towing contractor can determine the fate of our elected officials?  What will it mean to efforts to reform lifetime union pensions and health care benefits if the police union is financing political campaigns and running the show?  Will taxpayers’ interests continue to be protected, as they are today, or will the priorities of special interests come first?

These are all relevant and important questions as the November recall election approaches.

When the Save Shelby petitions were submitted to the Macomb County Clerk the recall entered a new phase — one of verification and challenges.  The Save Shelby group immediately went into overdrive criticizing Supervisor Stathakis for exercising his legal rights (as outlined under Michigan’s recall law) to challenge the validity of signatures.  Apparently, the recall addicts feel that any attempt to challenge what they and their hired outsiders did is somehow against the wishes of residents.  Well, they are wrong.  Challenging what could be an invalid or illegitimate recall is exactly what the majority of residents feel is the right thing to do.

We reference the June 8th 2011 Macomb Daily article describing how Supervisor Stathakis has decided to fight back.  In addition, a June 15, 2011 article from the SOURCE NEWSPAPER also reported that Supervisor Stathakis filed suit against County Clerk Carmella Sabaugh claiming the recall is invalid.  It will be interesting to see what the court decides.

Meanwhile, Treasurer Paul Viar has also been showing signs of his counter-campaign against the recall.  In fact, at the Tuesday, June 7th Board of Trustees meeting, Treasurer Viar outlined some very compelling reasons why he is being targeted.  First, he explained the obligations that Shelby taxpayers are being forced to pay for lifetime pensions and health care for township police officers.  The information he provided was SHOCKING.

Here is some of what Treasurer Viar said:

To the citizens who watch these Board meetings, you know by now I am an unapologetic conservative when it comes to spending your tax money.

I have made no excuses for my diligence on spending, and my position on cutting costs.  I warned the Board and community as far back as 2006 that we were in for some troubled economic times and we all need to seriously reduce township spending.

No one on this or the two preceding Boards has worked harder to reach solvency with our Police and Fire Pension situation.

I have thought long and hard about why I was truly included in the current recall effort by our police union.  I have concluded that their anger at me is because I have chosen to let the taxpaying public know about the obligations they face today, and for decades to come, concerning pension payments.

The very thought that someone would dare speak up and tell the people the facts about these pensions has obviously angered the police union.  So they have decided to try and silence the messenger.

You may rest assured that no recall efforts or threats will stop me from speaking up for the taxpayers interest and exposing the truth about employee pensions or anything else.

This information has riled the police union.  As a result, the union has decided that the best way to keep taxpayers in the dark about what these pensions are costing is to get rid of Mr. Viar.

In addition, the June 8th issue of the Shelby-Utica Patch, an online newsletter that reports news of interests to Shelby residents, discussed Treasurer Viar’s assertion of possible fraud by a petition circulator.  When we read through the Patch article, it is obvious that something smells here.  The petition cited by Treasurer Viar has a PRINTED name on it, allegedly from a township resident, and not a signature as required by law.  However, that resident said they never signed the petition.  Even more interesting is the fact that the petition in question was circulated by a Shelby police officer.

Does this raise any red flags with you?

If not, then perhaps this will.  At that same Board meeting, Treasurer Viar pointed out that the name of one petition circulator matched the name and address of a man listed on Michigan’s sex offenders registry.  Does it concern you that a convicted sexual predator was trolling your neighborhoods getting petitions signed for this recall?

Those who propose kicking out our elected officials have a proud and outspoken advocate in Trustee Lisa Manzella.  She has been one of the central figures in this recall.  She supports it, she speaks in favor of it, she brags about it on Facebook and even blogs about it on local media websites.

In fact, when news came out that Supervisor Stathakis and Treasurer Viar were both determined to fight back against this recall, Manzella went nuts.  Responding to Treasurer Viar’s allegation of election fraud by a petition circulator, Manzella came up with a lame explanation (excuse) for how a recall petition could have a forged signature on it that was circulated by a police officer.  Here is what she wrote:

In other words, here is what the average informed reader could take away from this Manzella rant:
“This lawsuit is a waste of time.  Having a false signature on a recall petition is no big deal.  Geez, it happens all the time!  The lady probably was afraid of all the rain and thunder and forgot how to sign her name.  Heck, she had to sign on a clipboard, and we all know how easy it is for people to make mistakes when signing on a dumb clipboard.  It also doesn’t mean anything that the petition was circulated by a police officer who should have known better.  Now can I change the subject, because Treasurer Viar is a jerk.”

Above is what Trustee Manzella was really saying in that Patch comment.  You can see how dumb her logic is.  Can you imagine what Manzella would be saying if a recall petition filed against her contained such a blatant violation of campaign laws?

As for Manzella’s claim that this does not constitute fraud, that may be her opinion.  However, a decision like that rests with the proper authorities, not with Mrs. Manzella or any of her recall cohorts.  Of course they don’t see anything wrong — remember it is THEIR recall campaign.

Predictable to a fault, Trustee Manzella once again took to the Save Shelby Facebook site to criticize Supervisor Stathakis for fighting back and engaging in a legally-protected campaign to challenge the recall.  Here is how one recent exchange on the Save Shelby site went:

What we find amusing is how Trustee Manzella vehemently opposes Mr. Stathakis’ lawsuit.  She even calls the lawsuit “a slap in the face to the residents.”  Really??  Remember, Manzella filed a lawsuit against township resident Michael Ward (recently named the most charitable person in Macomb County) when Ward filed recall petitions against her.  Some have said this was a blatant attempt to stifle that recall through intimidation.  In Manzella’s world  that lawsuit is just fine and dandy.  However, the one filed by Supervisor Stathakis alleging that recall petitions were filed late, and thus are invalid, is not?  Manzella’s rant  is merely another crazed comment from Shelby’s cuckoo bird.

Two other interesting observations from this Facebook post.  First, we have a man named Lou Aceti publicly calling all of our township elected officials “garbage.”  Have we come to the point in our public discourse when we call our elected officials “GARBAGE” and nobody cares?  We have all witnessed how disrespectful some township gadflies have become during televised Board of Trustees meetings.  This rowdy crowd is really getting out of hand and Aceti’s comment takes this growing disrespect to a brand new low!

People like Nick Nightingale, who repeatedly shouts rude comments from the floor during Board meetings, and other residents who come forth to belittle and smear the reputation and integrity of our elected officials, have given birth to this maniacal movement.  Our experience has shown that whenever people stoop to the level of trying to dehumanize people it demonstrates a great deal of insecurity.  What is also quite enlightening is that the same people who complain about the Supervisor’s so-called “rudeness” are engaging in the very conduct they eagerly criticize.  The difference is that while the Supervisor is NOT rude, his detractors are - and are become more hostile with each passing day.

When you see comments like Aceti’s you can understand why the Save Shelby people have become a total embarrassment to our great township.  It doesn't taken an “Einstein” to see the stupidity in what the Save Shelby ilk are trying to do.

However, Mr. Aceti goes on to write that it is “way overdue” to remove Clerk Terri Kowal.  Now THAT is an opinion with which we completely agree.

As we noted in our May 21st INSIDE OUT, Clerk Kowal has been feasting at the public trough for a VERY LONG TIME — 20 years to be exact.  In our humble opinion that is long enough — and it is time to bring in someone new to the position of Clerk who will focus on performing her duties as Clerk and not engaging in, and having her family members join, politically-motivated games like a recall.

In addition, Save Shelby recall addict Marsha Nightingale (does that name sound familiar?) took exception to Aceti’s statement about getting rid of Mrs. Kowal.  Nothing really surprising about that, especially when you consider that the Clerk’s son and daughter-in-law circulated petitions supporting the Nightingale recall.  Very typical of Kowal’s “you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours” mindset.

When talk of a possible lawsuit to challenge the recall first surfaced, Mrs. Manzella could’t help but go to Facebook and begin her attack:

Trustee Manzella has truly gone off the deep end.  Since the attorney who filed the lawsuit against this misguided recall is Jack Dolan, Manzella has shown how out of sync with reality she truly is. 

We have known the Honorable Jack Dolan for a LONG time.  He even once served as Township Attorney.  He may not be perfect but no one has ever called Mr. Dolan an “incompetent attorney” — no one, that is, except Trustee Lisa Manzella!

Hey Lisa, do you want to rephrase that attack now, or do you stand by your ridicule of Mr. Dolan?

We applaud Supervisor Stathakis for using the courts to not just challenge the recall, but gain clarity and clarification on what exactly the recall law says.  What does it mean by 180 days?  For the sake of our democracy, we must never allow vague inferences and (mis)interpretations of law be used as an excuse by a few disgruntled people with money to skirt the intent of the law and deprive us of our democratic rights.

It is has been written that everything in life has a time and place.  Some have repackaged this to read “every dog has its day.”  However you choose to view it, we offer the following:

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
To everything there is a season,
a time for every purpose under the sun.
A time to be born and a time to die;
a time to plant and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
a time to kill and a time to heal ...
a time to weep and a time to laugh;
a time to mourn and a time to dance ...
a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing;
a time to lose and a time to seek;
a time to rend and a time to sew;
a time to keep silent and a time to speak;
a time to love and a time to hate;
a time for war and a time for peace.

Considering where the Shelby Township recall stands today, it looks like it is time for us to fight back against the Save Shelby/Nightingale recall posse.  We will not let this group of malcontents drive our township into the ground for the sake of their personal greed and political agendas.

We have wondered why Supervisor Stathakis has let these bullies mistreat him and push him around for more than two years now.  Yes, we know he is a nice guy, but COME ON!  Even the nicest of the nice need to throw a few punches in self defense when facing such a brutal and malicious attack.

Given his record in office — a record unmatched when you look at the surrounding communities — Shelby Township Supervisor Rick Stathakis has done a remarkable job of standing up for taxpayers, protecting essential services, and reforming the way our township government works.  Sure, some people who dislike him disagree with what he has done and want him to fail.  They may be loud and enjoy seeing themselves on television, but they are in the MINORITY.

Speaking for the overwhelming majority of residents who oppose the recall, we want to go on record as sending our appreciation to Supervisor Rick Stathakis, Treasurer Paul Viar, Trustee Mike Flynn, Trustee Paula Filar and Trustee Doug Wozniak for upholding your pledge of service.  Each of you has done a remarkable job, especially when considering the barrage of attacks you have faced from those whose only agenda is face time on the taxpayers’ dime.

As for that other Trustee and the Clerk, let’s just say they enjoy playing self-serving political games and end it there!

Until next time...


  1. Lisa Manzella is through, she has profited off the taxpayers for the last time, all while trying to point the finger at everyone else. Crooked politician to the core. Kind of gives you insight into who is supporting this recall. they are all crooks, sex offenders and greedy, selfish children.

  2. Ding dong the recall's dead. Looks like Manzella, Kowal, the Nightingale family, the police union, and others made a real bad decision. Now they will be held accountable by us for their actions. They were all giggles when they filed their petitions, but now the laugh is on them. Breakout the Nightingale boycott and let's get going! No more screwing around!!!!!!!!!!!
