Tuesday, August 7, 2007

It's Time For Taxpayers To Take Our Township Back!!

Oh boy things are about to get fun...

...Fun that is for US --- not for Shelby Township's Supervisor $kip Maccarone. If you ask me (and you probably will) our Supervisor better stock up on the Tums..because his tummy may not be feeling so good once we start telling the truth.

This blog is in honor of all Shelby Township residents who want to find out more about your money, about your government, and about your eleced officials. WE are going to help differentiate fact from fiction about our township. Politcians beware...this blog and its editorials will give you a dose of reality.

Ain't democracy great? We especially like the whole part about "free speech!"

Shelby Taxpayers who are fed up and want to do something should not fret. Remember, 2008 is an election year - and what a year it will be. It is time for a change - and we need to change the person at the TOP - who just happens to sit in the center chair at the Board of Trustees' meetings.

Supervisor $kip Maccarone's runaway spending train is about to be derailed. When we come together, work together, and (more importantly) vote together, great things can happen. We have watched Maccarone's antics for seven-long-years, and it is time for something different. Our goal in 2008 should be to send Maccarone back to private law practice.

Even if we do, $kip's massive campus construction will be a long-term anvil around the collective necks of township taxpayers. Remember the $50 million that he promised we could afford for his campus? Remember his police and court mega complex, complete with a new library, new recreation center, new cable television studio, a brand new radio station (WSKP perhaps?), and a wading pool? Remember how $kip said the township could easily build and operate his "campus" without a single penny in new taxes. I may not be a financial wizard, but even my nephew said things just don't add up.

And yet $kip talks about TRUST! Trust $kip....with our money! Come on! Does he really think we are that stupid!

It appears to us that $kip just wants to build the whole campus thing - so he can tell everyone "look at the great things I did!" To our amazement, he is still promoting a Recreation Center. Even though residents told Skip "NO" -- during a recent taping of "Shelby This Week", $kip is seen pointing to vacant locations on the township grounds where, $kip says, a new library and a recreation center will go.

Yes, $kip still supports construction of a township recreation center...paid for by US! Guess $kip just doesn't understand the word no.

The Director of the Shelby-Utica/Sterling Heights Chamber of Commerce once called $kip Maccarone Shelby's "Super Supervisor". Maybe $kip is so drunk with power that he believes this too! Residents living near $kip's soccer dome (sorry...ugly, pond-ridden mosquito trap) would likely disagree with the whole "Super" thing.

Enough for now. Rest assured that we will be back SOON. $kip should be warned that we are watching..we are taking notes..and we will remember in August, 2008.

Meanwhile, if you have information about $kip that Shelby taxpayers need to know, especially when it comes to spending our money, send us an e-mail at stopskip08@aol.com.

Unlike $kip, we would love to hear from you.


  1. I have never more truth about a politician in my life. We ar running out of time to save this Township. It is imperative we all get together for new leadership.

  2. Anyone but $kip. Shelby Twp. is a great place for families not for a little man who won't listen to the voters!!

  3. Let’s start a recall. Why punish the voters any longer!

  4. A recall sounds good, but let's face it, we have only a few more months of $kip. We can stomach it until time for us to go out and tell $kip: "No more! Enough! Go home!"

  5. Recalls are difficult to implement successfully. Politicians knwo this, and this is why they don't consider talk of recalls seriously. The best way for us to get rid of $kip is to spread the word among our family and friends. Enough is enough, and we have had enough of Maccarone. Keep the flame burning between now and August 2008.
