..when Supervisor $kip Maccarone deceives!
Are we calling $kip Maccarone a liar! Nah....that would be mean.
Let's just say that $kip uses selective interpretation and perception of facts to try and prove that he is right all the time.
$kip never lets reality get in the way of promoting his political BS.
When $kip first rode his white horse into Shelby a few years ago as a candidate for Supervisor, a lot of us bought what $kip was selling. And why not -- look what we had at the time. The bar was set so low that anyone would have been better than what we had. So voters took the gamble.
With his classic wink and a grin, $kip made all sorts of promises - what politician doesn't? Promises are one thing, but actions are another. Below is a brief recap of what $kip promised when he ran for office. Read them and judge for yourself if he actually lived up to his words.
(1) "Simply stated, I want to bring professionalism, dignity, efficiency and excellence to the office of Shelby Township Supervisor."
-- $kip broke this promise to taxpayers a few weeks after taking office. He hadn't even finished unpacking his stuff and setting up his office when he decided to let his arrogance show.
(2) "I believe that we need a Supervisor who can inspire teamwork among Township Board members and who will treat citizens and the officials they have elected with diplomacy, dignity and respect."
-- Here again, $kip broke his promise. Remember when he called taxpayers a "Peanut Gallery." Nuff said! What about the way he chastizes and criticizes anyone with a different viewpoint? He has shown, time and again, that he does NOT understand the true meaning of teamwork. Instead, $kip does whatever he wants, and never consults, let alone talks to, other member of the Shelby Township Board of Trustees "team".
(3) "Under my leadership, there will be no disrespectful treatment of citizens or Board members at Board meetings."
-- Yah, right! $kip has taken disrespect to a new level of political bickering.
(4) "I look for Shelby Township to accomplish great things with lessened discontent."
-- $kip creates discontent. He is the the primary reason there is so much animosity on the Board of Trustees. It is amazing that the Board has accomplished anything at all, given his miserable leadership.
(5) "No single person can accomplish everything. But worthy goals can be achieved with the support and cooperation of the Township Clerk, Treasurer, Board of Trustees, our fine Township employees and you the citizens of the community."
--$kip regularly ignores the Clerk, Treasurer and fellow Trustees. He doesn't listen to Township employees and he talks down to the citizens of the community. $kip wrongly believes that HE -- and only HE -- can do everything...and when he does, things get messy!
(6) "I believe that it is important for your Supervisor to set a good example for all of the Township. He or she must set a positive tone in the community and among the other officials who you, the voters, elected."
-- The only thing positive about $kip's tone is......well......to be honest.....there is NOTHING positive about $kip's tone! As for him setting a good example for others, it was because of Skip's actions (or more accurately, his nasty four-letter vocabulary) that a township employee filed a workplace harassment suit against him, leading to the firing of a township employee. Great positive tone $kip!
These are just a half dozen ways that $kip deceived us. Truthfully, we've had enough of $kip Maccarone. His lofty promises have been replaced by lousy performance. Its time for $kip to pack his bags and go run for Macomb County Sheriff!
$kip loves to tell people who come to speak at Township Board meetings "your time is up."
Shelby taxpayers have a message for $kip Maccarone come August, 2008: YOUR TIME IS UP!
Until next time....keep those e-mails coming. Remember, you can contact us as stopskip08@aol.com.
We told you this would be FUN!
Hey, I couldn't agree more. Its about time somebody started standing up to Maccarone! Too bad more people don't go to meetings, but then we will be chased away. We really do need somebody committed to the people, not politics. How do I sign up?
ReplyDeleteRK, Shelby Twshp.