He has been called the "Super Supervisor" by a member of the area Chamber of Commerce, covered in a previous Inside Out post, and Maccarone's minions have even once compared Maccarone (get this) to Batman, saving Gotham City (Shelby Township) when we needed a hero!
What did you say? I mean........WHAT did you say?
That's right -- you heard correctly. We received this e-mail the other day and couldn't resist having some fun with this:
"How dare you waste time criticizing such a great person. Mr. Skip Maccarone is a great leader. When you consider what is happening, I thank God Skip is on our side. The rest of the Board can not even come close to Mr. Maccarone. I think that instead of comparing him with Superman, he is more like Batman saving our township. I wish you would just wake up and stop with all your stuped [sic] criticism."
Then, just two days ago, we got this wonderful e-mail:
"What gives you the right to do this blog? You are just wasting precious internet space. You don't have the right to do this?"
The answer to this question is something Batman's sidekick, Robin, would likely say:
"Holy Free Speech...Batman!"
Come on! What in the world are these people talking about? Are they delusional? Or are they blinded by Skip Maccarone's phony wink and smile?
Are you done laughing yet?
Okay, even if we accept this ridiculous proposition about Skip being Shelby's caped crusader, what does that mean? Are we to assume that Batman is invincible? If so, does this mean that Skip Maccarone is politically invincible? Do Skip's handful of supporters really think he is working to save our township?
Oh sure, Skip can bully the Joker at televised Board of Trustees meetings, after all he is just one individual. But when others in our township come together and work together for a common purpose, Shelby's "Batman" better WATCH OUT!
FACT CHECK: No one, whether in the real world or in comic books, is invincible. Heck, a few years ago they even killed Superman and Captain America! So for $kip (or his supporters) to arrogantly see him as some kind of unbeatable "hero" in this year's township election is a joke!
Are you done laughing yet?
Moreover, as you will see in the short movie below, even a hero like Batman has his bad days.
Let's remember this lesson about invincibility as we approach the August, 2008 primary election.
Skip Maccarone is one "superhero" that Shelby Township taxpayers can certainly do without!
The election countdown clock keeps ticking away. On Tuesday, August 5th, let's come together, work together, and vote together to tell Skip Maccarone to take off his mask and cape, and GO AWAY!
Remember, if you want to contact us, send an e-mail to stopskip08@aol.com. Don't be afraid of Skip Maccarone. He is nothing but a township emperor who has no clothes (and we all need to tell him so). What better way than with our vote on election day?
That's right -- you heard correctly. We received this e-mail the other day and couldn't resist having some fun with this:
"How dare you waste time criticizing such a great person. Mr. Skip Maccarone is a great leader. When you consider what is happening, I thank God Skip is on our side. The rest of the Board can not even come close to Mr. Maccarone. I think that instead of comparing him with Superman, he is more like Batman saving our township. I wish you would just wake up and stop with all your stuped [sic] criticism."
Then, just two days ago, we got this wonderful e-mail:
"What gives you the right to do this blog? You are just wasting precious internet space. You don't have the right to do this?"
The answer to this question is something Batman's sidekick, Robin, would likely say:
"Holy Free Speech...Batman!"
Come on! What in the world are these people talking about? Are they delusional? Or are they blinded by Skip Maccarone's phony wink and smile?
Are you done laughing yet?
Okay, even if we accept this ridiculous proposition about Skip being Shelby's caped crusader, what does that mean? Are we to assume that Batman is invincible? If so, does this mean that Skip Maccarone is politically invincible? Do Skip's handful of supporters really think he is working to save our township?
Oh sure, Skip can bully the Joker at televised Board of Trustees meetings, after all he is just one individual. But when others in our township come together and work together for a common purpose, Shelby's "Batman" better WATCH OUT!
FACT CHECK: No one, whether in the real world or in comic books, is invincible. Heck, a few years ago they even killed Superman and Captain America! So for $kip (or his supporters) to arrogantly see him as some kind of unbeatable "hero" in this year's township election is a joke!
Are you done laughing yet?
Moreover, as you will see in the short movie below, even a hero like Batman has his bad days.
Let's remember this lesson about invincibility as we approach the August, 2008 primary election.
Skip Maccarone is one "superhero" that Shelby Township taxpayers can certainly do without!
The election countdown clock keeps ticking away. On Tuesday, August 5th, let's come together, work together, and vote together to tell Skip Maccarone to take off his mask and cape, and GO AWAY!
Remember, if you want to contact us, send an e-mail to stopskip08@aol.com. Don't be afraid of Skip Maccarone. He is nothing but a township emperor who has no clothes (and we all need to tell him so). What better way than with our vote on election day?
OMG...LOL. Now that is funny. Arrogant politicians like Maccarone need to be put in their place. This video is great, but the message of how we can defeat this self-proclaimed superhero is even better. Yes, I am now done laughing. Thanks for making My day!