Remember, 2008 is an election year. This is when we get the chance to decide who will lead our township during the crucial coming four years. The decision we face is between more of the same old spending, arrogance, indifference and disunity, or something different. Our township cannot afford another four years of $kip Maccarone, PERIOD!
Time for a change? Absolutely. Eight years in office is long enough. We need -- no wait, we DESERVE -- a Supervisor who understands his role as a leader of the people. We need a Supervisor who will bring a new outlook to our township. Someone who values other opinions, listens to other ideas, and accepts alternative viewpoints.
We will NOT get this with four more years of the same, old, arrogant, angry $kip Maccarone. Instead, we will just get four more years of the same, old, arrogant, angry $kip. We CAN do better!
The 2008 election is fast approaching. We urge all blog readers to make a New Year's Resolution to get registered to vote, learn as much as you can about our township issues, and make informed decisions at election time.
The power of our VOTE must never be underestimated! We can make a change. We can build a better township. We can elect a Supervisor who will listen to US.
Our blog has been more fun, and more successful, that we anticipated. We have been around just a few months, but word is spreading fast. Based upon your e-mails, it is clear that you agree with our mission of stopping $kip in 2008. It will be hard work, but we know we can do it.
As you can see clearly from the clock above, the countdown to political change here in Shelby Township is well underway.
During the coming months, as campaign season heats up, rest assured that we will be just a mouse click away for the latest news, information and opinions about $kip Maccarone.
We enjoy hearing from our many satisfied readers. Feel free to keep sending e-mails to stopskip08@aol.com and posting comments to our blog.
TOGETHER, we can and will, defeat $kip Maccarone and begin a new day for our beloved Shelby Township!
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