Shelby Township voters are a very educated and politically-astute group. We know what we like in our politicians, and more importantly, what we don't. We also know what to do about those politicians we don't like -- and who (through their own words or deeds) have worn out their welcome.
Wherever you go in the township you hear the same thing. Taxpayers are nearly unanimous in their opinion of Supervisor $kip Maccarone. That opinion can be summarized in one word: ARROGANT.
• $kip shows his arrogance in the way he thumbs his nose at his fellow township elected officials.
• $kip shows his arrogance in the way he treats (some would say mistreats) Township employees.
• $kip shows his arrogance in the way he talks to the media, bragging about his "expertise" on nearly every issue, while claiming that other Township Board members are "misinformed."
• $kip shows his arrogance whenever residents (taxpayers who are paying $kip's salary) have a complaint and come to the Board of Trustees meeting to air their grievances or ask probing questions.
• $kip shows his arrogance to residents and business owners who watch his antics on television and are disturbed by what they see.
As one resident who has experienced Maccarone's arrogance first-hand at a township Board meeting told us: "Beware of the Maccarone stare...it might just turn you into stone!"
Here is how Webster's dictionary defines arrogant/arrogance:
ARROGANT -- 1: exaggerating or disposed to exaggerate one's own worth or importance in an overbearing manner
ARROGANCE -- a feeling or an impression of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner or presumptuous claims
Thankfully, this is not the People's Republic of Shelby. We still live in a democracy, and this means we have the freedom to voice our opinion, speak our mind, and VOTE in elections.
$kip doesn't think he is arrogant - he just believes he is always right. That is a difference without a distinction. $kip Maccarone IS arrogant - and it seems like that opinion is growing. You hear it in the grocery store, at the corner bank, at church and civic groups, and in our family gatherings. Sure, $kip does have blind allegiance by a few diehard Maccaronites who will follow their leader at all costs. But this is a small minority of the township residents, and it is shrinking everyday. Therein lies the answer.
We can make a difference. We can change the direction of our township. We can restore respect for the people. We can bring back unity to the Board of Trustees. But to do this we must send $kip back to private law practice. Given that $kip thinks he is "grossly" underpaid, this will give him the chance to make up the lost income that he thinks he is entitled to.
As viewers of the TV show The Apprentice, we love the interaction between the Project Manager, the interviewees, and Donald Trump. We enjoy watching Trump tell it like it is as he puts people in their place when they fail a task.
Every week, we anxiously await those two words: "You're fired."
That will be our finale for $kip in 2008. When the votes are counted on August 5th, 2008, we will look $kip squarely in the eye, as Donald Trump does every week in the Board Room, and say, with a big smile on our face: "$kip...you're FIRED. Now go one, get out!"
How much fun will that be? We can hear the noise now as voters jump for joy seeing $kip pack his stuff and ride off into the sunset.
If you have an idea that you would like to share with us, send your e-mail to stopskip08@aol.com.
Arrogant is as arrogant does. Maccarone has perfected the art of arrogance. It is truly overwhelming. I'm glad somebody finally put this in a way that can connect with voters. ARROGANT SKIP'S days are numbered! Thank God!