Tuesday, May 17, 2011

An “I Have A Dream” Moment for the Nightingale Recall Bunch?

When the Board of Trustees first debated putting towing services out for bid, nobody expected that towing competition would be the spark that would ignite a township firestorm.  What is wrong with good old-fashioned, free market competition?  Yet, when the Board voted unanimously (7-to-0) to seek bids, the poop hit the fan.

The current recall plaguing our community has its roots in the dispute over towing.  That is the real foundation for this fight, and is what the whole recall madness has actually been about from day one.  Oh sure, those pushing the recall claim towing is not the issue — but it sure seems that way. 

Although the approved recall petition discusses a zoning issue, you rarely (if ever) hear this subject mentioned in their recall diatribe.  Why?  Because the “volunteers” circulating petitions are spending time talking people’s ears off about all sorts of unrelated, and irrelevant, issues in an attempt to try and make their recall stick.  You know the old saying: throw enough mud and some of it will, eventually, stick!

The recall radicals, mad about the towing vote, get some help from the police union, mad about contract concessions, hoping this will give their initiative credibility.  The Police Chief’s wife is seen circulating petitions and passing out literature condemning the Supervisor as “Deceitful” and “Corrupt.”  Two defeated former Supervisors (Skip Maccarone and Rick Bottcher) who hate each other join the“Love Train” in support of the recall. Trustee Lisa Manzella and her cronies fan the flames of discontent.  A few other friends and Nightingale family members jump on as well.  What do all these elements have in common?  Spending? Family connections? Political retaliation? Entitlements?

We all remember how the recall fanatics filed petition after petition after petition to try and get something approved.  They care less about what was actually accepted as a reason for recall than they did at just getting something, anything approved for their petitions.  This way, they could then run to the newspapers (these people crave attention) bragging how power and important they all are.  “We got a petition approved, now we’re coming after you…nah, nah, nah – boo, boo!” 

Actually, what these people have done is show everyone just how ridiculous they are.  In the process, they have embarrassed our township with their recall obsession.  As one reader wrote: “The people pushing recall have turned Macomb County’s diamond community (Shelby) into a cubic zirconia.  They should all be ashamed of themselves.”

Yes they should.   But they are not!  In fact, they feel pretty good about what they have done to Shelby Township’s image and reputation.  For all their talk about not getting in the mud of politics, they have certainly wallowed in it plenty.

The Save Shelby recall gang may be a new phenomena to Shelby Township, but groups like this are not new to the general political landscape.  History is full of examples of malcontents trying to seize power for their own selfish gains.  People like this claim to be standing up for others, but they are really only standing up and fighting for themselves.  Whether it be a towing family trying to protect their coveted contract, a union trying to increase wages and pensions, or defeated politicians trying to redeem themselves, revenge comes before reality.

Disgruntled people with an axe to grind will stop at nothing to further THEIR cause.  They will say anything, smear anyone, and try and silence everyone who disagrees with their message.  Save Shelby is no different than any other group out for blood.

Sometimes, in the passion of their obsession, people say things that “jump the shark” of reality.  Once again, the recall situation is no different. 

The Sunday, September 20, 2009 issue of the Source newspaper contained a story, written by Deanna Rose, about the towing issue.  The headline “New towing contract causes upset” said it all.  Shortly afterwards, the first set of recall petitions against Supervisor Stathakis were filed by Bradley Alspaugh (husband of Save Shelby fanatic Val Alspaugh).  Coincidence?  Doubtful. 

For weeks afterwards, we heard repeatedly (from Nightingale supporters) that the Nightingles should have been given special consideration on towing bids because they are a township business.  Special consideration????? 

Township residents who read the Source newspaper online know that after the article there is a section where people can leave comments about the article.  Some of these are good, some lame, some stupid, while others irrelevant.  However, now and then someone posts a comment that takes a discussion (whatever it is) to a whole new level. Such was the case with this comment from reader who uses the name MommaVee:

MommaVee wrote on Sep 23, 2009 12:35 AM
To Mr. Nightingale, his wife, children, family members, friends, neighbors and other supportive citizens; hold your heads high and keep up the fight!! After all, just look at the civil rights movement, it would have never gotten the attention it deserved if Dr. Martin Luther King had stopped "whining"!"

When you read this comment from an obvious Save Shelby fan, you will probably react as we did...

“WTF?????  Do these people really see the battle over a towing contract as an equivalent to the national campaign for Civil Rights?  Are they trying to draw some kind of comparison between a national historical leader like Dr. Martin Luther King and a rude, township brat like Nick Nightingale?”

Since the recall fanatics view township towing as another civil rights battle, what’s next?  Rioting in the streets???

In light of this ridiculous comment, we decided to have a little fun (aren’t we stinkers).  Since Nick Nightingale is somehow seen as 21st Century Dr. King, we put together a tongue-in-cheek look at what Nick Nightingale’s famous “I Have A Dream” speech to Shelby Township residents might sound like if delivered from the floor during a Board of Trustees meeting (click on image above for a larger view).  As you can plainly see by the very large contingent of people sitting directly behind him, Nick Nightingale and his recall cadre have LOTS of supporters!

We have long believed that the people driving this recall bandwagon are delusional.  Given the definition of this word, it seems to fit them perfectly:
DELUSIONAL: A false belief strongly held in spite of invalidating evidence, especially as a symptom of mental illness.  Delusion of grandeur.

The best way to stop this power grab of our township is to DECLINE TO SIGN a recall petition.  Let’s unite to let the recall revolutionaries know that we don’t like what they are doing, we don’t approve of their actions, and we won’t sign a petition.

If this recall fails, you can almost bet that the same group will be back the following week with still more recall petitions against Supervisor Stathakis.  Given their actions to date, anything less would be a real disappointment.

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. This is a great article, and a great topic to explore. Thanks for sharing.
