Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Taxpayers Use Pocketbook Power to Save Shelby From the Nightingale Recall Attack


This image was sent to us and it appears as though something big is in the works.  People have been clamoring for a boycott for some time.  Given what we see above, is one about to be launched?  If so, count us in!!!

It has been well documented how this recall is about the attempt of one towing family to stifle debate and strong-arm township officials into doing things their way... OR ELSE.  The Nightingales are quick to proclaim that their recall is “not about towing.”  However, given how defensive they all get whenever towing comes up, their actions and words lead us to believe that the only issue really pushing the Nightingale recall is towing.

Remember, this recall rage first began when the Board of Trustees voted to put towing services out to competitive bid.  This action riled the feathers of the Nightingales and from that day on the family has pledged a revolution in Shelby Township.  How will they accomplish this revolution?  Through a recall scheme.

Eager to try and stop the anti-recall campaign, the Nightingales and their Save Shelby gang have lashed out, against everyone else who doesn’t buy into their initiative.  We have exposed who is behind the recall, including how Trustee Lisa Manzella and Clerk Terri Kowal and aiding and abetting this gang.  The political motivations of those involved outweighs any arguments about a zoning issue.   This is dirty politics, plain and simple, by people who are putting their interests before those of township residents.

The Save Shelby gang has stopped at nothing to try and smear the character, integrity and reputation of Supervisor Stathakis.  These people are passing out misleading flyers, spreading lies via website, and, in a desperate act of clear stupidity, took their complaints to Craig’s List.  That‘s right!  These poor, misguided souls have engaged in obvious character assassination anywhere that they believe they can get away with it.

Here is what the Save Shelby goons posted on Craig’s List recently.  These are two separate posts: 

Date: 2011-04-16, 11:49AM EDT
Reply to: comm-xjr3n-2328686040@craigslist.org
SAVE OUR TOWNSHIP!  PostingID: 2328686040
SIGN THE RECALL OF STATHAKIS (Richard Stathakis needs to go!) 
Date: 2011-04-19, 12:00PM EDT
Reply to:
Don't let this bribe taking, PAC loving, baffoon of a Supervisor run our community into the ground. Stop him before it's too late! PostingID: 2334430871  

You know what?  These people really ARE crackpots!

Craig’s List is typically where people go to buy and sell things, not try and promote a campaign of personal destruction.  These people hate our township so much that they will do anything, or say anything, to accomplish their selfish goals.

We understand that the Save Shelby gang didn’t like that the Board of Trustees voted unanimously to put towing work out for competitive bid.  However, their words and deeds since that vote shows how low in the mud these fanatics will sink.

Supervisor Stathakis and the Board of Trustees have not run Shelby into the ground.  On the contrary.  Most of them (exception being Trustee Lisa Manzella and Clerk Terri Kowal) are using proven and effective conservative values to protect township taxpayers.  They deserve our thanks for their hard work and determination to protect our pocketbooks from higher taxes.

Actually, it was the last Supervisor, Save Shelby’s hero Skip Maccarone, who wanted to drive Shelby into bankruptcy and higher taxes with his big-spending “campus” plan.  Let’s not forget, or attempt to rewrite, history to try and validate an invalid recall.

Interestingly, whenever we post information which exposes the recall campaign’s dirty little secret, we receive e-mails (which are being archived) demanding that we stop.  The spirit of the First Amendment drives our work, and we will continue documenting the words and action of the so-called Save Shelby gang!

As we were thinking of a way to summarize this entire recall farce, someone replied “the recall bunch is really getting ridiculous.”

Wait a minute!  RECALL BUNCH?  The light went on and a song came to mind.

So in the spirit of those recall gang members who want to go back to what they consider Shelby’s “good old days” we offer the following.

Come on and sing along with us...

(sung to the Brady Bunch)

Here’s the story, of a towing family,
Who just wanted all the business, it would seem.
Each of them had spoons of gold, a sweetheart deal,
“Don’t touch our contract,” was their theme.

Here’s the story, of Shelby’s Trustees,
Who were dealing with some tough financial ills.
They are seven Board members, working together,
Trying to pay the bills.

Till the one day when it all became so clear,
That bids for towing could help with this crunch.
Then the Nightingale family started griping,
And that’s the day that they became the Recall Bunch.

The Recall Bunch…
The Recall Bunch...
That’s the day they became the Recall Bunch. 

This so appropriate to what is driving this politically-motivated recall.  The Nightingales have cried foul and pleaded with everyone that this has nothing to do with towing.  As resident Ed Young recently wrote, if towing is not the issue then why even bring it up?  The Nightingale gang may think people are stupid, but the truth is Shelby residents can see what is really going.

Remember, if you are approached by someone asking you to sign a recall petition, do the right thing and DECLINE TO SIGN.  Tell the recall fanatics to go away and leave you alone.  Don’t be afraid to tell these people NO - it is your democratic right!

Finally, Jeff Wattrick of MLive.com wrote a very interesting article about the current and never-ending recall threats in Shelby Township.  His RECALL article can be viewed here.  When you read it you will see that we are not the only people who view this recall as an attempted power grab by a group of “malcontents.”

Until next time....

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