This group has embarked on a nearly three-year political witch hunt to protect what they see as their cherished entitlements from any talk of change. These entitlements range from elected Board positions, the battle began with the removal of Skip Maccarone in 2008; the awarding of township contracts, the recall stupidity started when the Board voted to seek bids for towing work; and now even unpaid appointments to committees, begun by Save Shelby advocate Brent Freeman who couldn’t retain his “entitled” committee seat. Through all this, the Save Shelby group has shown that their group’s wants and needs trump the greater good of taxpayers.
Over the past several weeks, various members of the Save Shelby bunch have come to public meetings seeking attention to their cause. A last gasp of desperation?
These people wrongly claim that Supervisor Stathakis and the Board are rude to residents. Actually, it’s the other way around. The only people who use vulgarities and shout disrespectfully at meetings are the Save Shelby gang and their snake oil sippers. Hardly a meeting goes by when we don’t hear some Save Shelby associate yelling “jackass”, “a$$hole”, “dammit” and an occasional “F word”. Judging from their RUDE actions at meetings, the Save Shelby people resemble high school burnouts after a tough day at shop class!
The Save Shelby crowd is frustrated that things aren’t going their way these days. Their recall threats/attacks were rebuked by residents; their effort to push their big union agenda is failing; and their political attacks are backfiring. The group is a total failure, and so members of the “Save Shelby, Status Quo, Liberal Spending Liars Society” are lashing out for attention.
As reported in our September 8, 2011 edition of the Inside Out, during the September 6th Board of Trustees meeting, Treasurer Paul Viar called out the “Save Shelby, Status Quo, Liberal Spending Liars Society” for what they really are. His comments were right on. If you haven’t seen or heard what Treasurer Viar said, check it out.
Trustee Manzella didn’t like Mr. Viar’s latest criticism of Save Shelby. So, after getting home from the Board meeting, Manzella felt a need to respond to a comment on Save Shelby’s Facebook page by Pierce Davis. Davis wrote, in an apparent response to Viar’s comments about Save Shelby: “Viar just owned you guys tonight!” Manzella went ballistic and, as you will see, Marsha Nightingale (of Nightingale towing fame) couldn’t help but join this tag-team attack.
When you read Manzella’s post, ask yourself if Lisa’s comments are a rational statement from someone fit to serve as a public official, or the senseless rantings of someone with serious “issues?”
“Save Shelby” Supporters Continue Their Nasty Attacks Against Our Township and Our Elected Officials
The Tuesday, September 20th Board of Trustees meeting featured some interesting comments from the Save Shelby crew. Here is a rundown of some of cast members who spoke at the meeting...
BRENT FREEMAN - At the September 6th meeting, Freeman was criticized by fellow residents for expressing a “no new people need apply” feeling when it comes to township government. As if that wasn‘t stupid enough, Freeman doubled-down on his “no new people” views at the September 20th meeting. He complained, again, about not getting reappointed. He demanded to know what makes new people more qualified than he is for the Sidewalk Committee.
Hey Brent, we understand your passion. However, holding a volunteer position on the Sidewalk Committee is not rocket science! Besides, this is not your seat. As Shelby resident Ron Churchill said, at one time Mr. Freeman was new and somebody gave him a chance. Yet, today Freeman rejects the notion of giving new people a chance. Instead, Freeman feels entitled to his committee position and supports the same old, status quo.
TERRI KOWAL - Clerk Terri Kowal receives the “Bonehead Award” for the most ridiculous comment made at the September 20th Board meeting.
When resident Dave Fulkerson pointed out (during Business from the Floor) that Kowal’s family supported the recent failed recall attempt of Mr. Stathakis and Mr. Viar, Kowal quickly denied involvement. “My family did not support the recall,” she said. After Fulkerson corrected her and noted that Kowal’s son did join the Save Shelby recall (we covered Kowal’s complicity in two previous Inside Out posts — one on May 21, 2011 and the second on June 23, 2011) Kowal waffled: “My son collected seven signatures.”
Okay, so either Kowal lied about her family not being involved in the recall (they were and she even supported the Save Shelby group), or she doesn’t consider her son, who lives with her, to be a member of her family. This is strange! Kowal added that her son is 32 years old and can do whatever he wants because she can’t control him.
Personally speaking, if one of our kids wanted to get involved in something that we felt was inappropriate (especially something like a political recall of an elected colleague) we would make sure they did not get involved. Throwing her son under the bus in such a manner says something about Mrs. Kowal.
KEN UNDERWOOD - Resident Ken “the pottymouth” Underwood came up to trash the Board again at the September 20th meeting. We have all grown fatigued by Underwood’s attacks.
So what was Underwood ranting about this time? He was angry that Treasurer Viar had supposedly parked a township car at Chase Bank in a handicapped parking spot. Underwood said he took photos of the car to prove it (is he stalking Mr. Viar?), and said that he called the cops. Mr. Viar proceeded to display his handicap permit, proving that he has permission to park in a handicapped spot. Underwood called Mr. Viar a “jackass” and said he felt Treasurer Viar should get a ticket.
WTF? Ken “the pottymouth” Underwood, a retired Shelby police officer, actually wants our township to ticket drivers who park in handicap spots, even if they have a handicapped permit? Sure, writing more tickets would be a perfect way to try and boost money for the police department (they are facing financial problems). However, is this something we want our police officers to spend time doing - harassing drivers? What’s next – giving speeding tickets to drivers who follow the speed limit?
NICK NIGHTINGALE - Dressed up as if he were going to a funeral, Nick “the loudmouth” Nightingale approached the podium to proclaim himself a fiscally-responsible conservative. Really? After spitting out our Pepsi (we couldn’t believe what he said) we burst out laughing. Nick Nightingale, a fiscal conservative? That’s a lot like saying President Barack Obama supports lower taxes and smaller government.
Nick is obviously trying to rewrite history. After months (if not years) of supporting the “Save Shelby, Status Quo, Liberal Spending Liars Society”, after being publicy exposed as a recall fanatic, and after trying to bully Trustees to protect his family’s entitlement to towing, Nightingale says this? Who does he think he is fooling?
Just because you call yourself something doesn’t make it so. Nick Nightingale may call himself a conservative, just as some members of the Board (Kowal and Manzella?) call themselves Republicans to get elected to office. But actions speak louder than words and truth is stranger than fiction.
TIM ORBACKI - Save Shelby advocate Tim Orbacki has made it clear that he dislikes the Board of Trustees. He clearly hates the Supervisor, has compared the Board of Trustees to the Detroit City Council, and at the Tuesday, September 20th meeting took his nasty personal attacks one step further by comparing Trustee Paula Filar to Monica Conyers. Take another sip of that snake oil Tim!
The only thing that Trustee Filar has in common with Monica Conyers is that they are both females. The comparisons stop there!
Don’t worry Mrs. Filar. Sure, the “Save Shelby, Status Quo, Liberal Spending Liars Society” are boisterous and brash, but they do not represent the views of the overwhelming majority of taxpayers and VOTERS! We appreciate your hard work.
Orbacki’s hyper-critical attacks against the Supervisor and Board ignore the many positive developments Supervisor Stathakis and the Board have given our township since their election in 2008. Supervisor Stathakis and the Board have done more to enhance the township’s financial picture, and protect us from higher taxes, in three years than his predecessor did in eight years combined. This includes maintaining a positive financial picture, at a time when other communities are going broke; protecting essential services, as a time when other communities are forced to cut police and firefighters; and enhancing the level of services provided to Shelby residents without raising taxes at a time when other communities are seeking tax increases from residents.
The last point, raising taxes, is something Orbacki does not seen overly concerned about. In fact, he supports higher taxes. You heard correctly! Orbacki has written that if taxes need to be raised to deal with the township budget, then the Board should do it. On September 22, 2010, at 10:07 a.m., Orbacki sent an e-mail to township officials stating the following:
“The budget is the board’s problem to raises taxes if needed.”
Orbacki also apparently feels the police department is just fine (even though financial projections show otherwise) because the Board can always raise taxes. When the Board initiated a study of the police department, seeking an expert review of how and where to reduce costs without hurting police protection, Orbacki protested. As reported by Frank DeFrank in the Monday, December 22, 2010 issue of the Macomb Daily, Orbacki declared the study a waste of time.
“You can do a review, but I don't really see what you're going to get out of it.”
So what did the Township “get out of it”? The report by Mark Nottely shows how the township can save hundreds of thousands of dollars in police operating costs to address growing financial problems. Orbacki may not like the idea of restructuring the police department to save money, but the times necessitate such actions. Even Orbacki’s own union, the UAW, is cutting internal costs, reducing staff, consolidating departments and asking rank-and-file workers to take reductions in pay and benefits. So why is Orbacki opposed to cost-effective changes in Shelby Township?
Mr. Orbacki, who once lived in Canton Township, has been quoted in newspapers discussing issues like roads and fire protection.
Canton Observer, April 26, 1979 - Residents gripe about bad roads
A sharply worded opening statement by Franklin Palmer Estates Homeowners Association President Tim Orbacki set the mood for a meeting with the Wayne County Road Commission Tuesday night.
Orbacki called for action “like yesterday” on a stretch of Sheldon Road from the Franklin Palmer subdivision to Cherry Hill Road, which is part of the road labeled Canton's worst in a recent Observer poll.
“It is unsafe, damaging cars, forcing residents to use air conditioning because of dust, is missing guard rails and may soon be the cause of tragedy in this area,” Orbacki said.
A sharply worded opening statement by Franklin Palmer Estates Homeowners Association President Tim Orbacki set the mood for a meeting with the Wayne County Road Commission Tuesday night.
Orbacki called for action “like yesterday” on a stretch of Sheldon Road from the Franklin Palmer subdivision to Cherry Hill Road, which is part of the road labeled Canton's worst in a recent Observer poll.
“It is unsafe, damaging cars, forcing residents to use air conditioning because of dust, is missing guard rails and may soon be the cause of tragedy in this area,” Orbacki said.
We have never heard Tim Orbacki thank our township Board for being proactive when it comes to roads. Supervisor Stathakis and the majority of the Board of Trustees have allocated precious dollars for needed road enhancements. They have also worked with Macomb County on road issues. Yet, we have never heard Mr. Orbacki compliment the Board for a job well done on roads. Why?Here’s another...
Canton Observer, May 12, 1980 - Resident says fire vehicles’ condition poor
Anonymous charges of poor maintenance of fire department vehicles will be the subject of a meeting called for today in Canton Supervisor Noel Culbert’s office.
Attending the session will be members of an investigative committee appointed following public disclosure of the charges.
Fire Chief Mel Paulun freely admitted that he has been “lax in keeping records,” but that oil had been changed in the vehicles more frequently than shown in the books.
According to [Tim] Orbacki, who spent several days investigating maintenance practices in Canton as well as in other communities, said Friday he believed the vehicles had not been well-maintained.
“There’s a serious, serious problem here,” he said. “The ambulances (rescue units) are just rusting away. I’m shocked and amazed. There’s almost $1 million in equipment down there that’s ready to fall apart.”
We have never heard Mr. Orbacki praise the Shelby Board of Trustees for being responsible when it comes to equipping our fire, emergency medical providers and police officers. Supervisor Stathakis and the majority of the Board have worked to maintain essential services, while simultaneously reducing the costs of those service. Job well done!
Shelby Township’s fire and EMS vehicles are not “rusting away.” Shelby’s equipment is not ready to fall apart. Township police protection remains high and public safety is strong. So why has Mr. Orbacki not come forth to thank the Board for these positive actions? Could his affiliation with the “Save Shelby, Status Quo, Liberal Spending Liars Society” be the reason?
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Don’t buy it. It leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. |
These people, backed by Trustee Lisa Manzella, think they have all the answers. They oppose change to past practices, and support business as usual with regard to township services. These people think they know best how to address our township’s finances — and their agenda includes raising taxes, if needed, to address budget issues.
This is really what the “Save Shelby, Status Quo, Liberal Spending Liars Society” represents. Their “entitlement syndrome” threatens our township. This is why honest, hard-working, civic-minded and conservative Shelby taxpayers need to reject them and their snake oil message when they run their slate of candidates in the 2012 elections.
Our township has made too much progress under Supervisor Stathakis and the current Board to go back to the days when Save Shelby, and their big-spending politicians, would bankrupt our township.
Until next time...
Couple of points of interest. First EX Police Chief Leman tells the source newspaper the way the board failed to renew his contract was unprofessional. Leman thinks he is entitled to life time contracts no matter what. Instead of putting a stop to seemingly very crooked auctions, Mr. Leman thinks we are all stupid and makes statements like "There are two types of Abandoned Vehicles". REALLY? Since when? I honestly have Donut bets with several people with my opinion that now that Nightengale's will no longer be scamming Shelby Twp. Taxpayer's. Many in the family will actually need to go get real jobs somewhere. I do not think Nightengale will make it another year in Business. We need Educated Police. Look what we are paying Ken Underwood in retirement and he can't even speak proper English. How did he make it on the force 25 years? The Ex Chief is right behind with his English skills. NO BONDS! Should have been "Without any new Bonds". The Board did Leman a favor. Believe me. They know plenty Truths that could have Destroyed Him. I know much more of what he truly was about. Now that he is gone, shortly my fear of coming forward will completely be gone. Look Out! I'm coming to a LIVE Board Meeting Soon! Bet on It!
ReplyDeleteIf you look at the people yelling the loudest against the board members, they're all people who depend and continue to depend on public spending and public ignorance to survive over the years. Nightingales was pocketing the auction cash, the police are living fat on public paid pensions and Manzella's appraisal business does favorable work for her campaign contributors.
ReplyDeleteThe level of ignorance and self entitlement is sickening to most voters.