Friday, September 30, 2011

Their Recall Scam, Their Recall Scam, Township Residents Rejected Save Shelby’s Recall Scam!

Ever since we launched the Inside Out three years ago, we have been impressed with our readers.  Time and again they have contacted us and come up with really GREAT ideas.  Some of these ideas are that good that we just HAVE to pass them along for others in our township to read. 

We have learned to never underestimate the creativity or intelligence of Shelby Township residents.  The “Save Shelby, Status Quo, Liberal Spending Liars Society” (a.k.a. Save Shelby), and their puppet on the Board of Trustees Lisa Manzella, did just that by trying to sell their ridiculous recall based on lies and misinformation.  They tried, they failed — and failed miserably.

The overwhelming majority of Shelby residents rejected this recall, seeing it for what really was: an attempted power grab by a special interest (towing family) and the police union to protect their pay, pensions and contracts.  Their grand scheme didn’t work, and our democracy is better off today because the recall flopped.

Yet, it seems as though some of the Save Shelby crew want to keep themselves in the public eye, perhaps for their expected run for township office in 2012?   They think “face time” on Shelby cable television twice a month will, somehow,  help with their election chances.  Highly doubtful, because when we peel back the layers of the Save Shelby onion not only does it stink and make our eyes water, we eventually get to the center of what these Save Shelby political wannabees truly are.

The people associated associate with Save Shelby, and who have wild ambitions to run for township office, suffer a severe case of “electile dysfunction.”  Once the facts are known about the Save Shelby candidates, and once the truth about their agenda is exposed, we are confident Shelby voters will reject the snake oil cure that these people are trying to foist upon us.   As we have already said, Shelby residents are smarter than the Save Shelby people give us credit for.

Humor is a powerful weapon.  Below is a parody of the failed Save Shelby recall that we received from one of our readers.  It tells the story of the recall in a way that connects with people, while highlighting the stupidity of the whole recall attack.  We have also included a graphic which helps explain the story, just click on the graphic above for a larger view.

Even though the topic of the recall is somewhat dated now since it failed, the issue of Save Shelby and what they want to do to our township is still relevant — since their spokesman, Richard Batchelder, announced at the August 16th Board of Trustees meeting (as reported in the August 18th Inside Out) that they will run candidates for township offices in 2012.

This simple story puts the whole recall/Save Shelby movement in a light that connects with people.  We hope you enjoy this humorous take on the Save Shelby gang.   And thanks again for forwarding this parody to us to share with people in Shelby Township, and around the world.

Greedy Lies and Recall Scam
— a parody of Green Eggs and Ham —

I am Nick. Nick I am.
I am leader of the Recall Scam.

Oh, that Nick I Am.  That Nick I Am.
I do not like that Nick I am.

Do you like my Recall Scam?

I do not like it, Nick I Am.
I do not like your Recall Scam.

Would you sign our petition here or there?

I would not sign it here or there.
I would not sign it anywhere.
I do not like your Recall Scam.
I do not like it, Nick I am.

Would you sign it for a lie?  Would you sign it if I cry?

I will not sign it for a lie.  I will not sign it if you cry.
I would not sign it here or there. I would not sign it anywhere.
I do not like your Recall Scam.
I do not like it Nick I am.

Would you sign it for a threat?  Would you sign it on a bet?

Not for a threat, not on a bet.  Not for a lie, not if you cry.
I would not sign it here or there.  I would not sign it anywhere.
I do not like your recall scam.  I do not like it, Nick I am.

Would you, could you, for my dad?  Sign it.  Sign it.  You’ll be glad.
You may like us, you will see.  Our Save Shelby gang is full of glee.

No!  No!!  No!!!
Not for your dad.  Not to be glad.
Not for a bet or because of a threat.
Not for a lie.  And not if you cry.
I would not sign it here or there.
I would not sign it anywhere.
I do not like your Recall Scam.
I do not like it, Nick I am.

For the police union then, you most certainly will write.
Your name on our petition, would be a welcome site.
We MUST change this Board, so let’s take out our axes,
And smack anyone who supports lower taxes.

High pensions, high pay and high perks galore,
We’ll take all the money, and still demand more.
If tax hikes are needed, then just raise them all,
“High taxes are great,” is the Save Shelby call.

Our Recall Scam is just what we need,
To protect our entitlements, and support all our greed.
Please sign it, please sign it, we need every name.
If we don’t do this right, then we won’t win the game.

Stop, stop, stop — this is getting out of hand!
Your nonsense is simply more than I can stand.

I do not like your Recall Scam.  I do not like it, Nick I am.
Taxpayers are smart, much more than you know.
We support our Trustees and want YOU to go.

Away with your scams, your tax hikes and schemes.
Your plans for our township are horrible dreams.
Your recall has failed.  Your petitions are trashed.
Those who supported your tricks have been smashed.
It’s time to move on and put taxpayers first.
“Save Shelby” has shown us the worst of the worst.

Remember this when they come calling next year.
“Vote for our Slate” you will most certainly hear.
These people want power, they need the control,
To protect their own pockets, they’ll sell their own soul.

Save Shelby will fail, just as they’ve done before.
And then when they’ve lost, they’ll start crying some more.
Common sense will prevail, when all’s said and done.
Save Shelby will lose — once the taxpayers have won!


There you have it!  The Save Shelby attacks, as seen through the eyes of Dr. Zeuss.  Feel free to pass this on to your family and friends.  When you look at the recall madness this way, you can see just how dangerous the “Save Shelby, Status Quo, Liberal Spending Liars Society” really is.

If you have an idea like this one that you want to share with Inside Out readers, whether for attribution or not, send it along to our e-mail at

Until next time...


  1. My favorite so far.
    Sad how Nick has singlehandedly destroyed a family name, reputation and business.
    You should have mentioned how Nightingales Towing ran the township sale and auctioning of vehicles for decades in violation of state laws and with the approval of the police and former chief Robert Leman.
    The current board is doing a great job of rooting out the corruption while saving taxpayers millions.
    Nick is going to be in need of employment next year but if you take into account what he's done for his family name and business in just a couple short years could you imagine what he could do to Shelby Township if elected....... God help us.

  2. Very well done. The writers on this blog are remarkable. You should all be paid for your work. I have been impressed, as have the people I have forwarded your dynamic work to. Your investigative reports are right on, and your humor and creativity first rate. Keep up the good work.

  3. Thanks for the comment. We appreciate your kind words. We are not doing this for money, we are doing this because it is the right thing to do. The Save Shelby crew needs to be exposed and we are intent on doing just that. Moreover, Trustee Lisa Manzella needs to be dumped in the next election, and we want to help this worthwhile cause.

    The Inside Out will be here through the next election. Count on it!

  4. Am I the only person who thought Mr. Underwood was giving himself credit for the Ex Chiefs decisions? Seems to me like he was self promoting himself, while acting as though he was supporting Leman at the last board meeting.
    Great job by everyone on this board except Manzella and Kowal. It should tell you their mentality. By the two of them thinking a very small percentage of our township (Less than one half of a percent) who shows up to support their destructive agenda, represents all.
    I can see clearly without a doubt, that our Supervisor was a target of false accusations from the start. I'm settled on my 2012 picks other than Mr. Wozniak. In these times Political Correctness must be Void. If your Scared, drop out!

  5. well made my day!!!!!
    I knew there was something about Nick that I didn't like!
