Election 2008 in Shelby Township will always be remembered as the year when ordinary people rallied together and worked tirelessly to topple a township tyrant.
Fed up with arrogant indifference to our concerns and opinions, the people soundly rejected Skip Maccarone. Poor Skip got a smaller percentage of the votes than he did when he first got elected. Not THAT is a defeat!
The huge landslide victory for newcomer Richard Stathakis is a breath of fresh air for our township. No longer we will have to live our lives by Skip's Law. The Maccarone era is over (although not officially until November) and we can clearly say: "Mission Accomplished."
Ironically tonight (one day after the primary election) is the annual Shelby Township fireworks. It is almost like our own "Independence Day" from Skip Maccarone.
You gotta love it!
We were also gratified to see Treasurer Paul Viar, Clerk Terri Kowal, and Trustees Paula Filar and Trustee-elect Mike Flynn win. This team will now, after eight long years, get back to business of doing the work of township taxpayers, instead of being forced to accept Maccarone's big-spending agenda.
So now what? Although our blog posts may slow down somewhat, our words and viewpoints will linger in cyberspace for everyone to see. And if, by chance, Skip has some grand plan to run for higher office (County Executive, Sheriff, Governor?) we hope that our blog will serve as a source of opposition research into the Maccarone mindset (as crazy and out of touch as it may be).
We did what some Maccaronites said was impossible: We STOPPED SKIP in 2008.
One final note...just because we are not publishing doesn't mean we are done observing and taking notes. Shelby Township politicians beware!
Thanks for reading and for sharing in this experience with us.
The Truth Guys
at the
News, information and opinions about Shelby Township that you won't find in our local newspapers
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
D-Day (Decision Day) 2008

This is the day we have longed for since the Inside Out began publishing one year ago.
The candidates for the Shelby Township Board of Trustees have all had their say, and now it is OUR turn.
The decisions made this year will have a direct impact on our township, on our families, and our pocketbooks for decades to come. This is why we urge all voters to take time to get to the polls and cast your vote.
The polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. We are all eagerly awaiting the results of this year's election when we will, hopefully, get to put an end to eight years of Skip Maccarone's reign of terror.
If you think your vote doesn’t count, today’s the day it does. Today’s the day you get to vote on township officials who affect our daily life (and taxes!)
Shelby Township is a great place. Our goal in this election is to elect Township Board members who will watch our money, reduce township spending, and work to make Shelby Township even better.
MAKE SURE YOU VOTE TODAY. We'll talk again after the election, when hopefully our township's future will look much brighter without Skip Maccarone!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Our Choices for the Shelby Board of Trustees in 2008

Over the last few weeks, we have received numerous e-mails from readers asking who we support for the Board of Trustees. After much research and careful consideration, here are the seven candidates we are urging Shelby Township voters to support.
While these are only recommendations for each office, we sincerely believe these individuals represent the BEST CHOICES for each of their respective offices in this year's election.
For Shelby Township Supervisor
We have been truly been impressed by the way Richard Stathakis has run a very optimistic, people-oriented and forward-looking campaign. His signs, the target of a few complaints from Maccaronites, are pure genius. They elevated his name identification in a way we have never seen in this township before. Did they work? Absolutely.
Richard Stathakis has run a very upbeat, positive and informative campaign for Supervisor. He has been out walking door-to-door speaking to taxpayers and outlining his Action Agenda for Shelby Township. His use of caricatures in his campaign literature to illustrate the point about Skip’s blind eye toward deficits were impressive - and funny. If you ask around the township you will find that these are images and messages which connect with taxpayers. If the Maccaronites can’t stomach editorial cartoons poking fun at Skip’s record in office, then they need to get out of the game called “politics.”
After eight years of arrogance, indifference and hostility toward taxpayers by Skip Maccarone, we agree that it is time for a CHANGE. What clinched this endorsement for us occurred during the Meet the Candidates Q&A sessions on Shelby TV. Never once during this interview did Skip Maccarone mention the issue of projected deficits. Not only that but Skip never asked for our vote. Candidates who don’t ask for our vote don’t deserve our vote.
On Tuesday, August 5th we encourage Shelby Township residents to elect Richard Stathakis as our Supervisor. He is the right candidate at the right time and he has the right message for township residents and business owners alike.
For Shelby Township Treasurer
The clear winner in the race for Township Treasurer is Paul Viar. We have been impressed with the way that Treasurer Viar has stood his ground in the fight for lower spending. Even the current Supervisor has said that Treasurer Viar pays close attention to how our tax dollars are spent.
Treasurer Viar is a strong candidate for re-election. His political opponents have attacked Mr. Viar, including a nasty and lie-filled anonymous flyer attacking Mr. Viar's wife and disabled son. This was discussed at the Tuesday, July 1st Shelby Township Board Meeting.
While these personal attacks on Mr. Viar's family may serve the agenda of a few extremely disgusting individuals, to voters who appreciate Mr. Viar's tireless work on behalf of taxpayers, we will never forget how he has consistently stood with us against increased spending.
Treasurer Paul Viar's political opponent doesn't even come close in a side-by-side comparison on issues important to Shelby Township taxpayers. So we urge voters to give Treasurer Paul Viar another four years so he can continue working to cut township spending and serving as an outspoken voice for Shelby Township taxpayers.
For Shelby Township Clerk
Clerk Terri Kowal has no opponent this year. That is unfortunate, because we believe that competition is good for democracy -- and certainly good for Shelby Township residents. That being said, Clerk Terri Kowal has done her job and deserves four more years (besides ... who else is there?).
For Shelby Township Trustees
We have gotten to know Trustee Paula Filar very well over the last four years. She is the only candidate for Trustee with the breadth of experience and the good judgment we need in public office. She has stood up for us, served as the voice of the people and, as her literature points out, worked "everyday to build a stronger township." She is right on the issues, and has a platform of progress that is committed to building a 21st Century Township. Paula Filar has done an outstanding job for the past eight years as our Trustee, and we are confident she will continue fighting the good fight on behalf of residents during the next four years.
Paula (Calvaruso) Filar is the BEST candidate for Trustee, PERIOD. She has earned re-election to a new four-year term!
Even though he is a relative newcomer to politics, we really like Mike Flynn and his message. We need someone like Flynn to fill the seat on the Board being vacated by Trustee Jim Carabelli. Mike Flynn is a conservative who understands the need to cut our spending to address projected general fund deficits. As he says on his website: "As Trustee I promise to fight vigorously for responsible spending, low taxes, and government that works with and encourages entrepreneurial business. With your help we can bring common sense conservative values back to Shelby Township." Mike Flynn gets a thumbs up from us for Trustee.
Another newcomer to township politics is John Brogowicz. Although he is running for his first term in Shelby Township, he has previous elective experience in neighboring Macomb Township, where he currently serves as Human Resources Director. John Brogowicz is a good choice to fill another vacant seat on the Board of Trustees.
For the final spot on the Board of Trustees, we recommend Russ Matika. Russ is a member of the Shelby Township Solid Waste and Recycling Committee. On his website, Russ says that his aspiration is to have a greater say in how Shelby Township operates -- how it spends its money, how it listens to residents and how it recycles. He would make a good addition to the Shelby Township Board and we encourage residents to elect Russ Matika to the fourth and final position of Shelby Township Trustee.
As for the rest of the crowd running for Trustee, we can only say two words: Good luck!
That is how we see it this election year. Agree or disagree, that is your choice. Democracy gives each of us the right to decide, in the privacy of the voting booth, the future of our township.
Even if you disagree with us on any of the endorsements above, please make sure you get to the polls and VOTE. Democracy is not a spectator's sport. It requires each of us to participate and voice our opinion through the power of our individual vote.
One vote DOES matter. So don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
On Tuesday, August 5th we encourage Shelby Township residents to elect Richard Stathakis as our Supervisor. He is the right candidate at the right time and he has the right message for township residents and business owners alike.
For Shelby Township Treasurer
The clear winner in the race for Township Treasurer is Paul Viar. We have been impressed with the way that Treasurer Viar has stood his ground in the fight for lower spending. Even the current Supervisor has said that Treasurer Viar pays close attention to how our tax dollars are spent.
Treasurer Viar is a strong candidate for re-election. His political opponents have attacked Mr. Viar, including a nasty and lie-filled anonymous flyer attacking Mr. Viar's wife and disabled son. This was discussed at the Tuesday, July 1st Shelby Township Board Meeting.
While these personal attacks on Mr. Viar's family may serve the agenda of a few extremely disgusting individuals, to voters who appreciate Mr. Viar's tireless work on behalf of taxpayers, we will never forget how he has consistently stood with us against increased spending.
Treasurer Paul Viar's political opponent doesn't even come close in a side-by-side comparison on issues important to Shelby Township taxpayers. So we urge voters to give Treasurer Paul Viar another four years so he can continue working to cut township spending and serving as an outspoken voice for Shelby Township taxpayers.
For Shelby Township Clerk
Clerk Terri Kowal has no opponent this year. That is unfortunate, because we believe that competition is good for democracy -- and certainly good for Shelby Township residents. That being said, Clerk Terri Kowal has done her job and deserves four more years (besides ... who else is there?).
For Shelby Township Trustees
We have gotten to know Trustee Paula Filar very well over the last four years. She is the only candidate for Trustee with the breadth of experience and the good judgment we need in public office. She has stood up for us, served as the voice of the people and, as her literature points out, worked "everyday to build a stronger township." She is right on the issues, and has a platform of progress that is committed to building a 21st Century Township. Paula Filar has done an outstanding job for the past eight years as our Trustee, and we are confident she will continue fighting the good fight on behalf of residents during the next four years.
Paula (Calvaruso) Filar is the BEST candidate for Trustee, PERIOD. She has earned re-election to a new four-year term!
Even though he is a relative newcomer to politics, we really like Mike Flynn and his message. We need someone like Flynn to fill the seat on the Board being vacated by Trustee Jim Carabelli. Mike Flynn is a conservative who understands the need to cut our spending to address projected general fund deficits. As he says on his website: "As Trustee I promise to fight vigorously for responsible spending, low taxes, and government that works with and encourages entrepreneurial business. With your help we can bring common sense conservative values back to Shelby Township." Mike Flynn gets a thumbs up from us for Trustee.
Another newcomer to township politics is John Brogowicz. Although he is running for his first term in Shelby Township, he has previous elective experience in neighboring Macomb Township, where he currently serves as Human Resources Director. John Brogowicz is a good choice to fill another vacant seat on the Board of Trustees.
For the final spot on the Board of Trustees, we recommend Russ Matika. Russ is a member of the Shelby Township Solid Waste and Recycling Committee. On his website, Russ says that his aspiration is to have a greater say in how Shelby Township operates -- how it spends its money, how it listens to residents and how it recycles. He would make a good addition to the Shelby Township Board and we encourage residents to elect Russ Matika to the fourth and final position of Shelby Township Trustee.
As for the rest of the crowd running for Trustee, we can only say two words: Good luck!
That is how we see it this election year. Agree or disagree, that is your choice. Democracy gives each of us the right to decide, in the privacy of the voting booth, the future of our township.
Even if you disagree with us on any of the endorsements above, please make sure you get to the polls and VOTE. Democracy is not a spectator's sport. It requires each of us to participate and voice our opinion through the power of our individual vote.
One vote DOES matter. So don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Skip's Township Tyranny Is Coming To An End; Let FREEDOM Ring!
One e-mailer (anonymous) sent us a note recently to protest our labeling of Skip Maccarone as a Tyrant. This Skippy cheerleader obviously has no idea what is really going on behind the scenes, and the television cameras, in OUR township!
"I have never seen someone more hard-working than Mr. Maccarone. Thank God he is on the Board or our township would really be in trouble."
What?? Okay, now that we have stopped laughing, let's get serious here. This e-mailer's adoration of Skip does not hide the facts of how miserably he has governed our township. In fact, it was not us who came up with the TYRANT label. It was another resident, who also sent this description to us....
The Tyrant
Tyrants are angry. The tyrant lashes out when cornered by the truth. Inflicting pain on others helps them feel less disempowered.
The tyrant, more often than not, is a nobody. Often he's a failure and a coward, and he needs others to march forward for him to fill the gap of his inadequacy. He places unreasonable demands on others, partly to dominate and control them, and partly in the vain attempt to bolster himself up to assist with his insecurities. Meanwhile, he causes trouble, dominating, manipulating, and controlling those around him with negative emotion and threats.
If you have to deal with tyrants, remember this: Even though they're desperately unhappy, they become arrogant and dogmatic through the exercise of their tyranny. You will rarely get a tyrant to see reason. They live in their own rabid empire.
A tyrant is like the schoolyard bully who won't back off until he gets a punch on the nose. So the way to serve and help the tyrant is to be firm and not allow him to get away with it. He won't change until he experiences a big setback. The power that tyrants exert is too intoxicating. So don't try to change them, and don't bother trying to keep them happy. It doesn't help. Just whack 'em in the head with the biggest psychological, emotional, or financial plank you've got. They'll respect you and cause less trouble.
We have all seen how Skip likes to dominate the Board of Trustees meetings. He spins information and tries to control the discussion. He confuses people who come up to speak from the floor with a bunch of legal mumbo-jumbo (obviously trying to show us how smart he thinks he is). The image he projects is someone who is trying to push his agenda on others, and he resents anyone who tries to push back with ideas of their own.

A few years ago we came came across this flyer entitled "Flip Flop Skip." The information is obviously taken from the 2000 election, when Skip made all kinds of promises to get himself elected. This flyer shows that while promises are one thing in politics, performance is quite another - and it is performance in office which matters most to taxpayers.
Politicians who say one thing, and do the opposite are the worst kind of people. They panhandle for votes and then conveniently forget who got them elected once they get into office.
Election 2008 is just over three weeks away. Remember, August 5th is THE day. The primary is all that counts in Shelby which is primarily Republican. There are no Democrats running for Supervisor, so whoever wins on August 5th will run our township for the next four years.
If you are like us and want to change the direction of our township, it begins by changing the Supervisor. This change will happen on AUGUST 5th. So if you are sick of Skip, don't wait until November to vote. AUGUST IS THE ELECTION WE MUST ALL TURNOUT FOR!
As the saying above points out, to counter a tyrant we need to whack him in the head with the biggest plank we have. That plank is the power of the ballot box.
Keep connected with what is going on inside our township. If you want to help us stop Skip this election year, send us a note to STOPSKIP08@AOL.COM.
Remember - VOTE on Election Day - Tuesday, August 5th.
"I have never seen someone more hard-working than Mr. Maccarone. Thank God he is on the Board or our township would really be in trouble."
What?? Okay, now that we have stopped laughing, let's get serious here. This e-mailer's adoration of Skip does not hide the facts of how miserably he has governed our township. In fact, it was not us who came up with the TYRANT label. It was another resident, who also sent this description to us....
The Tyrant
Tyrants are angry. The tyrant lashes out when cornered by the truth. Inflicting pain on others helps them feel less disempowered.
The tyrant, more often than not, is a nobody. Often he's a failure and a coward, and he needs others to march forward for him to fill the gap of his inadequacy. He places unreasonable demands on others, partly to dominate and control them, and partly in the vain attempt to bolster himself up to assist with his insecurities. Meanwhile, he causes trouble, dominating, manipulating, and controlling those around him with negative emotion and threats.
If you have to deal with tyrants, remember this: Even though they're desperately unhappy, they become arrogant and dogmatic through the exercise of their tyranny. You will rarely get a tyrant to see reason. They live in their own rabid empire.
A tyrant is like the schoolyard bully who won't back off until he gets a punch on the nose. So the way to serve and help the tyrant is to be firm and not allow him to get away with it. He won't change until he experiences a big setback. The power that tyrants exert is too intoxicating. So don't try to change them, and don't bother trying to keep them happy. It doesn't help. Just whack 'em in the head with the biggest psychological, emotional, or financial plank you've got. They'll respect you and cause less trouble.
We have all seen how Skip likes to dominate the Board of Trustees meetings. He spins information and tries to control the discussion. He confuses people who come up to speak from the floor with a bunch of legal mumbo-jumbo (obviously trying to show us how smart he thinks he is). The image he projects is someone who is trying to push his agenda on others, and he resents anyone who tries to push back with ideas of their own.

A few years ago we came came across this flyer entitled "Flip Flop Skip." The information is obviously taken from the 2000 election, when Skip made all kinds of promises to get himself elected. This flyer shows that while promises are one thing in politics, performance is quite another - and it is performance in office which matters most to taxpayers.
Politicians who say one thing, and do the opposite are the worst kind of people. They panhandle for votes and then conveniently forget who got them elected once they get into office.
Election 2008 is just over three weeks away. Remember, August 5th is THE day. The primary is all that counts in Shelby which is primarily Republican. There are no Democrats running for Supervisor, so whoever wins on August 5th will run our township for the next four years.
If you are like us and want to change the direction of our township, it begins by changing the Supervisor. This change will happen on AUGUST 5th. So if you are sick of Skip, don't wait until November to vote. AUGUST IS THE ELECTION WE MUST ALL TURNOUT FOR!
As the saying above points out, to counter a tyrant we need to whack him in the head with the biggest plank we have. That plank is the power of the ballot box.
Keep connected with what is going on inside our township. If you want to help us stop Skip this election year, send us a note to STOPSKIP08@AOL.COM.
Remember - VOTE on Election Day - Tuesday, August 5th.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Skip's Real Problem: He Doesn't Follow Advice...Not Even From HIMSELF!

Good leaders listen, take advice to heart, and implement prudent policies and decisions based on that advice. No politician has all the answers, and quite frankly we don't trust any politician who claims to have all the answers to all the questions - even before they are asked.
Such is the case with Skip Maccarone.
We couldn't help but chuckle loudly when we received the graphic above sent by e-mail from a regular blog reader. On this graphic (we are trying to locate the original source) Skip outlines the best advice he ever received. The ironic thing about this is that although Skip received the advice, and admits it is the best that he has ever received, he has refused to take such advice to heart. Not only that, but a female reader pointed out how Skip is smirking at the camera, almost as if he is saying: "See how great I am!"
When asked this question: "What is the best professional advice that you have ever received?" here is what Skip said:
"The best professional advice I have ever received was to always remember that every decision made in governing a community is one that will affect people for years to come. Whether deciding on a new hire, a change in budget strategy, a request for rezoning, or a capital improvement project, the work we do as local government officials will often touch the lives and livelihood of more people than we can imagine and have consequences far beyond the time frame that we may think."
Sounds good. In fact, we wholeheartedly agree! The problem is that Skip has failed to take this advice in governing our township. His blind ambition about a "campus" is a capital improvement project which will have long-term consequences for all taxpayers. That is where Skip fumbled the football, and it time for us to grab it and run for a touchdown.
For example, let's look at the township police/court building debate.
Skip failed to heed advice about the long-term impact of this massive $23 million project. He didn't listen to people who asked NOT to clear cut trees on the land where Skip wants to build this building. Instead of considering the long-term impact on our pocketbooks, Skip refused to even let us vote on this. Skip said that he was elected to make this decision and that (in his opinion) spending $23 million for this project, and $50 million (or more) on the entire “Campus Skippus" plan, was a completely proper decision which Skip claims the people elected him to do.
Despite concerns from his fellow Board of Trustees members, complaints from residents, and warnings about massive $4.5 million budget deficits ($5.4 million deficits if the building goes up), Skip still thinks spending millions and millions of our tax dollars now is right.
Well...Skip is WRONG!
In fact, at the June 17th Board meeting, after receiving horrible financial news about the stability of our township, and the prospect of a $4.5 million general fund deficit, Skip wanted to press ahead with his campus spending project. Backed up by his political puppet Lisa Manzella (and boy did she make some really dumb statements at this meeting and previously), this "duo of doom" tried to push their police/court building.
The truth is that while the Shelby Township police do have the money to construct a new police department (size and costs remain a top concern), the court does NOT. As a result, court fees will have to go up substantially and even that may still not be enough to cover the costs. So, when all is said and done, the end result will be that taxpayers (you and I) will be paying more out of our pocket (higher millages/taxes) to subsidize the court.
Then, even if the police and court issue is settled, the REAL TROUBLE for taxpayers is the township's general fund. Deficits will appear in the next few years, as spending rises faster than revenue. If conditions worsen here in Michigan, the situation (dire enough already) will grow even worse. Here again, taxpayers will be asked to pay more because (by law) township's cannot run deficits.
Since this is such a huge issue with long-term impact on our pocketbooks, why isn't Skip as passionate about dealing with this as he is about building a multi-million dollar legacy to himself?
Common sense would say that if you are given a report about looming general fund deficits, instead of focusing so much on spending, you should address the deficit problem first. Trustee Jim Carabelli brought up this point on June 17th to try and refocus what the real priorities should be. Joined by Trustee Paula Filar and Treasurer Paul Viar, Carabelli said that the structural deficit in the general fund MUST be fixed first. To their credit, Trustee Dave Kady and Clerk Terri Kowal also agreed that the deficit deficiency MUST be addressed.
Look at it this way...
...If you were given a financial report showing that your family's finances were in danger, in fact that bankruptcy was staring you in the face, would you go out and celebrate by purchasing a Cadillac Escalade and a 500,000 square foot home? Would you invite all your family and friends to dinner at the most expensive restaurant in town? Would you extend your credit cards further with a whole new wardrobe, new shoes, and all the fancy bling you could find?
Skip has shown by his actions that to him, deficits and higher taxes are not a concern, and he would just keep spending and spending and spending.
But everyone else we know, who live in the real world, would say "wait, let's look at our finances first before we go broke."
The process IS broken...and Skip Maccarone broke it. Skip not only broke it, he smashed it into tiny pieces, stomped on it, and threw it into the dumpster.
Taxpayers have suffered enough. If Skip gets another four years, the nightmare scenario about deficits, and greatly higher taxes, financial figures which Skip disregards as "phantom" numbers, will be a substantial drain on our pocketbooks for decades to come.
This goes to show what happens when arrogant politicians like Skip Maccarone think they can get away with anything and do anything to anyone at anytime.
It also explains why when people give you good advice in life, you should heed their advice.
While we're talking about advice, my father once said that the best advice he ever received, and which he lived his entire life by, was this: "Always keep your word to people. Your word is your bond and without that, you have nothing. Keep your word, and you will have everything."
Taking my dad's life lesson into account, it is clear that Skip has NOTHNG - because his word means nothing any longer.
If you want to contact us, send a confidential e-mail to STOPSKIP08@AOL.COM.
Remember--election day is TUESDAY, AUGUST 5th.
The primary is when it all counts. So make sure you take the time to vote, and urge your family and friends to get out and use the power of the ballot box to bring positive change to the Shelby Township Supervisor's office.
Our township's future is our hands. Let's not sit on them this election year.
Sunday, June 22, 2008

We couldn't help but reprint the cartoon above. When we saw this, it made an immediate and direct connection between what Skip Maccarone is trying to do to our township and our pocketbooks, and why we CANNOT allow him to get away with it.
There is an old saying that "all politics is local" and this is certainly the truth. What is happening throughout our country threatens to impact all taxpayers in Shelby Township. Amazingly, while some politicians seem in tune with what is going on, Supervisor Skip Maccarone does NOT.
Back in the "good old days" when we moved into Shelby Township, our community was a vibrant and growing township. However, times have changed. As is the case with cities and townships across Michigan, we are struggling. Foreclosures are ripping apart the fabric of our community. Personal bankruptcies and job losses are undercutting our hopes for the future. And deficits are piling up, threatening the stability of our government and setting the stage for higher taxes.
During the June 17th Board of Trustees meeting, a CPA hired by the township to review our financial situation had alarming news. The Rehman Robson group reported that our township is teetering on bankruptcy. Our general fund is in jeopardy of suffering a $4.5 million budget deficit in just five years. If you add Skip's massive $23 million police/court palace, the deficit grows another $900,000 to $5.4 million.
DEFICITS? That's right. Who would have ever thought that our township would be facing such a serious financial disaster. The person most responsible for this mess is Skip Maccarone!
Okay, common sense would say that if we are facing deficits the elected official should stop spending NOW. However, what does Skip want to do? Go full steam ahead with his police/court building. As he said during a recent Board work session, if the township is going to have a deficit with or without the building, the township should just build it anyway.
What? We could not believe our ears. Okay everyone, take out your Skip BS deflectors again and put them on!
Getting back to the June 17th meeting....
After the CPA made his report, which was unanimously adopted by the entire Board (meaning that everyone acknowledges that our township is teetering on bankruptcy), Skip wanted to move forward with the police/court building. We could not believe that Skip, once again, was completely disregarding a report warning of enormous budget problems with the general fund. Skip even wanted to take a vote to proceed with the building...
Thankfully, Treasurer Paul Viar and Trustees Jim Carabelli and Paula Filar stepped up and said NO. Joined by Dave Kady and Clerk Terri Kowal, they put a stop to the building...for now. Several taxpayers came forth to speak about this, and only one individual (Mr. Dub Hearon) supported the $23 million building. As he did before, Mr. Hearon said the taxpayers should not vote on this, because (in Hearon's opinion) the people would not be informed enough to make an educated vote.
The overwhelming response to the Board at this meeting was NO on the police/court building...at least for now. Yet, Skip tried his best to deflect concerns as he tried to build support for his police/court building. Skip even tried to spin the building as a job creation initiative, pumping money back into the local economy. Nice try Skip...but we didn't bite.
It was VERY CLEAR after seeing our Board in action that Skip and his spending puppet Lisa Manzella could care less about taxpayers. They want to build their building now, and we agree with the resident who spoke about Manzella wanting a plaque on the building. Perhaps they will even propose to name the police/court building the Maccarone Justice Center!
Among the many concerned taxpayers who spoke out at the June 17th meeting was Mr. Richard Stathakis....the guy who is running for township Supervisor this year. During his brief yet pointed comments, Mr. Stathakis laid out some very clear reasons why, as he said, the process is broken. The process IS BROKEN...and Skip is the guy who broke it.
We watched the meeting and tried to catch what Mr. Stathakis said. Below is a summary of his remarks...at least what we were able to catch. After reading you will see why Mr. Stathakis is the BEST CHOICE for township Supervisor. Not only that, but after receiving and reading his two pieces of campaign literature, Richard Stathakis is not only the BEST candidate, he is the best hope of getting our township budget under control and dealing effectively with Maccarone's deficit legacy -- a legacy we will be paying for for many years to come (unless we vote to change in the Supervisor's office this year).
Mr. Supervisor and Board of Trustees…
I come here tonight with a message from not only myself, but from another concerned Shelby Township resident.
Her name is Mrs. Beverly Vigus. She has raised her family in Shelby Township and lived in the same house on 23 mile for 49 years.
She said that after paying taxes for 49 years, she deserves at least five uninterrupted minutes while I read her message, and mine in which she helped write.
As we talk about millions and millions of dollars for new township buildings, she wanted me to say this very clearly:
I come to you tonight also as a concerned taxpayer. I’m concerned because you, Mr. Supervisor, and some Trustees, are pushing to spend $23 million of our tax dollars without taking this to the people for a vote.
You have made it clear what you want for Shelby Township and what it will cost us.
But what do the people want?
There is something wrong with the process by which this police/court building has been handled.
We’ve already spent more than a million dollars on this building, and we’re still looking for answers to some very important questions.
Questions about size and need.
Questions about cost and how to pay for it.
Questions about the timing of this project.
Questions about whether it would be appropriate to phase in this construction instead of do the entire project at one time.
Most Shelby Township residents agree, as I do, that we need to improve our police station and courthouse.
However, they are troubled that your urgency to build this facility without a vote of the public seems to go against economic common sense.
We all believe in a first-class police department. We all support a courthouse large enough to conduct daily business.
It is the decision making process that is wrong here. The process is upside-down.
You, Mr. Supervisor, have been elected to work with the entire Board on issues impacting our community.
But when it comes to adding $23 million more to the backs of taxpayers, the people — the electors of this township - are the ones who should be making this decision.
In business, we plan carefully. We identify an issue or problem, compile a group vision with specific goals, and then build our team to carry it out. We call in experts during the PLANNING phase, so everyone’s questions can be answered fully.
Stockholders are also brought into the decision-making process before money is spent.
Only when the plan is fully understood do we proceed with implementation.
However, here in Shelby Township, there is a much different process.
The Supervisor gets an idea and pushes to make it a township idea.
He calls meetings to explain his idea and expects others to follow.
He proceeds with the plan before it has been fully adopted by the township team.
He spends millions on the concept, and then calls meetings after the money is spent to see if we can afford to spend what we just spent.
He then says the taxpayers should not have a right to vote.
The process is clearly broken.
I ask you to trust the people of this township and let us vote on spending $23 million for this police/court building. Put a business case together, present it to the stockholders — in this case the taxpayers — and let the people decide whether this is the right building of the right size at the right price and at the right time.
As a business owner, I understand the importance of including everyone and acknowledging that it all starts and ends with the customer.
The principles of running a township are not much different than running a business.
The customer, in the case of our township, is the taxpayer.
It starts with understanding what the people need and want, asking them to participate in the decision-making process, and delivering on those needs.
Let us have a public vote in deciding how to proceed with the proposed police and court campus. Let US decide OUR future.
What a powerful message! Now we understand why Richard Stathakis has such widespread support and appeal to voters in our township. Stathakis understands what Skip does not -- that the government is spending OUR money -- and so we deserve the right to vote. Anything less (such as Skip's refusal to put this to the people) is UNDEMOCRATIC. But we expect nothing less from Mr. Maccarone, who has earned a reputation as the "little dictator."
As this entry is being written, the August 5th township primary election is 44 days away. Time is running short, and very soon voters will have their say. Skip thinks he is invincible but as we said before, nobody is invincible. Politicians with such arrogant disregarding for taxpayers, not to mention an arrogant belief that elected office is their RIGHT, don't deserve our vote.
If you want to contact us, send a note to STOPSKIP08@AOL.COM.
Make your vote count this year, and on August 5th we will all have a giant farewell party as we tell Skip to pack up his things, turn in his keys, and don't let the door hit him in the behind as he leaves the township hall.
What a wonderful day that will be for taxpayers, and for our township!
P.S. To our loyal readers who have wondered where we have been...we have been working to get rid of Skip this election year. Sorry we haven't written in a while, but rest assured that Skip has not taken us out!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
In honor of Memorial Day we pause from our usual political humor and opinion about Shelby Township government for something much more important.
You may have already seen this commercial before. However, it is one of the BEST television commercials ever produced. This 60 second TV spot showcases, in a very human and emotional way, how most Americans feel about our men and women in uniform. Let us never forget them or the sacrifices that they, and their families, are giving for the cause of FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY around the world.
ENJOY...and please remember the significance of Memorial Day, and the cause for which these men and women serve our nation everyday.
It is the sacrifice of men and women in uniform who protect our democracy against tyrants of terror eager to destroy our cherished freedom.
We honor our fallen heroes from Shelby Township who have given their life in service to our nation in Iraq...
- Army Private Mark Barbret
- Marine Pfc. Tarryl Hill
- Army Pfc. Christopher D. Kube
We also send our prayers to the family and friends of Army Pfc. Alex Knapp who was seriously injured by an IED while on duty in Iraq.
You may have already seen this commercial before. However, it is one of the BEST television commercials ever produced. This 60 second TV spot showcases, in a very human and emotional way, how most Americans feel about our men and women in uniform. Let us never forget them or the sacrifices that they, and their families, are giving for the cause of FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY around the world.
ENJOY...and please remember the significance of Memorial Day, and the cause for which these men and women serve our nation everyday.
It is the sacrifice of men and women in uniform who protect our democracy against tyrants of terror eager to destroy our cherished freedom.
We honor our fallen heroes from Shelby Township who have given their life in service to our nation in Iraq...
- Army Private Mark Barbret
- Marine Pfc. Tarryl Hill
- Army Pfc. Christopher D. Kube
We also send our prayers to the family and friends of Army Pfc. Alex Knapp who was seriously injured by an IED while on duty in Iraq.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Visteon Plant Closing Highlights the Two Faces of Skip Maccarone!

Consistency is very important when you are an elected official. This is especially true when you are a publicity hound who uses the newspapers to try and sell your version of reality. Skip might not think people are reading and taking detailed notes, but he is wrong.
A previous INSIDE OUT posting talked about the closing of the former Visteon plant, and how, according to Skip Maccarone, this will have "no major shock to the system." Skip once said he is not an economist and given his statements on this plant's closing it is obvious that he not only is not an economist, but he has no real-world understanding of economics 101.
As we see it, Skip's political spin that losing hundreds of thousands of dollars in tax revenue will have no shock to the township is an attempt to downplay the true and lasting impact of this closing. His statements come at the same time that Skip is trying desperately to build support for his $50 million "campus" and the corresponding tax/millage/bond increase needed to build and operate it. Skip promises that he can spend more than $50 million to build and operate his campus without a tax increase. But listen very carefully, because like Bill Clinton, Skip Maccarone is another slick politician who is parsing his words very carefully.
The truth is that the plant's closing WILL impact on our township - and Skip even once admitted as much (even though he now is trying to gloss over the facts). For proof, check out this article from the February 11, 2007 edition of the Source Newspaper. When you read Skip's comments in this article, and compare them to what he said in the March 26th Macomb Daily, it is evident that Skip is having a strange economic debate with himself.
Back in 2007, Skip said, "The loss of that facility, of those jobs will have an impact on the tax revenue, and the water and sewer revenue." Later on in the same article, Skip said "It’s [the closing of the Visteon plant] certainly going to affect the township and, again, we don’t have a lot of tools in our toolbox at the local level."
Compare that with what Skip in the March 26, 2008 Macomb Daily. When he was asked by the report about the plant's eventual closing, Skip said the following: "There will be no major shock to the system."
Okay, so which is it? The plant closing is either going to impact our township (as we believe it will) or it will have no impact at all (which is what Skip wants us to believe). Given that Skip is a politician with an obvious spending agenda, we find his scenario difficult to swallow. How Skip can believe that our township can lose $400,000 in taxable revenue, not to mention a significant number of jobs and the spin-off economic impact they have, and not feel any negative fallout is beyond us.
Ask yourself what you would do if your family budget was cut by 2 percent or more. Would you just keep smiling and spending, or would you pause and be more careful with your spending? Skip is showing no concern at all, and recklessly keeps spending away as if the sky is the limit.
We once again want to thank Treasurer Paul Viar for telling it like it is, and for letting us know the real impact of this closing. It is refreshing to have elected officials like Mr. Viar who don't let their personal agendas get in the way of the facts, and who always makes it a priority to stand up for us - the TAXPAYERS.
Since he has taken both sides of this issue, it is hard to tell which side Skip believes is true. While Skip may be confused about this, taxpayers are not. We know this plant closing will impact our township, even if Skip now wants us to believe otherwise.
Given his conflicting statements, it is time for all of us to take out our Maccarone BS deflectors and get ready - because there is likely more BS ahead.
Remember, our e-mail address is stopskip08@aol.com. With your help on August 5th, we will STOP SKIP.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Shelby Township Taxpayers Finally Get Some Needed Relief...
...from Skip Maccarone's political BS that is!
If there is one thing we dislike more than overspending and overbearing politicians, it is politicians who don't tell it to us straight. They spin facts. They conveniently leave out parts of the story. They talk around an issue. Or they simply refuse to answer a question.
Whenever politicians do this, our ears ache. What about you?
For eight long years, Shelby Township taxpayers have listened to Skip Maccarone's lengthy diatribes on everything -- and we mean EVERYTHING. Ask a simple question, and you will get a lengthy answer. Nothing is simple or matter-of-fact in Skip's World (sounds like the making of another political parody - stay tuned!)
Ask around, and Shelby residents will be nearly unanimous in their opinion. Skip talks way too much ... listens too infrequently ... spends way too much ... doesn't welcome public input or ideas ... talks down to his fellow elected officials ... and (most importantly) feels that everyone must share his opinions. People who disagree with Skip, or who have a difference of opinion, are belittled as "misinformed", "grossly uninformed", "misunderstanding the process", "misrepresenting facts" ... or some other scholarly way for Skip Maccarone to tell us that we are just too dumb to understand.
Oh well - so it goes in Skip's world.
Shelby Township taxpayers have suffered for far too long - but don't fret because help is on the way.

Thanks to the Skip Maccarone Bullshit Deflectors, township taxpayers can now watch the Board of Trustees meetings in the safety and security of their home, without enduring the agony of listening to Skip's constant and nagging BS.
An INSIDE OUT reader tipped us off to these wonderful devices after finding this website: www.wiseass.org/bullshit.
These remarkable ear protection devices work like this:
Whenever you see that Skip Maccarone is about to start talking, take your trusty BS deflectors and place them directly over your ears. The sleek, 21st century design will effectively silence Skip's political BS.
The picture at right shows how these BS deflectors work. Here we see a military veteran protecting his ears during a political campaign speech.
After years of asking what we can do to counter Skip's nagging and never-ending BS, there is finally relief for our aching ears!
Wouldn't it be great if Shelby Township taxpayers came to the Board meetings wearing these wonderful inventions? What a powerful message that would send. However, if you don't have time to make it to the township hall to watch the Board meetings, independent research firms have proven that the BS deflectors work equally as well at home.
To get your own personal Skip Maccarone BS deflectors, just click on the image above and save it to your desktop. Then, simply print them out, cut them out, and put them on. These BS deflectors can be printed in any size, to accommodate any size ear. So now both you and your children can be properly and fully protected from Skip's political BS.
These BS deflectors are not only effective in silencing unwanted BS while worn correctly (please follow directions to guarantee proper performance), but since they are printed on 100 percent paper (or cardboard, whichever you decide), they are biodegradable and friendly to our environment - and everyone appreciates that.
For extra impact, you might want to print the out on BRIGHT YELLOW paper to let others know you are not going to tolerate Skip's BS any longer!
Taxpayers who have worn these are amazed at the response. When your neighbors see these ear protection devices, and hear for themselves how they reduce (or eliminate) the political white noise from Skip Maccarone, they will definitely want a pair of their own.
In addition, when worn correctly, at at the proper angle of sound displacement, these deflectors will bounce the BS back to Skip - giving him the chance to hear his BS for himself.
This public service announcement is just another way that we at the INSIDE OUT are working to protect your health, safety and welfare.
If you have an idea like this and would like to share it with us, drop us an e-mail at stopskip08@aol.com.
DISCLAIMER: If worn incorrectly, these deflectors may still permit unwanted Skip BS into your ear canal - causing a nagging headache, nausea and ringing of the ears. If these symptoms persist for more than two hours, or worsen over time, consult your physician immediately.
If there is one thing we dislike more than overspending and overbearing politicians, it is politicians who don't tell it to us straight. They spin facts. They conveniently leave out parts of the story. They talk around an issue. Or they simply refuse to answer a question.
Whenever politicians do this, our ears ache. What about you?
For eight long years, Shelby Township taxpayers have listened to Skip Maccarone's lengthy diatribes on everything -- and we mean EVERYTHING. Ask a simple question, and you will get a lengthy answer. Nothing is simple or matter-of-fact in Skip's World (sounds like the making of another political parody - stay tuned!)
Ask around, and Shelby residents will be nearly unanimous in their opinion. Skip talks way too much ... listens too infrequently ... spends way too much ... doesn't welcome public input or ideas ... talks down to his fellow elected officials ... and (most importantly) feels that everyone must share his opinions. People who disagree with Skip, or who have a difference of opinion, are belittled as "misinformed", "grossly uninformed", "misunderstanding the process", "misrepresenting facts" ... or some other scholarly way for Skip Maccarone to tell us that we are just too dumb to understand.
Oh well - so it goes in Skip's world.
Shelby Township taxpayers have suffered for far too long - but don't fret because help is on the way.

Thanks to the Skip Maccarone Bullshit Deflectors, township taxpayers can now watch the Board of Trustees meetings in the safety and security of their home, without enduring the agony of listening to Skip's constant and nagging BS.
An INSIDE OUT reader tipped us off to these wonderful devices after finding this website: www.wiseass.org/bullshit.
These remarkable ear protection devices work like this:
Whenever you see that Skip Maccarone is about to start talking, take your trusty BS deflectors and place them directly over your ears. The sleek, 21st century design will effectively silence Skip's political BS.
The picture at right shows how these BS deflectors work. Here we see a military veteran protecting his ears during a political campaign speech.

Wouldn't it be great if Shelby Township taxpayers came to the Board meetings wearing these wonderful inventions? What a powerful message that would send. However, if you don't have time to make it to the township hall to watch the Board meetings, independent research firms have proven that the BS deflectors work equally as well at home.
To get your own personal Skip Maccarone BS deflectors, just click on the image above and save it to your desktop. Then, simply print them out, cut them out, and put them on. These BS deflectors can be printed in any size, to accommodate any size ear. So now both you and your children can be properly and fully protected from Skip's political BS.
These BS deflectors are not only effective in silencing unwanted BS while worn correctly (please follow directions to guarantee proper performance), but since they are printed on 100 percent paper (or cardboard, whichever you decide), they are biodegradable and friendly to our environment - and everyone appreciates that.
For extra impact, you might want to print the out on BRIGHT YELLOW paper to let others know you are not going to tolerate Skip's BS any longer!
Taxpayers who have worn these are amazed at the response. When your neighbors see these ear protection devices, and hear for themselves how they reduce (or eliminate) the political white noise from Skip Maccarone, they will definitely want a pair of their own.
In addition, when worn correctly, at at the proper angle of sound displacement, these deflectors will bounce the BS back to Skip - giving him the chance to hear his BS for himself.
This public service announcement is just another way that we at the INSIDE OUT are working to protect your health, safety and welfare.
If you have an idea like this and would like to share it with us, drop us an e-mail at stopskip08@aol.com.
DISCLAIMER: If worn incorrectly, these deflectors may still permit unwanted Skip BS into your ear canal - causing a nagging headache, nausea and ringing of the ears. If these symptoms persist for more than two hours, or worsen over time, consult your physician immediately.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Shelby Township Loses $1.2 Million and Skip Maccarone Is Not "Shocked"

Instead of telling things like they are, Skip Maccarone has made political spin a priority. And when it comes to spending money, the spinning has gotten so out of control that we have all grown very dizzy.
Why does he do it? For political gain, of course. After all, if Skip were to tell the truth, that our township is facing tough times, that the township spends more than it collects, that financial management experts are weary about the future, and that we are taking from our township's reserve fund (savings) to balance the yearly budget, how would that look? What do you think taxpayers would say then about Skip's plans to expand township spending even further, with a massive new $50 million township "campus"?
• Whenever Skip is confronted with financial information showing the township is teetering on serious financial trouble, he always replies that he has different numbers which tell a different story. He even complains that the township's financial experts are using "phantom" numbers.
• Whenever Skip is challenged about the overgrowth of township spending, he shrugs off questions and says the township has a good bond rating and is in "sound financial shape."
• Whenever residents voice concerns about spending more than $23 million for a police/court building, and $50 million for Skip's "campus" (especially without a public vote), Skip says he can bond for the entire project and not raise taxes. He then goes on to tell us that HE was elected to make decisions like this, and we shouldn't worry because he has it all figured out.
• And whenever television and newspaper reports constantly report that Michigan, and local communities, are suffering a foreclosure crisis, Skip tells us not to worry because he believes things will improve later this year. (NOTE - experts dispute Skip's feel-good theory about Michigan's economic recovery).
What really amazed us was an article from the March 26, 2008 issue of the Macomb Daily. Inside this story, about how Shelby Township is going to lose hundreds of thousands of dollars when the ACH (former Visteon) plant closes this year, we find a smiling Skip Maccarone unfazed by the news. When asked about the closing of the Visteon plant, and the resulting lost tax revenue to our township, Skip answered:
"There will be no major shock to the system."
The article went on to report that over the last three years, the plant "has paid nearly $300,000 in real and personal property taxes to Shelby Township." So, in Skip's world, the loss of $300,000 is not a big deal.
FYI...Here is a link to the Wednesday, March 26th issue of the Macomb Daily.
Titled "Shelby officials ponder future of Ford plant", this article reports that the closing of the ACH (formerly Ford/Visteon) plant this year will have, in Skip's view, no major negative impact on our township, or on Macomb County in general. After reading this article, we wondered how our township could lose hundreds of thousands of dollars of tax revenue, and not suffer any impact? What concerned us even more was the fact that Skip Maccarone did not seem bothered by this plant closing, the lost jobs, and the lost revenue to our township.
Then, at the Tuesday, April 1st Shelby Township Board of Trustees meeting, the issue surfaced. This time, however, Shelby Township taxpayers got a much different perspective on this plant closing and the resulting financial loss to our township.
Township Treasurer Paul Viar used the meeting to set the record straight about the situation with ACH. As it turns out, Treasurer Viar reported that over the last three years our township did not lose $300,000, as Skip and the Macomb
We may not be math wizards, but isn't there a significant difference between $1,289,859 and $300,000? This news is shocking to us! What about you?
During the meeting, Treasurer Viar correctly said that a loss of such magnitude should be a shock to every elected official. He went on to describe, in detail, what the loss would be and how it would impact our township, the county and our schools. Thank you Treasurer Viar for telling it like it is and not using political spin (as Skip does) to try and disguise the truth.
Then, a few days ago, Treasurer Viar surprised us by sending an e-mail about this very same situation. We are posting it here for your reading pleasure...

As Treasurer, I believe Shelby Township residents deserve truthful information about their taxes. At the April 1st Board of Trustees meeting, I spoke about an article from the March 26th Macomb Daily.
This article was written subsequent to a meeting that Supervisor Maccarone held with Automotive Components Holdings (ACH) to discuss the future of the property at 23 Mile and Mound. For the record, the future of this property is important to every member of the Boar
In that article, the reporter erroneously said that during the past three years, the ACH (former Visteon) plant “has paid nearly $300,000 in real and personal property taxes to Shelby Township.” Mr. Maccarone was asked his opinion about this loss of revenue and responded “there will be no major shock to the system.”
Let’s examine the facts closely to see just how shocking they are.
Personal property taxes alone paid to Shelby Township by ACH (formerly Visteon), money for our township’s general fund, police fund, fire fund, and the police and fire pension fu
Instead, it was $1,289,859. The Supervisor may have a different take on this, but a loss off $1,289,859 to Shelby Township is certainly a shock to my system.
During that same three-year time period, ACH paid our schools $4,453,565. That included $2,970,000 to the Utica Community Schools, $407,854 to the Macomb Intermediate School District (MISD) and $196,954 to Macomb Community College, and state education taxes totaled $878,651. In addition, ACH paid Macomb County $516,000 in taxes, not including thousands of dollars for the SMART bus tax and a County Park tax.
All combined, during the past three years ACH has paid more than $6 million dollars in combined taxes to local and county government. Yet, the Supervisor tells us losing this amount will not shock our system? Using $100,000 per teacher as a basis, ACH paid the salaries and benefits for 16 teachers. Ask officials at the Utica Community Schools if they can afford to lose 16 teachers without a shock to their system?
Although the Supervisor tried to challenge the accuracy of these amounts at the April 1, 2008 Board of Trustees meeting, I want you to know that these figures were taken directly from the tax rolls. The Supervisor claimed at that meeting that the numbers that he has are different than what I reported.
When it comes to spending township tax money, when it comes to concerns about expanding township budgets, and when we discuss spending upwards of $50 million for a new township “campus”, the Supervisor never shows a concern. He always has his own independent set of financial figures that he uses to support whatever political issue serves his agenda. He even discounts official figures compiled by our township’s Financial Management experts.
This is not the first time I have raised concerns about the ACH plant. I don’t know whom the Supervisor thinks will make up this $6 million shortfall. Shelby Township taxpayers and homeowners should be worried when a loss of this magnitude is brushed off as “no major shock to the system.”
The ACH plant is scheduled to close later this year, and when it does, we will all be shocked.
A loss of over a million dollars to the township, more than $4 million lost to schools, and hundreds of thousands of lost tax dollars to Macomb County, should be a shock to the systems of every elected official.
Paul Viar, Shelby Township Treasurer
QUESTION: When will this madness stop?
ANSWER: When we kick out Madman Maccarone and elect a new Supervisor who will put OUR priorities ahead of personal ambition.
So what should the future of this vital piece of property be?
That is a very good question, and one which our ENTIRE BOARD OF TRUSTEES should be involved in helping find the answer. Skip has tried to paint himself as the savior here, but given his past performance Skip Maccarone is the LAST PERSON taxpayers want involved in making these key decisions. Therefore, we strongly encourage all Trustees to get involved to help find a realistic and workable solution for this valuable property.
As Skip told told the Detroit News on Saturday, December 16, 2006, the property where the Visteon plant is now needs to remain industrial to help with our township's financial base. We agree with this sentiment, and hope the township does everything possible, working with officials from Macomb County and the State of Michigan, to keep it industrial.
Truthfully, the last thing Shelby Township needs right now is for some private developer to purchase the land and rezone it from industrial to residential. Look around. There are more than enough homes in that area of the township (Van Dyke and Mound from 22 Mile to 23 Mile) right now. We don't need a whole bunch of more homes glutting an already overbuilt housing market ... homes that would likely go unsold, adding little value to our township.
Check out this link from MSNBC which highlights the ongoing housing slump, and how it does not appear that this crisis will end any time soon. There is a message here for Skip Maccarone, but we doubt very much that he is listening ... or that he even cares.
The fact is that the closing of the ACH plant will have a shocking impact on our township. The mere fact that Skip Maccarone does not see it this way should alarm all of us.
This is also why, when given the chance to vote on Tuesday, August 5th, we need to send Skip Maccarone packing.
Maybe THIS will shock Skip’s system!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
When Supervisor Skip Maccarone Gets Caught Lying, Why Doesn't He Just Stop Talking?

This cartoon appears on the website for Michael Flynn, candidate for Shelby Township Trustee.
When we saw this we immediately broke out laughing. How truthful and how appropriate. Skip Maccarone sleeping at the wheel of a snowplow, while an outraged township resident vents her anger at being stuck in the snow.
This cartoon brilliantly explains why Shelby Township motorists were stuck in the snow this past winter. It also explains why people are outraged that on a simple issue like snow removal, Skip Maccarone could not help people who are paying his "grossly under-compensated" [his words] salary. See previous INSIDE OUT posting.
Although the snow which blanketed our township has melted, Supervisor Skip Maccarone's lack of leadership on the issue of township snow removal remains a sore point for taxpayers. Residents stuck in the snow this past winter are angry, and rightfully so.
Back in 2001, the Road Commission of Macomb County offered to help townships with snow removal during heavy storms. Shelby Township didn't take the Road Commission up on this offer, and this past winter we paid a heavy price.

We're not buying it! As we see it, this is not miscommunication. This is not a misunderstanding. What we have here is misrepresentation of reality by Skip Maccarone in an effort to save his political behind.
This snow mess came to light during a February 28, 2008 work session of the Board of Trustees.
WE HAVE ATTACHED SOME EXCERPTED MINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY 28, 2008 MEETING FOR YOU TO READ. Click on the graphic for a larger version. If you want a complete copy of these minutes, contact the Shelby Township Clerk's Office at 731-5102.

Another interesting point involves the videotape. Yes, the meeting was taped by Shelby TV. However, we understand that the tape has mysteriously vanished. Could it be that somebody didn't want the public to see for themselves what happened at this meeting? Something smells here, and NO it is not the garlic we had for dinner!
At this meeting, the Board met with officials from the Macomb County Road Commission. This is when taxpayers discovered that the County Road Commission floated the idea of helping with winter snow removal seven years ago. Macomb County Maintenance Superintendent Bob Mykytiak confirmed that the discussion with Maccarone did take place in 2001, but unlike Chesterfield Township and Clinton Township, Shelby Township (more to the point Supervisor Maccarone) turned down the offer
Township Clerk Terri Kowal discovered that the Macomb County Road Commission did extend such an offer to townships, and Chesterfield and Clinton accepted. She made this announcement during a televised Board of Trustees meeting (and you could tell Skip wasn't very happy). Mrs. Kowal was visibly upset that Shelby Township (more accurately, the Shelby Township Supervisor) did nothing. As a result of Skip's inaction, her office got flooded with phone calls from angry taxpayers whose cars got stuck in the snow.
When pressed about this by Trustee Jim Carabelli, Skip confessed that he did know about this arrangement with the Road Commission and that discussions did take place in 2001. He did that at the March 4th, 2008 Board of Trustees meeting.
An official at the Macomb County Road Commission has said (publicly and privately) that Shelby Township was one of the communities the Macomb County Road Commission offered to help way back in 2001. So then is Skip calling the Road Commission a bunch of liars?
Somebody is lying -- but we seriously doubt it is the Road Commission!
When you consider this situation in its entirety, you can see why other township elected officials are so upset.
Why did Skip Maccarone ignore an offer of free assistance from the Road Commission seven years ago?
Why did Skip not inform his fellow Trustees that an offer of snow assistance was made to Shelby Township?
Was Skip sleeping at the wheel?
Was Skip preoccupied with his massive $50 million township "campus?"
Was Skip more concerned with wasting our precious tax dollars establishing his one-horse "mounted division?" The horse has since left the pasture - and with it our tax dollars!
Did Skip have more important work to tend to, such trying to resolve the dispute between the City of Sterling Heights and Hillside Productions (Freedom Hill) by offering his legal expertise?
Whatever his excuse, the bottom line is that, here again, Skip failed to do the job that we elected him to do. This time, while complaining that Shelby Township doesn't get its fair share of revenue sharing dollars, Skip turned a deaf ear to an offer of FREE help!
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that Skip Maccarone dropped the snowball.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Oxiclinton: The Solution Disgruntled Democrats Are Looking For
A good friend of ours (a Democrat by the way) sent us this video. Seems that our friend is very unhappy with the choices in this election.
We hope you enjoy it as much as we did!
After receiving this, we invited Dean to come and join the "other party" in this year's election. Surprisingly his response was: "Already considering doing just that. Senator McCain is like the grown up in this race. While Hillary and Barack bicker about who is more liberal, McCain is going ahead and outlining his plans and vision to move our country forward."
Competitive elections are very good for democracy. Sure, incumbents like Supervisor Skip Maccarone who feel their office is their birthright may not like competitive choices, but WHO CARES! The people are in control...and that is a fact that control-freak politicians hate.
We remain hopeful that Shelby Township voters will have a choice in this year's Supervisor's election. God knows we deserve it. After eight long years of being talked to death by Skip "know it all" Maccarone, we need a change. We need someone willing to listen, willing to work with others, and (most importantly) willing to put the people's agenda ahead of personal ambitions.
Election day is fast approaching. To sign up for our campaign to dump Maccarone, send us a note to stopskip08@aol.com.
P.S. We received a nasty e-mail a few days ago from an obvious Maccarone supporter (hey Skip, was this you?). Anyway, this misguided person just doesn't understand the reality of life today in Shelby Township. After belittling us as trailer park trash and telling us to pack up and move our trailer to Flint, this individual further demonstrated their level of intellect by claiming, with certainty, "Skip will win."
LOL...with a huge OL.
If you ask us, sounds like this sad individual could use a double-dose of Oxiclinton themself. We wonder if this is the same person who wrote to us a few weeks ago proclaiming to be a liberal Democrat supporting Skip, and saying that Skip will win?
Regardless, thank you (whoever you are) for your very thought-provoking and insightful e-mail and for taking time to read our blog! ;-)
We here at the INSIDE OUT will always stand up for your right to free speech - even if your hero Skip Maccarone does everything he can to silence it.
We hope you enjoy it as much as we did!
After receiving this, we invited Dean to come and join the "other party" in this year's election. Surprisingly his response was: "Already considering doing just that. Senator McCain is like the grown up in this race. While Hillary and Barack bicker about who is more liberal, McCain is going ahead and outlining his plans and vision to move our country forward."
Competitive elections are very good for democracy. Sure, incumbents like Supervisor Skip Maccarone who feel their office is their birthright may not like competitive choices, but WHO CARES! The people are in control...and that is a fact that control-freak politicians hate.
We remain hopeful that Shelby Township voters will have a choice in this year's Supervisor's election. God knows we deserve it. After eight long years of being talked to death by Skip "know it all" Maccarone, we need a change. We need someone willing to listen, willing to work with others, and (most importantly) willing to put the people's agenda ahead of personal ambitions.
Election day is fast approaching. To sign up for our campaign to dump Maccarone, send us a note to stopskip08@aol.com.
P.S. We received a nasty e-mail a few days ago from an obvious Maccarone supporter (hey Skip, was this you?). Anyway, this misguided person just doesn't understand the reality of life today in Shelby Township. After belittling us as trailer park trash and telling us to pack up and move our trailer to Flint, this individual further demonstrated their level of intellect by claiming, with certainty, "Skip will win."
LOL...with a huge OL.
If you ask us, sounds like this sad individual could use a double-dose of Oxiclinton themself. We wonder if this is the same person who wrote to us a few weeks ago proclaiming to be a liberal Democrat supporting Skip, and saying that Skip will win?
Regardless, thank you (whoever you are) for your very thought-provoking and insightful e-mail and for taking time to read our blog! ;-)
We here at the INSIDE OUT will always stand up for your right to free speech - even if your hero Skip Maccarone does everything he can to silence it.
Friday, April 11, 2008
More Notes From Our E-Mail Files...

Seems like people are outraged that Skippy, Tony and Bobby (the Three Township Stooges) have climbed aboard the County Executive bandwagon. This bothersome threesome has joined other prominent Democrats in pushing for a County Executive modeled after the one held by their political friend, Wayne County Executive Robert Ficano.
This time, we will be sharing with you some more e-mails we have received from INSIDE OUT readers. Our blog has prompted people around the County, and indeed around the country, to see the truth about Skip "The Liberal" Maccarone. While he talked like a conservative -- talk is cheap. The fact is that Maccarone spends money faster than taxpayers can pay it. His current and future spending jeopardizes the long-term financial health of our great township.
(1) "Hey Truth Guys. I love the Three Stooges. Who couldn't. Having Skip portrayed as the overbearing bully Moe fits him to a tee. Keep up the great work!"

We understand that this entry, and our blog in general, has ruffled a few feathers. If that is the case, GREAT! We want to keep our holier than thou Shelby Township Supervisor on his toes. Unchallenged, people like Skip tend to get to overconfident and arrogant. Some even think they are entitled to remain in office as long as THEY want. Sorry, but the decision about how long a politician remains in office is up to the VOTERS ... and your time is almost up Skippy!
(2) "I am a taxpayer in Harrison Township, and your Three Stooges idea was a big hit with people here. Our Supervisor Forlini is as bad as yours in Shelby. He, too, is an arrogant and overbearing jerk. Must take after his hero, Maccarone! Do you know of any similar blogs for Harrison that we might find useful in our bid to get rid of Curly Forlini this year?"
Sorry, but no we don't. But we will keep our eyes and ears open, and if we stumble across one we will pass it along. Also, we will be happy to provide any technical assistance to help others who want to hold politicians accountable for their actions.
(3) "Skip Maccarone has to go, that is a given. We need a change in the Supervisor's office. But do you know if anyone is going to run against this moron?"
We haven't heard of anyone running yet. But we can't believe that a screw up like Skip would run unopposed. Somebody has to come forward to accept the challenge to bring new ideas to our township. God help us all if Skip gets re-elected. If you think his arrogance and his overspending are bad now, just wait to see will happen in our township is Skip wins again. Worse yet, if Skip's handpicked candidates for Treasurer, Clerk and Trustees win as well (Maccarone is actively organizing a slate of "Pro-Skip" candidates right now) then all bets are off about how high spending will go...and how high taxes/millages/fees/assessments etc. will have to go up to support Skip's spending. Our township, our families, our businesses and our collective pocketbooks CANNOT afford four more years of Skip Maccarone.
EDITOR'S NOTE: We have since discovered, from a search of the Macomb County Clerk's Election Department records, that a man named Richard Stathakis is running for Shelby Township Supervisor. Thank GOD somebody has decided to take on Maccarone. We will have more about this in a future entry. Until then, we encourage all INSIDE OUT readers to find out more about Richard Stathakis and (more importantly) join up to help him win in 2008.
(4) "How can the township be spending so much money? Look around and you see vacant offices and buildings everywhere. Great Lakes Hobby and Train even moved out of Shelby and into Sterling Heights. Does anyone care?"
Supervisor Maccarone doesn't care. He just wants to keep on spending as if the economy is buzzing right along. Skip's budgets (and Maccarone prepares the budget) have grown every year. At the same time, taxes and fees paid by us have also grown. Is it a coincidence that at the same time that the fees/taxes/assessments paid by homeowners and business owners have risen, so has the township's budget? What would happen to the township if the money dried up? Where would Skip get the money to support his increased spending????
(5) "I can't believe the township stripped all the trees along Smiley Drive. My neighbors are furious. And yet, we still earn recognition and honors as a Tree City USA? Did anyone tell the group that gave us the award how the township stripped the trees? What a joke!"
The cutting down of the trees for Skip's "campus" was wrong. The township (aka Skip) didn't follow proper procedures. A site plan should have been approved first, and then the trees cut down. But here, the trees were cut down before a site plan was approved. THE PROCESS IS SCREWED UP. Skip is in such a hurry to get his $23 million (or probably more) police/court center built that, as he sees it: "damn the process, full speed ahead!"
If a private developer (us) tried to do what the township did in cutting down all these trees, we would be fined, or worse. Heck, Skip might even get one of his FBI buddies to open an investigation into what occurred. But the township cuts all the trees down, and gets away with it. In response to angry residents, Skip says that no trees were cut down that weren't supposed to be cut down. We seriously doubt that. Why else would Skip tell residents that he could move trees from one portion of the campus grounds to another. If trees were not illegally removed, why would Skip even mention playing a shell game with trees -- shifting them around from one area of the township grounds to another. Yah, like that's gonna' happen!
An interesting side note: Skip went on Shelby television complaining about how a private electrical contractor was clear-cutting trees near power lines. Yes, clear cutting of trees is bad for our township, but isn't there a bit of Skip hypocrisy (hereafter to be called Skipocrisy) here? The township clear cuts trees which abut residential homes and the response from Skip is that it needed to be done to build his campus. Then, a private developer clear cuts trees near power lines and Skip gets angrier than a hungry black bear in the spring. Go figure!
(6) "Thanks for taking the time to care about what is going on in Shelby Township. To me, Skip comes across as an angry politician. I remember when he made all kinds of promises about teamwork, cooperation and the like. Now, he just another lying, spending, and scheming politician."
What more can we say? That sums it up quite nicely, and is a perfect way to end this entry. Hey, are you interested in joining our INSIDE OUT blogger team?
These are but a few of the many e-mails we have received recently. As the 2008 campaign season heats up, rest assured that we will be watching, taking detailed notes, and expressing our views and opinions about Skip Maccarone.
If you have something you would like to share with us, especially as it relates to the township campaign to oust Skip Maccarone on August 5th, send us an e-mail to stopskip08@aol.com.
Unlike Skip Maccarone, we welcome your ideas and your insights for getting our township back on the right track. It will take some work, but we remain optimistic that VICTORY FOR THE PEOPLE is just a few months away.
(4) "How can the township be spending so much money? Look around and you see vacant offices and buildings everywhere. Great Lakes Hobby and Train even moved out of Shelby and into Sterling Heights. Does anyone care?"
Supervisor Maccarone doesn't care. He just wants to keep on spending as if the economy is buzzing right along. Skip's budgets (and Maccarone prepares the budget) have grown every year. At the same time, taxes and fees paid by us have also grown. Is it a coincidence that at the same time that the fees/taxes/assessments paid by homeowners and business owners have risen, so has the township's budget? What would happen to the township if the money dried up? Where would Skip get the money to support his increased spending????
(5) "I can't believe the township stripped all the trees along Smiley Drive. My neighbors are furious. And yet, we still earn recognition and honors as a Tree City USA? Did anyone tell the group that gave us the award how the township stripped the trees? What a joke!"
The cutting down of the trees for Skip's "campus" was wrong. The township (aka Skip) didn't follow proper procedures. A site plan should have been approved first, and then the trees cut down. But here, the trees were cut down before a site plan was approved. THE PROCESS IS SCREWED UP. Skip is in such a hurry to get his $23 million (or probably more) police/court center built that, as he sees it: "damn the process, full speed ahead!"
If a private developer (us) tried to do what the township did in cutting down all these trees, we would be fined, or worse. Heck, Skip might even get one of his FBI buddies to open an investigation into what occurred. But the township cuts all the trees down, and gets away with it. In response to angry residents, Skip says that no trees were cut down that weren't supposed to be cut down. We seriously doubt that. Why else would Skip tell residents that he could move trees from one portion of the campus grounds to another. If trees were not illegally removed, why would Skip even mention playing a shell game with trees -- shifting them around from one area of the township grounds to another. Yah, like that's gonna' happen!
An interesting side note: Skip went on Shelby television complaining about how a private electrical contractor was clear-cutting trees near power lines. Yes, clear cutting of trees is bad for our township, but isn't there a bit of Skip hypocrisy (hereafter to be called Skipocrisy) here? The township clear cuts trees which abut residential homes and the response from Skip is that it needed to be done to build his campus. Then, a private developer clear cuts trees near power lines and Skip gets angrier than a hungry black bear in the spring. Go figure!
(6) "Thanks for taking the time to care about what is going on in Shelby Township. To me, Skip comes across as an angry politician. I remember when he made all kinds of promises about teamwork, cooperation and the like. Now, he just another lying, spending, and scheming politician."
What more can we say? That sums it up quite nicely, and is a perfect way to end this entry. Hey, are you interested in joining our INSIDE OUT blogger team?
These are but a few of the many e-mails we have received recently. As the 2008 campaign season heats up, rest assured that we will be watching, taking detailed notes, and expressing our views and opinions about Skip Maccarone.
If you have something you would like to share with us, especially as it relates to the township campaign to oust Skip Maccarone on August 5th, send us an e-mail to stopskip08@aol.com.
Unlike Skip Maccarone, we welcome your ideas and your insights for getting our township back on the right track. It will take some work, but we remain optimistic that VICTORY FOR THE PEOPLE is just a few months away.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Skip Maccarone Leaps Aboard the County Executive Bandwagon

The most recent example of this involves efforts to create a Macomb County Executive.
There has been plenty of debate, discussion and disagreement about a County Executive - both this year and in years past. It was put on the ballot for voters several years ago, and was soundly defeated.
Times have changed, or so we are told. Now, enter Skip Maccarone and his entourage. For some strange reason, Skip wants people to believe that his experience as a lawyer gives him some sort of unique perspective on this very controversial issue. He has tried to portray himself as some kind of local expert on the subject of a County Executive. This is the same self-promotion he launched in the newspapers a few years ago, when he offered himself as some kind of legal expert in the battle between Sterling Heights and Freedom Hill. To their credit, officials in Sterling Heights were quick to respond "thanks, but no thanks!"
As reported in recent editions of the Detroit Free Press, the Detroit News, and the Macomb Daily, Shelby Township Supervisor Ralph (Skip) Maccarone, Harrison Township Supervisor Anthony Forlini, and Sterling Heights Mayor Richard Notte urged residents to support the County Executive form of government, which they say is vital for Macomb County.
When we saw this headline, our first inclination was "okay, this is April 1st...so this must be an April Fools Day prank." To our dismay, it was not. Turns out that the joke is on US. Amazingly, Skip Maccarone has now put himself front-and-center in supporting a big government Macomb County Executive.
We've said it before, and will say it again: Skip Maccarone is just another big government taxing and spending politician.
"I think the people should at least explore this by advancing it to the next level," said Maccarone, adding that an executive would bring jobs, businesses and more accountability to the county.
Skip Maccarone and others who support the creation of a County Executive want us to believe that having one person run everything would be better. Really? They want a strong figure, like they have in Wayne County, claiming it would be much better for Macomb taxpayers. Really?
• We are told (by Maccarone and others) that a County Executive will stop the erosion of jobs from Macomb County. Really? How? By waving a magic wand, saying "abracadra" and ending the internationalism of the economy and the movement of jobs to other countries? How? By single-handedly bringing thousands of jobs back to Macomb County? Not even an elected County Executive could pull that rabbit out of his or her hat.
• We are led to believe (by Maccarone and others) that a County Executive will have powers that the current Board of Commissioners does not have to eliminate the County's enormous deficit? How? By raising taxes (or fees, or assessments, or some other term for tax)? In our opinion having one individual in charge of making these important decisions makes those of us who value our hard-earned tax money nervous.
NOTE: Macomb County's current tax allocation is 4.56 mills, and it only levies 4.2 mills -- one of the lowest in the state. Creation of a County Charter would allow for a new County tax ceiling of up to 10 mills. That's more than a 100 percent increase in allowable taxes! Even though that higher tax ceiling is not required, it is more likely than not that Macomb County taxes will go up under a County Executive. After all, history has shown, time and again, that when given the opportunity politicians will raise taxes. There is a variety of reasons (excuses) they use to justify the increases, but nevertheless, THEY RAISE TAXES.
Here is one scenario for how this might happen in Macomb County. The Charter Commissioners that write the Charter for the County Executive form of government include a tax increase of some amount to run the modified and "improved" governmental structure. Having this Commission do their dirty work will give elected officials political cover. The elected officials will respond that we need the County Executive, and will say that they are not the ones proposing a tax hike, it is the Charter Commissioners. They will claim that the Charter Commission studied this issue very thoroughly, and as elected officials they are only following through with what the Charter Commission proposed. They will then likely deflect talk of the tax increase, pointing instead to the many "positive" benefits of their County Executive. They will do this over and over and over in attempt to drown out any opposition to their big government tactic. Make no mistake about it — the individuals who are spearheading the County Executive are skilled political operatives. They will use every tool in their toolbox to get what they want.
• We are told (by Maccarone and others) that a County Executive will create jobs. This is actually partly true. However, what kind of jobs? It is more likely that any jobs created by a County Executive will be for government bureaucrats working directly for this new County Executive, or any of the departments that he or she will oversee. Macomb County's government payroll will skyrocket (thus the need for higher taxes). Can you say political patronage?
Macomb County taxpayers working in the "real world" (outside government) understand that jobs are created by the private sector. Government officials (like a County Executive) DO NOT create jobs - except, that is, for government jobs. All this propaganda about how a County Executive will create jobs is a just that: PROPAGANDA.
• We are told (by Maccarone) that the current 26-member Board of Commissioners is "too divisive to serve in a leadership role" (Macomb Daily, 4/1/08). In that same article, Skip goes on to say that the County's "power is diluted by its inability to have a unified voice."
We find this comment from Maccarone very interesting. When it comes to divisiveness and the lack of a unified voice, Skip should know. For eight years, he has been the most divisive voice on the township Board of Trustees. He has refused to work with others on the Board, preferring instead to press ahead with his own very costly political agenda. As we see it, Skip Maccarone is too divisive to serve in a leadership role!
Shelby Township needs a unified voice to move our community forward. Our township's greatness is diluted because the Board of Trustees is not speaking with a unified voice. Look at the soccer dome fiasco. Look at the $50 million "campus" (which Maccarone proposed without discussions with other officials). Look at the way Skip belittles and intimidates residents at Board meetings (remember the "peanut gallery" comment?). Watch how Skip operates on a daily basis, and you will see for yourself what a divisive person he really is.
The Macomb Daily pointed out that Maccarone joined four other so-called "Republicans" in opposing the GOP’s anti-County Executive push. The other three in this Gang of Four were Clinton Township Supervisor Bob Cannon; Harrison Township Supervisor Anthony Forlini; and Macomb Township Supervisor John Brennan.
Why would Skip and Co. rebuff their own party on a crucial issue like this? Could the answer be because it is NOT their party? If you ask around, you will discover that Macomb County Republicans don't actually consider at least three of these four men to be real Republicans.
Consider the following:
- Clinton Township Supervisor Robert Cannon was once a Democrat who served as Clinton Township Trustee. Cannon changed political parties only when he decided to challenge an incumbent for Supervisor.
- Harrison Township Supervisor Anthony Forlini is a Republican by title only. He is not active in the Party and does not attend Republican membership meetings. Not only that, Harrison Township taxpayers complain that Forlini is a very divisive and negative factor on the Harrison Board of Trustees. In fact, one Harrison Township official recently stated at a Board meeting that Harrison Township is secretly being run by Skip Maccarone.
- Shelby Supervisor Skip Maccarone is not a real Republican. He is one in name only. Skip is not active, and does not attend GOP meetings. Besides that, the way Skip has spent, and continues to spend, our tax money is enough to make a liberal Democrat blush.
- Finally, there is John Brennan. As Supervisor of Macomb Township Brennan may be the only true Republican on this list. However, he has changed positions over the years to reflect changing voter demographics in Macomb.
This is certainly a hot political topic with long-term ramifications for our County. The Macomb County Republican Party recently passed a resolution opposing a Wayne County style Executive (as proposed by Democrats) for Macomb County.
Here is how the Macomb GOP's resolution reads:
Macomb County Republican Party's County Executive Resolution
Whereas, the Republican Party has always been dedicated to the democratic principle that government should be of the people, by the people, and for the people;
Whereas; Macomb County has been recognized for the 26th consecutive year as the top Michigan county for providing cost effective innovative services and with a long history of fiscal responsibility earning it a AAA credit rating;
Whereas; Operating as a General Law County Macomb has demonstrated its ability through strong financial management to weather difficult times while maintaining one of the lowest millage rates in the state as well as one of the lowest per capita debt rates in the nation, thus preventing an additional tax burden on its residents;
Whereas; The Macomb County Republican Party recognizes that any additional tax burden and spending would only compound the impact to the citizens of Macomb County; and that budget cuts should be used to provide a balanced county budget;
Whereas; a group known as ‘Charter = County Executive’ has successfully completed a petition drive in support of a vote focused on transforming Macomb County government from its current General Law form into a Charter Wayne County model (the only such model in the state of Michigan);
Whereas; The Macomb County Republican Party opposes the efforts of ‘Charter =County Executive’ based on:
· This model facilitates a tax cap increase whereas other models do not.
· The failure to address the millions of dollars needed to hold ‘charter’ elections.
· The misinformation regarding the increased administrative costs with an additional layer of government and impact on fair representation by all residents.
· Additional costs associated with payment to charter commissioners, staff and professional staff.
· This group misrepresents ‘choice’ by only promoting the charter form of government.
· This model could be presented to the voters in May which has historically been one of the poorest attended election dates.
Therefore; The Macomb County Republican Party opposes the efforts of ‘Charter =County Executive’ in promoting “Charter Form” of county government.
The idea of a Macomb County Executive is something the Maccarone family has supported for a quite some time. When Skip's wife ran for Macomb County Commissioner in 2004, she campaigned in support of the County Executive. We found that to be a rather awkward position for Mrs. Maccarone, who simultaneously claimed to support smaller government.
If you have something you would like to share with us, send us an e-mail to stopskip08@aol.com.
Ideas and insights from citizens like you are vital to keeping our democracy vibrant and strong.
Whereas; Macomb County has been recognized for the 26th consecutive year as the top Michigan county for providing cost effective innovative services and with a long history of fiscal responsibility earning it a AAA credit rating;
Whereas; Operating as a General Law County Macomb has demonstrated its ability through strong financial management to weather difficult times while maintaining one of the lowest millage rates in the state as well as one of the lowest per capita debt rates in the nation, thus preventing an additional tax burden on its residents;
Whereas; The Macomb County Republican Party recognizes that any additional tax burden and spending would only compound the impact to the citizens of Macomb County; and that budget cuts should be used to provide a balanced county budget;
Whereas; a group known as ‘Charter = County Executive’ has successfully completed a petition drive in support of a vote focused on transforming Macomb County government from its current General Law form into a Charter Wayne County model (the only such model in the state of Michigan);
Whereas; The Macomb County Republican Party opposes the efforts of ‘Charter =County Executive’ based on:
· This model facilitates a tax cap increase whereas other models do not.
· The failure to address the millions of dollars needed to hold ‘charter’ elections.
· The misinformation regarding the increased administrative costs with an additional layer of government and impact on fair representation by all residents.
· Additional costs associated with payment to charter commissioners, staff and professional staff.
· This group misrepresents ‘choice’ by only promoting the charter form of government.
· This model could be presented to the voters in May which has historically been one of the poorest attended election dates.
Therefore; The Macomb County Republican Party opposes the efforts of ‘Charter =County Executive’ in promoting “Charter Form” of county government.
The idea of a Macomb County Executive is something the Maccarone family has supported for a quite some time. When Skip's wife ran for Macomb County Commissioner in 2004, she campaigned in support of the County Executive. We found that to be a rather awkward position for Mrs. Maccarone, who simultaneously claimed to support smaller government.
If you have something you would like to share with us, send us an e-mail to stopskip08@aol.com.
Ideas and insights from citizens like you are vital to keeping our democracy vibrant and strong.
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